Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/313685-Letting-Go-Chapter-2
by Kidis
Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #881715
Melinda&Karina are friends&law partners. They both find love when they least expect it.
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#313685 added November 10, 2004 at 3:13pm
Restrictions: None
Letting Go Chapter 2
Karina walked into the office late Thursday night. She was surprised to see Melinda there with Liz.

“Hey guys what are you both doing here so late?”

“Just getting some things squared away before my trip tomorrow. I don’t want to come back to triple the amount of work.”

“I just have no life so I offered to stay and help,” Liz said chuckling.

“That’s right tomorrow is your trip with your mystery man. Come on Melinda how come you are so secretive about him.”

“I am not. I just don’t want to make such a big deal I’m planning on taking this relationship slow.”

“You call going to St. Martin after knowing someone for a little more than a week taking it slow.”

Melinda laughed, “I see your point but we are going to get to know each other better by spending some time away from our everyday lives.”

“I’m sure you’ll get to know each other real good while you are down there.” Liz could barely finish her sentence from the laughter.

“Well, I didn’t think you would turn on me also Liz. I expect this behavior from Karina but not from you.”

“Come on, you walked right into it. “

Melinda turned Liz’s way laughing. “Yea I certainly did. What are you doing here so late?”

Karina dropped her briefcase on the floor and plopped on the couch, “I dropped my car off at the mechanic so Mario is picking me up from here and taking me home. When are you back from your trip?”

“Monday afternoon, I’ll be back in the office on Tuesday. Liz has the number of the hotel I am staying at just in case there is an emergency.”

“Great! Well I should get my stuff together. We know how Mario is when he is kept waiting.”

Before Melinda could say anything Mario came walking into their office.

“Hello” Liz said as she walked passed him on her way to the ladies room.

“Hi!” He mumbled a hello to Melinda also who responded with the same back.

“I take it you are not ready.”

“I just need a minute to gather my papers.”

Mario had heard what Karina had said but he didn’t want to say anything in front of Melinda he couldn’t stand her interfering in their relationship. He continued to pace back and forth as Melinda reviewed some files.

“Ok! I am all set.” She walked over to Melinda and hugged her, “Have a great trip don’t worry about anything just have a good time.”

Melinda would not let go of her. She had a bad feeling about letting her go with Mario he seemed angrier than usual but there was really nothing she could do.

“Thanks!” she said trying hard to smile. She was having a very uneasy feeling in her stomach, “Have a great weekend and I’ll see you on Tuesday. Good night Mario.”

“Good night!” he replied back. He walked out of the office and Karina followed.

Melinda sat back down just staring into space she couldn’t shake that uneasy feeling.

“You know I hate to say this but he really is an asshole,” Liz said as she walked back into the office.

“I think we have established that.” Melinda responded.

“I know. But you should have heard what he was saying to her as they got onto the elevator. He must have heard what Karina said about keeping him waiting and he was just ripping into her I really don’t know why she stays with him.

“I don’t either. She’s such a great person she deserves better. I just hope she is ok. He seemed even angrier than usual. I wish I could have stopped her from going home with him.”

Liz sat down on the couch, “You know its times like these that I am glad I’m single.”

Melinda smiled, “Yea I know what you mean.” Before she could go on her cell phone rang.”

“Melinda Malone!” she said as she answered her phone.

“Hey beautiful! How are you?”

“Hi Jake, I’m good and you?”

“Good! I’m still at the studio just touching up some things we recorded today.”

“Cool! Am I going to get a chance to listen to some of it soon.”

“If you behave! Maybe I’ll let you listen to a song or two.”

Melinda laughed, “Your cute! Funny! But cute! Anyway hun! I’m still at the office. Can I call you when I’m on my way home.”

“Actually I’ll call you I’m probably going to be here a few more hours.”

“You think you’ll be that long. It’s already eight o’clock.”

“Yea, Kyle is still laying some guitar tracks and when we are on a roll we don’t like to stop we just keep going until we can’t any longer.”

“I see, well I’ll let you go. Call me when you get home no matter what time it is.”

“You got it! Hopefully it won’t be too late. I still have to pack.”

“I’m sure you are an expert in packing with the amount of traveling you do.”

Jake laughed, “Yea, I am. Ok, I’ll talk to you later. Bye!”

Melinda hung up the phone. She sat there for a minute smiling.

“Let me guess, that was the infamous Jake.” Liz said as she got up from the couch. She was sitting there the last few minutes relaxing as she listened to Melinda’s conversation.

“Yes it was. He has to be to good to be true. He is so sweet I can’t even tell you.”

“From what you have said he sounds it. So are we ever going to meet this prince charming.”

Melinda giggled, She knew that Liz was familiar with Requisitions music and would probably flip out if she knew who Jake was. “If all goes well you will meet him. Anyway I just have a few more things why don’t you call it a night and I’ll see on Tuesday.”

Liz stretched as she yawned, “Ok! She hugged Melinda, “Have a great time!”

Melinda sat there for a minute hoping that all went well this weekend. She was beginning to really care for Jake and the more she cared for him the more nervous she got. She knew how these rock stars were they had women throwing themselves on them.

“You’re going to drive yourself nuts!” she blurted out loud. She tried to put her thoughts out of her mind so she could finish up and go home.

Karina lay there on the floor of her bathroom sobbing. As the tears streamed down her face she slowly tried to pat them down. She didn’t want to dare look in the mirror to survey the damage that had been done she could feel the pulsating in her face. She continued to sob as she went over in her head for the umpteenth time what had happened.

As soon as they got on the elevator Mario had begun yelling at her. He had heard what she said about how he didn’t like to be kept waiting. She could still here him yelling he hadn’t stopped the entire way home. She had kept her mouth shut most of the way knowing that whatever she would say would not make things better. She knew how he got when he was angry and he just needed to blow off some steam. By the time they had arrived home he wasn’t saying a word. She had hoped that you would just drop her off and leave but he didn’t. Once they were inside the house he had begun yelling again this time he was even angrier than before. Karina tried to calm him down but no matter what she said or did no matter how many times she apologized there was no way to get him to stop. Finally she had opted to just walk out of the room. She couldn’t stand to be in the same room as he ranted and raved.

As she changed in her room he entered and pinned her up against the wall. Her hands were pinned above her head and he was pushing all of his weight up against her. She couldn’t get free. More tears began to form as she thought back to what he did next. He then proceeded to call her a whore and a tramp and to scream at her how Melinda was nothing more than a jealous bitch that was trying to sabotage their relationship. As she shook her head no he grabbed her by the hair pushing her on to the bed. He pinned her down again continuing to scream at her. As she tried to fight back he began laughing. She couldn’t believe how sadistic he was. There was only one other time he had over reacted in their relationship and he had promised that it would never happen again. She had tried to get up but he was too strong for her. She could here the words echoing in her head you stupid bitch you don’t know how lucky you are to have a man like me. Who else would put up with you it’s not as if your some great catch. She began to cry and the more she cried the more he would yell at her. Stop crying you baby he kept screaming and before she knew it he slapped her twice in the face and shook her so hard that she couldn’t breathe.

She managed to pull herself up from the bathroom floor she walked out into her bedroom laying on her bed. He had left right after hitting her she laid in bed sobbing until finally she just fell asleep.

“Hey gorgeous,” Melinda heard as she answered her phone. She was just finishing up packing her bags.

“Hey Jake! Finally home!”

“No, I just left the studio. I figured I’d quickly stop and pickup something to eat go home pack and head to bed. The limo is picking me up at 5:30 we should be by you a quarter to six.”

“Hunny! Do you want me to come over and make you something to eat? You can only get fast food right now that’s not good for you.”

Jake smiled, he couldn’t believe how great she was offering to come over at 11pm to cook him dinner.

“No, sweetie you get some sleep. I’ll be fine.”

“Ok! But it would be no trouble at all.”

“Your too sweet! But Melinda I am going to let you go. I will see you tomorrow bright and early. Sweet Dreams.”

“Ok Jake, drive safely. Goodnight bye!”

She hung up the phone and crawled into bed. She closed her eyes in anticipation to the wonderful weekend she was going to have.

Jake hung up the phone smiling he couldn’t’ wait for tomorrow he knew that this weekend would be one he would never forget.

Karina awoke the next morning with the sun beaming upon her face. She could feel the soreness in her face as she got up. She had fallen asleep last night with an ice pack on her face to help the swelling go down. She had never looked in the mirror to see how bad it was. She was too distraught with everything to deal with the physical damage he had caused. She looked up at the mirror in the bathroom and saw that her face was still slightly swollen and bruised. She touched her face and pain went rushing to her head. She sat down on her toilet seat shaking her head back and forth. She still couldn’t believe what had happened last night how things had gotten so out of control. She knew she had to call Liz and let her know that she wasn’t planning on coming in today. She was so happy that it was Friday and she had the weekend to let her face heal. There was no way she could face anyone looking like this. She would call her mechanic and see if they could drop off her car. She crawled back into bed not wanting to deal with anything today. She closed her eyes and tears began to form again. She knew that she couldn’t be with Mario even if she did love him. She didn’t deserve this no one deserved to be treated like this. She pulled the covers over her and fell back asleep. She wasn’t ready to deal with reality at the moment.

Melinda waited silently as Jake checked them into their hotel. Their flight was uneventful the way she preferred it. They had arrived on time and a car was waiting to take them to their hotel. Jake had been the perfect companion. The limo had arrived at a quarter to six and Jake was sitting in it with a large cup of coffee. They didn’t say much on their way to the airport it was too early in the morning for conversing. Melinda had slipped right into his arms resting her head on his chest. She had dozed off a few times and had noticed that Jake had also. By the time they arrived at the airport they were a little more awake. Their plane was on time and they had chit chatted about work and his new album. He was so excited about it and was so glad to share his thoughts with Melinda. Melinda smiled as she waited for him she still couldn’t believe that she was here and with Jake Jackson.

“We are all set.” Jake said grabbing hold of Melinda’s arm.

“Great!” She replied. They were silent as they were escorted to their rooms. Melinda was too busy looking around at all the activities available at the hotel.

“Are you ok?” Jake asked as the walked on to the elevator.

“”I’m fine! Just taking everything in. This place looks great a lot of things to do. I’m going to need a vacation from my vacation.”

They arrived on their floor and were escorted into their room. Melinda waited for her room but the bellhop had unloaded everything in Jake’s room. She reluctantly walked in not wanting to make a scene in front of him. Jake tipped him and he was gone.
Before Melinda could say anything he took her by the hand and walked over to one of the doors. He opened the double doors revealing a bedroom with a King size poster bed. He led her to the other end of the room and opened the next set of double doors revealing a second bedroom identical to the first. Melinda smiled he had gotten them a two bedroom suite.

“I always keep my promises, that’s something you have to know about me.”

Melinda felt stupid, it was obvious he had seen the look of concern on her face. She didn’t say a thing she didn’t know what to say to him.

“Well, I’m going to go unpack and get ready for the pool,” Melinda said letting go of his hand. He pulled her back close to him kissing her.

“Ok! Just needed one to tie me over for a bit.”

She smiled and walked into her room. A Few minutes later they both emerged in their swimwear. Melinda was wearing a cover up not wanting to walk around the hotel in her bikini. Jake was wearing his swim trunks a tank top and had a towel draped over his shoulder. They walked out of their room and made their way down to the pool. Melinda looked for two empty lounge chairs the pool was pretty crowded. Jake had made sure to put his sunglasses on hoping no one would recognize him. The sat down and Melinda unzipped her cover up. Jake sat there for a moment not saying a word. He knew Melinda had a beautiful body but seeing her in her bikini reinforced it. Melinda noticed him staring.

“Is there something wrong?”

Jake shook his head, “No, everything is just fine.”

Melinda blushed knowing what he was referring to.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. You just look incredible. I better watch out that no one try’s to steal you away from me.

Melinda smiled. The waiter walked over and took their drink order. Melinda normally did not drink this early in the day but she figured she was on vacation and she needed something to help her unwind. They sat there soaking in the rays in silence. Melinda was startled by the waiter as he approached them with their drinks. She tapped Jake on the shoulder but he just breathed heavy at her. She signed for the drinks and put them down Jake had already fallen asleep. She closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

It was a little after four when Liz closed the office. She grabbed the files that she knew Karina needed and headed to her house. She figured she would call when she was close to Karina’s home to let her know she was stopping by. She hummed to one of Requisitions songs as she drove through the empty streets. In no time she was heading down Karina’s block she picked up her cell phone and called her.
“Hello” Karina said.

“Hey Karina it’s Liz. I’m just pulling into your driveway I have some files that I know you need and something to eat.

Karina panicked how was she going to hide this bruise from Liz. She couldn’t refuse to open the door for her she would arouse more suspicion. She jumped out of bed. She had not left it all day. She had barely eaten anything and the thought of food made her sick to her stomach. To her surprise Mario had not called her to apologize and that hurt her even more. She knew that she would never forgive him and what he did to her was inexcusable. But deep down inside she still loved him and it hurt that he didn’t even care enough to call and apologize. She walked towards the mirror looking at her face. She would just tell Liz that she fell and injured herself and was to embarrass to tell her because she felt stupid. She opened the door as she saw Liz walk up her driveway.

“Hi!” Karina said answering the door cheerfully.

“Hi! What happened.” Liz said touching Karina’s face.

“Oh! I fell last night off of my step stool I was to embarrassed to tell you this morning I feel like such a fool.”

Liz nodded, she didn’t know if she should believe her or not. She didn’t want to pry into Karina’s life but she wanted to make sure she was ok.

“Well does it hurt much?”

“Only when I lean on it while I’m sleeping. It should be gone in a few days.”

Liz put down the files she was holding, “I don’t want to bother you any more than I have just wanted to drop these off. If you need anything Karina do no hesitate to call me I am free all weekend long so it won’t be a problem.”

Karina stood there for a moment a part of her just wanted to start crying and tell Liz to stay but the other side of her was to embarrassed.

“Ok then,” Liz said walking towards the door, “Have a good weekend see you on Monday.”

“Thanks again,” Karina said.

Liz closed the door behind her as Karina stood there she really did not want Liz to go she needed someone to talk to. She sat down on her couch and her eyes began to fill up with tears the pain she felt was unbearable. How would she get threw this she knew that he didn’t belong in her life she just needed the strength to overcome him.

Melinda awoke to the blazing sun. She looked at her watch as saw she had fallen asleep for about an hour she turned towards Jake’s direction and saw that he was still sleeping. She nudged him a few times but he didn’t wake. She signaled for the waiter and ordered two fresh drinks for her and Jake and a large bottle of water. Within minutes the waiter was back with everything Melinda took a sip of her drink and smiled. She stood over him opening up the bottle of water and pouring it all over him. Jake jumped up and out of his chair startled by the cold water. When he became fully aware of what had happened he yanked off his sunglasses shaking his head. Melinda could see that he was contemplating his next move. She figured it would be stupid to wait around she slowly began backing away from him before she knew it he was running after her chasing her around the pool. The few people that were at poolside watched as he grabbed hold of her picking her up and tossing her in the pool. Melinda swam up pointing her finger at him mouthing this is not over. Jake stood there laughing. Jake watched as she got out of the pool. She looked even sexier wet. The bathing suit was clinging to her highlighting more of her figure. Melinda walked by him grabbing her towel and wrapping it around her. Jake wrapped his arms around her kissing her on the neck. Chills went down her spine at the touch of his lips on her neck. He turned her around kissing her softly on the lips.
“How about we go get something to eat?” Jake said as he grabbed hold of her hand.

Melinda nodded and they went back into the hotel.

Karina laid on her couch watching a romantic movie on TV. She sighed as she watched the couple on the TV profess their love to one another. She leaned her head back. The swelling had begun to go down and her spirits had slowly begun to lift. She just didn’t understand how things had escalated to where they were. She had never thought she would be involved in an abusive relationship she just didn’t fit the mold of an abusive woman. She chuckled as if there was some kind of specific woman that gets beaten. She just never saw herself as weak and pitiful. She focused again on the movie. Somehow she would get through this and she knew that Melinda would help her every step of the way. She had thought about calling her but she didn’t want to worry her. She knew how Melinda was she would be on the next flight back. Karina smiled and it had been the first time since everything escalated that she smiled. She was so happy to have Melinda in her life.

It was Melinda and Jake’s last night at the resort. He had arranged for a gourmet dinner to be served on the balcony. The last few days with Melinda had been wonderful. He was falling for her more and more.

“What’s wrong?” Melinda asked as she saw the gloomy look on his face.
He pulled her into his arms. I’m just sad that by this time tomorrow we will be back to our busy lives. These last few days have been wonderful.”
Melinda smiled and leaned closer kissing him passionately deeply. They both smiled, as they pulled apart. He motioned to the table and they sat down as the waiter served their first course. They chatted about his new album and his band mates and how he couldn’t wait until she met them all. Melinda spoke about her law practice, Karina and how her assistant loves Requisitions music. Their conversation flowed back and forth as if they were two old friends sitting at dinner. There was never any silence between them.

When the last dishes were taken away and they were alone in the suite again. Melinda stood up staring at the breath taking view. She didn’t want this night to end. Jake put his arms around her as they both stared at the ocean. It was so peaceful and calm. She giggled as he nibbled on her neck. He turned her around, kissing her she could feel her knees buckle. She had never had anyone make her feel this way. His hands were caressing her back. The passion between them was overwhelming. He carried her into his bedroom gently placing her on the bed. He stared into her eyes as he began to unbutton her shirt. His hands began exploring her body as he became more aroused. He wanted to touch every part of her body he wanted to feel her close to him.
“Melinda, your drive me insane. I can’t hold back any longer.”
“You don’t have to my love, I can’t fight what I am feeling I want to be so close to you I want to feel your body against mine. Make love to me Jake.”
Jake stared deep into her eyes kissing her as they became one.

Melinda awoke the next morning glowing Jake was still sleeping next to her. She lay there for a few moments thinking about the last few days she had never expected to feel this way about Jake. She couldn’t wait to tell Karina and Liz. She knew Liz would absolutely freak about that she was dating Jake. She closed her eyes remembering last night and smiled. The phone rang and Melinda knew it was there wake up call. Jake leaned over picking up and dropping the receiver. He turned around and when he saw Melinda lying next to him he smiled.
“Good morning, gorgeous”.
Melinda leaned on her arm propping her head up, “ Good morning, How did you sleep?”
“Wonderful, “ he replied, he pulled her close to him softly kissing her on the lips. If only we could lie here in bed all day.” Melinda smiled with a devilish grin, “Why don’t we spend the entire day in bed. I’m not ready to let you go.”
Jake pulled her into his arms kissing her, “Well, that’s kind of hard since our flight leaves in 3 hours.” Screw going home today, “I told you Jake I’m not ready to let you go.”
Jake smiled, “I see! Well I guess I should be a gentlemen and make the ladies wish come true.
Within minutes he had his travel agent on the phone changing their reservations. Melinda kissed him. “Wow a girl can get use to this kind of attention.” What Melinda didn’t know that Jake was thinking how much he could really spoil her. If she had only known how he feels every time she smiles.
He drew Melinda into another kiss and they were both lost in their own world.

It was Monday evening and Karina was sitting behind her desk working. She had waited until she knew the office would be empty before she came in. The bruise on her face had begun fading but the emotional scars would take a long time to heal. She was reviewing a brief when a man standing in her office suddenly startled her.
“I’m sorry to disturb you. I’m Kyle Jake’s friend.”
Karina thought for a moment, “ Oh yes! Is Melinda ok?”
“Actually I was wondering if you heard from them. Jake was suppose to be at the studio tonight and he never showed up.”
Karina smiled, “Melinda called in this morning they decided to stay an extra day. I believe they’ll be back…Hold on a moment I will go check my secretary’s scheduling book.
Kyle waited patiently for Karina to return. He glanced around the office everything had seemed to be in perfect order. He hadn’t expected to see someone as beautiful as Karina. When she looked up and stared at him he had become mesmerized stumbling with his own words. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of loud voices from the reception area.
“I told you to get out Mario, There is nothing left to say.” Mario laughed, “You stupid fool what makes you think you can get rid of me. I call the shots in this relationship.” He grabbed her by both of her arms glaring into her eyes.
“If I was you I would let go of the lady.” Kyle took a step closer. Mario let go of Karina pushing her into Kyle. “So I see you have a new lover already. Well I am surprised but he’ll leave you soon enough no man is stupid enough to stay with you. I mean you’re a nobody a nothing.
Kyle’s blood began boiling how dare he speak to her like that. How could any man speak to a woman in such a horrific manner.
“Karina has asked you to leave. If you don’t want any trouble then I suggest you get out of here.”
Mario laughed, “Look you’ve found a knight in shining armor to protect you. Hahahahahaha!” Karina stood there horrified she couldn’t believe this was happening again.
Mario lunged forward to grab Karina again only to meet with Kyle’s fist. Karina stood there frozen not believing the events that were playing before her. Mario lay on the floor holding the side of his left face. “I can press charges for assault.”
“Why don’t you try let’s see which one of us lands behind jail for assault.
Mario stood up, “She’s not worth all this. I mean she’s nothing more than a pitiful, ugly, stupid bitch. “
Karina turned around trying hard not to cry. How could she ever go on with her life if Mario never allowed her to.
Kyle took a step closer to Mario, “I suggest you get the hell out of here right now.”
Mario turned around not saying a word slamming the door behind him.
Kyle stood there for a moment playing over the last 5 minutes. What the hell did he get himself involved in. He turned around to say goodbye to Karina when he saw her standing them paralyzed from fear. He took a few steps toward her putting his hands on her shoulders. She didn’t move. But Kyle could feel her body shaking.
“Everything is ok now. You don’t have to be scared anymore.”
Karina didn’t say a word she just began crying. Kyle couldn’t stand there seeing her like this. He turned her around hugging her tightly.
“Please, I won’t allow him to hurt you again. You have my word” Kyle didn’t know why he was promising to protect her but something inside of him was hurting seeing her in pain.
For the first time in a very long time Karina felt safe and secure. She stayed in his arms for a few minutes before reality set in. She pulled away from him apologizing.
“I’m sorry that you had to involve yourself in all this. Thank you for all your help.”
“No need to thank me. I just don’t understand why people behave the way they do.” He followed Karina into her office sitting on her couch. For a few minutes he watched her dry her tears and pull herself together. He wanted so much to hold her and make her feel secure. He didn’t understand all the feelings that he was having.
“Ok” he heard her whisper to herself.
“Again, thank you for all your help. Melinda and Jake will be back late tomorrow afternoon. I’ll leave a message for my secretary to tell her to have Jake call you tomorrow. Karina stood up figuring Kyle would leave now.
“I’d appreciate that. I just got a little nervous it’s unlike Jake to miss a studio session.”
Kyle sat there smiling at Karina, as she stood there confused on why he was still there. Why hadn’t he run out already.
“If you don’t mind Karina I’d like to walk you out I just don’t feel right leaving you here alone.
“I’ll be ok. I don’t want to hold you up. I have a few more things to do here.”
“Actually I don’t mind waiting at all. I no longer have any plans tonight. I would love to take you out to dinner.”
Karina smiled she couldn’t believe this handsome man was asking her out. Even after everything that had just happened. Before Karina could respond Kyle chimed in, “That settles it I’ll sit here and read this magazine while you finish up. Kyle began reading the magazine, as Karina stood there unable to move. Finally she snapped out of it and went back to work.
About and hour had passed and Karina finally began packing up. They hadn’t spoken but they both kept looking at one another.
“Are we ready to go?” Kyle said grabbing Karina’s briefcase from her hand.
“I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for so long I tried to finish up as quickly as possible. “ They walked out of the office and onto the elevator down to the parking garage. Kyle walked her to her car, “I know a really good Italian restaurant near here is that ok with you?”
Karina nodded,” That’s fine. I’ll follow you so we won’t have to come back this way for my car.”
“Ok! I’m the black hummer. “ Kyle walked towards his car smiling all the way there. He didn’t know what was happening but he sure liked how he was feeling. Karina waited patiently as the shiny black hummer drove passed her. She turned on the radio attempting to drown out Mario’s voice. Why would Kyle be interested in her? He was handsome, kind and very outgoing. He must pity me is all she thought and her happiness turned to sadness. Why had she accepted his dinner offer it was obvious he was just being polite. Before she knew it they had pulled into the parking lot of Le Serena. She pulled down her mirror applying some lipstick. Why bother she heard echoing in her head your so damn ugly nothing can help. She punched her steering wheel trying to drown Mario’s voice out of her head. She took a deep breath grabbing her purse before she could open her car door. Kyle opened it extending his hand to help her out. He tucked her hand under his arm as they strolled into the restaurant. As they approached the Maitre d’ Karina noticed the huge smile on his face, “Mr. Mathews, its always a pleasure to see you. Your usual table sir?”
“Yes, Giuseppe that will be fine.” They were quickly swept away to a private room that would only sit 10 people or so. They were handed their menus and the maitre d’ scurried away.
“I hope this place is to your liking?”
Karina blushed she didn’t understand why they were swept away to such a secluded part of the restaurant. She drifted off staring at Kyle trying to figure out what was going on she was missing a piece from the puzzle. She repeated in her head Kyle Mathews and finally it clicked. He was the guitarist of the infamous band Requisition.
“Karina, are you ok?” she heard Kyle asking.
“Yes, I’m fine. I can’t believe I did not recognize who you were. I’m sorry Kyle. I guess with the events that just happened and Melinda never mentioning who Jake was.
“Is it a problem?” he nervously asked.
“Karina laughed, “Not at all. I was just very confused with what was going and but now it all makes sense. You must think I’m incredibly clueless.”
“Not at all Karina, Actually it’s a nice change someone not recognizing who I am. When Jake and I formed our band we just wanted to get our music heard. I don’t believe either of us ever thought we would become so successful. I can’t tell you how great I felt the first time I heard our song on the radio, I will never forget that feeling of allowing the world to hear what we were feeling. But now 5 years later and so many hits I wonder whatever happened to those naïve young men playing in their parent’s garage dreaming of becoming rich and famous. I now this is a cliché but it does get lonely when you reach this level of success. You never know who’s really being honest and truthful with you. You’re always second-guessing everyone’s actions.
Karina grabbed Kyle’s hand, “It must be hard not knowing what people’s real motives are.”
Their waiter interrupted them asking them for their order. Karina pulled her hand away wondering why she had grabbed his hand. He must think I’m a star struck fool she thought to herself. As Karina ordered Kyle sighed he felt like an idiot complaining about being rich and famous she must think I’m such a pompous asshole he thought.
“I’m sorry,” Karina heard as soon as the waiter left them.
“For what?” she responded, “For sitting here and complaining about how terrible my life is. Who am I kidding I know I’m fortunate I guess I should just see things from a positive perspective. Sometimes life just gets to complicated.”
“I think the problem is Kyle that people from the outside who are looking into your life think it’s perfect. But nothing is perfect we all live in glass houses and at any moment it can shatter around us. We all have our problems and life brings a different set of problems to each person. Who is anyone to judge whose problems are more important than someone else’s. I think we need to acknowledge to ourselves that life is not easy it wasn’t meant to be. We all choose our paths in life and its time we all step back and understand that happiness, sadness; anger etc. is a part of life.” Karina looked up into his eyes and saw something in them that she had forgotten existed understanding. It’s been a long time for her that someone actually cared enough to listen to her opinions. “I guess Kyle what I am trying to say is that there are many things in life that are out of our control but to allow someone to hurt you, anger you and make you happy is your own choice and no one else’s.”
Kyle smiled, “Your absolutely correct and I choose to make myself happy in life.”
Karina laughed, “She felt relieved for the first time in a long time she felt free from all of her burdens. “I choose to make myself happy also.”
Kyle grabbed her hand kissing it gently, “I’m sorry for all you’ve gone through.”
Karina nodded her head. She didn’t want to further discuss her relationship with Mario she wasn’t ready for that. Dinner was served and they chit chatted about music, movies and all the things that make them happy in life.

© Copyright 2004 Kidis (UN: xaramou at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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