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Looking for Drama??? Well you found it. There's a bit of it all here....read along! |
John Kerry. He's a sleezeball. I mean, just look at the man....he is a vial rodent that was obviously used for some sort of experiment and then released. I've watched his campaign because it's only fair to know what each side has to say. It is getting old and stupid......really quick. Quit licking your bottom lip (which he does after every sentence), figure out which state you are in, open your eyes a little wider, and back off bucko. I don't know who he thinks he is.... he is so anit-gay that he is probably a homosexual in hiding. You know what really gets me?? He can't vote for the Lacy Peterson Law, because if he supported it (which brings justice to people who murder a woman carrying a baby) then he couldn't be pro-abortion. Same thing right? Just because there are people out there who have sex, and then find that they don't want to tell Daddy they are pregnant....not my problem, and not the baby's either. There is a morning after pill....take it. John Kerry is so quick to say that there are "tons of nuclear blah blah blah missing." Well guess what moron? The troops are able to prove that they were missing before April 03 when we got there. Research it before you blab it. And would you mind shutting the heck up about the war? You want us to get nuked first? Okay- fine. Tell me though Mr Kerry, how do you intend on getting us out of the war? Are you going to go over there and fight with our men and women or are you going to hide out in the white house? Are you going to protect each and every troop from injury, death or captivation? Tell me that. And by the way- our soliders haven't gone over there because of a draft....they each signed up with the intention of fighting for their country. Look at the thousands who have enlisted since 9/11. They have chosen to fight....because they believe that someone must protect our country....funny though,same President then and now. We don't need another President who is immoral and who seeks counsel from he who lied on the stand, in front of our nation. Not unless we want to get on a highway to hell. Which brings me to the next topic "Christians for Kerry." Um, no. Not in this day and age. Only he and God truly know if he is a Christian or not. Personally, I don't think he is. I'm sure it does wonders for his rates for him to say he is. Hey- look around. There has been news on him for years (um, hello.... Senator?) Anyway, to wrap it up: I firmly believe that he has ulterior motive here, and I can see our country on a fast track to hell if he is elected. Think before you vote. www.ihatejohnkerry.net |