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Rated: 13+ · Book · Contest · #844266
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#312129 added October 28, 2004 at 8:23pm
Restrictions: None
Thurs., Oct. 28: Thinking while Grocery Shopping
Thursday, Oct. 28th, 2004

Well, I have my Chicken Cordon Blu with Alfredo Vegetables in the oven. That will make my husband, who will be home late for supper very happy.

I have been up since 5:30 this morning trying to get going reviewing Anna’s Mare for I can’t remember who, at the moment, but I evidently got too excited yesterday over that Olympic Decathlon humbug, because my get up and go is GONE. Damn, and I so did want to finish that review of her book, and it is NOT about the 1,000,000-gift point prize she is offering. If it were, surely that would motivate me, don’t you think?

Well, I go see my son, Billy, who is up in Pineville Louisiana at Camp Beauregard. My other son, Jon-Ray, who told me he only has 72 days before he leaves for Iraq, will be there too. I know because I had to send his broke ass 150.00 dollars to make sure he would be there.

Got a wonderful letter from my mortgage company announcing that in a few short months the interest rate on our adjustable mortgage will be going UP! That is always such pleasant news. Tomorrow I am going to see some local bankers, and see if I can’t do something about these rip off lying, two-faced, hope they burn in hell, Home mortgage carpetbaggers. I am an idiot. There has to be a way to get out from under these bastards.

I went shopping today. I used to really enjoy shopping, but the powers that be have managed to take the fun out of that too. I am not talking about recreational shopping; I am talking about just plain old regular household shopping: toilet paper, paper towels, coffee, coffee creamer, the blue stuff sugar substitute, and meat and vegetables.

At the prices that Wal-Mart had their beef priced at it is just going to stay on the shelves. I can fix eggs 365 different ways. Shhhh! Don’t tell anybody, the price will go through the ceiling. But while I was fussing and cussing out loud to myself in the meat department, it occurred to me that I don’t know what these grocery stores do with all this expensive meat that nobody buys. Do you think they turn it into expensive cat and dog food? Or are they selling it to Taco Bell, Burger King, McDonalds, and all those other fast garbage food dumps? Think about it, I don’t believe for one minute that they are going to just throw it out. I can’t believe that everyday it seems that I stumble across another reason to be paranoid.

I have been researching something I read about the food manufacturers adding ADDITIVES that make a person hungrier. The FDA does not regulate spices, and the food manufactures have a HUGE lobby, which spends hundreds of thousands of dollars to influence politicians in Washington, DC, and I don’t trust the Government of the United States of America to look out for the best interest of Americans. This business about making sure Canadian Prescription Drugs are safe for Americans is bunk. How many Canadians’ are dropping dead from using the same prescription drugs? American people must be the laughing stock of the known Universe. I am sure the Canadian Government is too busy laughing to be mad at the allegation that their drugs are not necessarily safe. And so many Americans are lapping up every word that Bush says just like a dog laps up their own vomit. PEOPLE ARE STUPID.

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