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When humans kill a fairy, his wife seeks revenge against the species. Book 1 FINISHED! |
Bright silver moonlight softly illuminated the rocky ground. In the silence, all Kyrin could hear was the crunch of her own footsteps on the small rocks. The last preparations were finished hours ago. Now everyone slept. For many it would be the last time they ever dreamed in their home. In a few hours they'd be awakened, eat breakfast, and say their good-byes. Then everyone in the army would be rushed into formation. And they'd march. They'd march until they came to the western countries. And then Hona, Chereck, and Neral would be destroyed. Kyrin stopped to gaze over the sparkling ice. ****************************************** "I finally came to what felt like the ends of the world. For most of my journey through the eastern parts of the human realm, I was forced to cloak myself in invisibility. Many interesting creatures occupied these lands, but they were very hostle toward me, so I hid myself... I came to a range of mountains and almost gave up. But I forced myself to find out what was on the other side." Mara fell into silence. "It was like nothing I've ever seen," she continued. "Before my eyes sat a large city. Every building was made out of some kind of black rock. The ground was covered in it too. The buildings were all kinds of shapes and sizes; and beautiful pictures and designs were carved into their walls. "There were so many creatures walking the streets. Some I knew from books, but many I had never seen. I left the city and then there was nothing but rocks. Yet, the road continued on. I followed it and soon saw something in the distance. When I was close enough, I saw that it was an enormous castle made entirely of rock and... and ice! The sight of it made me completely forget everything. At that moment, my invisibility spell broke and I was spotted. "I was chased by creatures in armor. They kept yelling, "Human! Human!" I ran around the castle and was able to stay one step ahead of them. I was sure I would escape, but suddenly I was running on ice. I slipped and fell and couldn't regain my balance. I prepared myself to fight them off when she appeared. She looked just as I remembered. ********************************************* Kyrin knew the woman on the ice was a Fauye. Why a Fauye was there was the only question in her head. "What are you doing here?" She demanded. The woman stared at her with big green eyes. Was she deaf? "What is your purpose?" She asked. "To... to find you..." the woman said. Kyrin was taken back for a moment. To find her? Why? This must be the doing of her family. "Tell the Polante-Gnights I'm alive and well," Kyrin told the woman. "You can stay here one night, after that you must be gone." She turned to leave. "Wait!" The woman called after her. Kyrin had no patience for some messenger girl. There were much more important things to be done. "Show her to a room," Kyrin ordered as she walked off the ice. "No, please, wait! Mother please!" Kyrin stopped. Who was she calling mother? Certainly not her! "Mother, I've traveled for so many years trying to find you. Please... I just want to-- talk..." The woman said. "I don't know what kind of spell you're under," Kyrin said turning around to face her, "but I am not your mother." "But I'm your daughter..." "My daughter is a little girl who is home with her family." "You ARE my family!" The woman said loudly. "Don't you see? I'm grown now Mother, and have been for years!" Kyrin looked the woman up and down. She did her green eyes and dark hair and... and Serio's nose?! "Mara?" She whispered. How could she have been so blind? It was not as if time stopped in the Fauyen world, yet she had always thought of her daughter as a little girl--just as she had left her. But here in front of her stood a woman. "Mara?" She said again, still having a hard time believeing it. "Yes, Mother," she said. "You came all this way, just to see me?" Kyrin asked. "Of course!" Mara cried slipping on the ice as she made her way to her. Then Mara arms were tighly around her body and the girl was sobbing. "I'm so glad I finally found you! So glad! So glad!" Kyrin could not remember the last time anyone had touched her. It felt so strange. Part of her wanted to shove her away, the other part wanted to throw her arms around her. Instead, she stood there, arms at her sides, as Mara tightly embraced her. Finally, Mara let go. "Let's go inside," Kyrin said, quietly. ********************************************** "Those next few weeks were so happy," Mara told her Fauyen audience. "I don't recall many of the details, but Mother and I spent a lot of time remembering our lives before Father's death. She inquired after my magical abilities and began teaching me some new things. We were so happy to be together again. Mother didn't smile very often when I was little. But during my stay with her, she smiled every time she saw me! She even laughed sometimes at the stories I told her of the parties we had here after she left. Of course, they were mostly stories of how I messed up those parties. I'd have been perfectly content to spend the rest of my days there with her. And she wanted me to stay too, but... But something happened. And here my memory is so fuzzy-- All I really remember is that I upset her somehow and then I remember being ver afraid. She was so angry! But I can't remember why! The next thing I can recall is wandering around looking for something... Looking for someone..." ****************************************** Kyrin turned away from the cold, silent ice. Slowly, she made her way back to her castle. The guards at the doors stood up straight as she approached. They opened the heavy doors for her and she passed through barely seeing them. The castle was pitch black, most of the torches had flickered out hours ago.The darkness didn't stop her. She'd walked these corridors in the dark plenty of times. Soon she was in the room she wanted. She flicked her wrist and all the torches and candles in the room were lit. Her blinking eyes needed a moment to adjust to the sudden brightness. She knew she ought to get some rest, but sleep eluded her. It had for the past four years, ever since Mara-- Even now rage coursed through her blood. How could she betray her own family like that?! Kyrin pounded her fist on the table where a map of the human world lay. "Where?!" She shouted, looking from country to country. As it did every night-- the day Mara told her, their last day together-- came rushing upon her. They had gone around the city growing beautiful flowers. It was Mara's idea. She thought the black stone was too gloomy. She had learned healing and growth from Serio's parents. And although Kyrin thought it was silly, she allowed Mara to teach her how to grow flowers. It took them a week to do, but when they were finished the city did look more cheerful. They came back to the very room she was now in. Mara kept looking at herself in the huge mirror that hung on the wall. It was the mirror Kyrin used to speak with Shad. Since Shad was in a mirror, they figured out that they could communicate through other magic mirrors. Kyrin had created this one herself. But she didn't tell Mara what it was for. As far as Mara was concerned, it was a beautiful piece of decoration. Yet on that day, Kyrin wanted to change all that. She loved her daughter's company so much, she wanted to be with her always. With her daughter at her side, they could easily take revenge on their beloved Serio. "Do you see this map?" Kyrin had asked her. Mara walked over to the table and looked at the map. "Yes." she answered. "It is a map of the human world." Mara studied the map for a moment. "I see," she said, "there's Hona and Shanan... Chasilin, Talis, and... OH! There's Brovan! And Ecknosh and the sea..." Her finger glided over the map. "Why are these countries in red, while the others are brown?" She asked of the eastern lands. "The red is for blood and death," Kyrin said. "These are the countries we have demolished." "We?" Mara looked up. "The Kandors and I," Kyrin said. "Almost two hundred years ago I placed a curse on all humans. They will face the same fate they gave to your father-- murderous death!" "Not all humans," Mara said. "What do you mean? Of course all humans. Soon every person of human descendent will be dead and the fanstastic creatures will once again rule the world!" "But you've already killed the men who killed father, haven't you?" Mara asked. "Of course. They were first." "Then there is no need for anymore killing." "No need?! Do you know how they tried to kill off the creatures?" "Yes, but--" "And that they tried to kill me?" "No! I didn't, but that doesn't mean we should--" "Mara, I thought you wanted to join me." "I do, Mother, but not like this. I mean, the humans can't even protect themselves from you. It's not fair." "Fair!" Kyrin said loudly. "Was it fair of them to kill your father and be the cause of our pain? Remember Mara, if the humans hadn't killed your father, he and I would still be with you in the Fauyen world." Mara had told her that was the only thing she wanted-- to have her family again. Kyrin smiled as Mara bent her head down. She knew she would see it her way. "Look Mara," Kyrin said with a sigh, "I must do this. You know that a curse must be fulfilled. But you don't have to do it. You can stay here and grow flowers until my curse is complete. Then we'll go home-- together." Kyrin took her hand. "It'll be all right. You'll see." "It won't be all right," Mara's voice trembled. She looked up and Kyrin saw tears in her eyes. "If you do this, you will kill my children and I can't let that happen." "Children? Mara you didn't tell me I was a grandmother! Oh! Now I really must make haste!" Kyrin embraced Mara. "Dear, tell me, who is the lucky Fauye you married?" "His name is Doustan Ranley," Mara said. Kyrin pulled away enough to see her daughter's face. "I've never heard of him. But there are so many and I've been gone for so long. Who's son is he?" "You wouldn't know his parents." "I'd know them! Besides, I can find out. I must know what family my grandchildren are part of. How many are there? Two? Don't tell me three!" "Mother, I have nine daughters." "Nine! That's impossible! We can't have anymore than three." "I have nine daughters because... because their father is a human." Kyrin laughed. She must be joking. She must be! But Mara's eyes told her it was the truth. Kyrin's smile disappeared. "A human," Kyrin repeated. Mara nodded. Kyrin's arms dropped. "You had children with a human?!" Kyrin shouted. "Mother, I--" "You're a disgrace!" "But he, I mean his father, made a wish and I had to!" Mara explained. "You could have resisted! You could have run back home and someone would have taken care of it!" "I didn't have a choice!" "But you chose to bear his children?!" Kryin shouted. "No! I-I mean, I didn't want to-- I... There was another wish that I'd have lots of children--" "You should have drowned the mongrels!" "How dare you!" Mara screamed. "How dare you! I love my girls! I'd never hurt them. I'm proud to be their mother, and if I had to do it all over, I would!" Kyrin stared at her in frozen rage. Slowly, she found her voice. "You foul betrayer." She hissed. "How could you turn your back on your people for the very ones who murdered your father?" "I never turned my back on anyone," Mara said, trembling with anger. "It is you who turned your back on me!" Kyrin stared at her in shock. "You never acted like you loved me as a child," Mara said. "And when I needed my mother the most... after Father died... you left me all alone without a goodbye. You have no people! All you have is yourself and your stupid revenge! Face it, Mother, you're all alone. I have at least nine people in this world, and I would die a thousand times in the same way Father was murdered, before I let you hurt them, or anyone they love!" Kyrin took a step back. A sharp, aching pain throbbed in her bosom. She hadn't felt anything like it since Serio died. And now this wretched girl had torn open what she had so carefully sealed. "Get out!" Kyrin ordered. "Get out!" Mara put her hand up to her chest as she were trying to grab something. Alarmed, she looked down and then looked back up. Kyrin wondered what she was doing. Then it dawned on her. She would give her very life to be mistaken. "Mara," Kyrin said in a low voice, "where is the necklace?" Mara stared at her as if she were dumb. "Where is the necklace your father gave you?" Kyrin said in a louder voice. "I don't know." Kyrin took a step toward her. Mara took two leaps back. "You do know." Kyrin said. "Tell me who has it." "I gave it away-- to my daughter!" Kyrin sprang forward, grabbed Mara's upper arm, and pushed her toward the wall. "You gave to one of those half-breeds?!" "Why do you care? It was mine to give as I please!" Kyrin shoved her against the wall. "Do you know what that pendent contained?" Kyrin didn't wait for an answer. "Blood! Blood from every magical creature, including mine and Serio's. It may seem small, but there is enough power in that vial to--" Kyrin stopped herself. "To what?" Mara asked. Kyrin watched as realization dawned upon her. "All those different powers are combined... It may be small, but-- but it's enough to stop you." "That's not true!" Kyrin said, shakily. "One Fauye, one elf, one charmint, and one Riea defeated Ipson-- the evil elf-fairy, the most powerful being on the planet over six thousand years ago." Mara said recalling the familiar legend. It wasn't because of numbers. It was because of the incredible power when those beings combined their magic." "So what? You need a magical being to wield it," Kyrin pointed out. "But my children are half Fauye, half magic," Mara said. "All they need is a moment to discover it. Once the magic is opened inside one of them, it would be a part of them forever, even passed down to their children. It would be enough, wouldn't it, Mother?" Mara smiled. "Thank you for kicking me out. Now you don't have to worry about on of the girls. I can take care of it myself." Mara walked toward the door. "I can't let you do that!" Kyrin yelled. Mara froze. "Don't you remember who I am?" Kyrin walked over to her. "How do you like my freezing spell?" She asked, tapping her frozen daughter on the shoulder. "I am Kyrin of the Polante-Gnight, the most powerful Fauye in the world. I will finish my curse. And no one will get in my way!" She felt her icy heart hardening. Good, it was like it should be. Mara had been softening it, melting it like the first spring after a hard winter. But luckily, Mara had shown her true colors. She almost had her, almost had her feeling true love again. But Mara betrayed her once and was willing to do it again! "This will be for your own good, Mara," Kyrin said, calmly. "You will forget all that has happened to you in the human world. Forgot every human you ever encountered. They don't exist. Forget everything from the moment you stepped out of the Fauyen realm 'til the moment you came to me. But remember my wrath. Not why or how it happened, only the feeling of it." Kyrin kissed Mara on the forehead. Mara collasped on the floor. "Now forget!" Mara's body lifted off the ground. Kyrin concentrated on the spell, allowing every fiber in her being to put it together. Once it was strong enough, she threw it at Mara. The force slammed Mara's body into the wall. Kyrin watched as the spell drained every bit of energy from her being. Her eyes became two dark voids of emptiness. The spell was cast. But that wasn't enough. Kyrin cast the spell upon her two more times, allowing it to become apart of the girl. Everytime she would try to recall the human world, it would be like falling into a black abyss. "Now leave," Kyrin said. Mara's body was still pressed against the wall. "No matter how long it takes, your only urge will be to seek out those of the Fauyen world. They are your only heart's desire. Find the Fauyes!" Kyrin drew back her hand. Mara's body came off the wall with a jerk. Kyrin threw her arm out. The wall pulled itself aside, forming a hole large enough for a body to go through. Kyrin let the magic leave her with such force that Mara was flung out through the hole and all the way across the Forbidden Mountains. The wall came together again and the hole was gone. Her kiss of protection would ward off any who thought of doing Mara any harm. She'd wander the world for a long time, but eventually she'd make it back the Fauyes she loved. Most likely her grandparents. It didn't matter which Fauye she sought out, eventually she'd make it back to the Fauyen world. And there she'd be safe and out of Kyrin's way. *************************** Now, four years later, Kyrin stared at the map of the human world. She should have found out where Mara had lived before she made her forget. Instead, she had to send Kandor spies out to look for a girl who was wearing the necklace. She gave each of them a locket that, when opened, showed an image of the necklace. So far, all reports had no sightings or clues. "Where are you?!" Kyrin yelled in desparation. She tried telling herself that the girl probably had no clue that she had magic. The way Mara talked about gave her the impression that she never told her daughters. She had nothing to fear. Yet fear gripped her anyway. Over those four years, she had learned much. She found out that all it would take for a half-breed to open her powers, was for her to try to do magic. Once she suceeded in doing anything magically, her powers would be completely opened. The necklace would make it easy for her to accomplish this if she wanted. With practice she could do much--even destroy Kyrin. Kyrin was pretty sure none of Mara's daughter's would figure this out since most humans did stupid tricks not magic. But there's was always the off chance that she might become involved with a witch or wizard. Someone who knew magic, no matter how primative. Kyrin sighed in frustration. Whether the girl knew magic or not, Kyrin had to get that necklace and the girl would have to be killed. There was no point in taking any chances. Faint sunlight trickled into the room. Dawn was approaching. She had kept the troops from moving out these past years for fear of the necklace. They couldn't wait any longer. They had combed through the countries that bordered the river that separated Kandor land from the west human lands. So they could safely battle there without fear. They'd have to approach the rest of the lands with caution. |