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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #870420
Action and Romance on the High Seas!Please R&R!Should I end like it is or continue on?
#308945 added August 23, 2005 at 2:54pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Six
Caroline awoke the next morning to knocking at her door. She slowly stood up and went to the door to ask who it was. When one of the crewmen answered and said he had some food for her, she opened the door. He brought it in and left it on the table. Caroline thought to inquire of the Captain’s whereabouts but thought it best not to. Instead she sat down at the table and tried to force a few bites down. When she had finished, she pushed the plate away from herself and lay back down on the bed. She really had no desire to go up on deck. Joshua was probably up there and the men probably knew what had happened. She had no intentions of facing any of them right now. Over the course of the day Joshua never showed himself. Caroline didn’t know whether to be relieved or worried.

She felt the boat hit something and just seemed to be rocking back and forth. She decided to face everyone and go up for a look but Byron was standing beside the door when she opened it. He looked down at her with his arms crossed and she had to take a step back to look up at him.

“What are you doing here?” Caroline asked.

“I have orders for you to stay in your room until we get back to sea,” Byron claimed.

“So we’ve docked then. There’s too many ways for me to get off and run away right?” Caroline asked.

“Just get back in your room please,” Byron said.

“Alright,” Caroline said and turned to go back in her room, but instead she swirled right back and ran around Byron to the door leading to the deck. She busted through the door before Byron had a chance to catch up to her. She took off running to the ramp leading to civilization and people who would help her get away. Unfortunately, Joshua was standing at the ramp with a man looking to be of importance.

“Where are you going darling?” Joshua asked grabbing hold of her arm tightly and pulling her to his side.

Caroline looked up and glared at him with fire blazing in her eyes. He gave her a look that if she said anything he’d kill her right here in front of everyone.

“Who is this beautiful creature? Is she possibly part of your trade today?” asked the stranger.

Caroline grabbed hold of Joshua’s arm as if he might actually allow this man to buy her. Joshua looked down at her and grinned.

“Well, as much as I’d like to sometimes, this little one is mine. We were married at the last dock we arrived at,” Joshua replied.

“Oh, forgive me then madam. I am truly sorry. You’re still honeymooning I presume then. Please, allow me to make up for my rudeness and have you stay at my inn for a few days. I’m sure your blushing bride here would love to have a day or two upon land. Am I right ma’am?” the gentleman asked.

Joshua looked down and she was definitely blushing. He figured it was more from the fury of being intercepted and held so close to him than of the way this conversation was heading.

“Most certainly, sir. Thank you so much for your kindness, Mr.?” Caroline replied smiling back up at Joshua.

“Oh, this is Mr. Trevor. I don’t know if we will be able to this time dear. We do have appointments elsewhere you know,” Joshua glared.

“Oh, a day or so wouldn’t hurt anything. Do let us stay,” Caroline pouted.

“I do insist upon it, Joshua. If you do not, I will be sorely angered with you,” the gentleman answered.

Joshua knew what Caroline was up to and now she had fixed it to where he was in no position to decline it. Well, he’d see just how much she would take in a hotel room alone with him for a few days. If she had any notions of trying to escape while there, he’d quickly wipe them clean from her mind.

“Alright, darling. Two days at the most though. We do need to be on our way,” Joshua consented.

“Thank you, dear,” Caroline said and gave him a hug.

“Why don’t you head on back down to our room and I’ll be down there shortly,” Joshua motioned for Byron to come near her.

“Anything for you,” Caroline smiled.

She quietly went back down to the cabin and waited to hear Joshua’s footsteps marching down the corridor. She knew she had him trapped and he couldn’t get out of it. That was the advantage in living in high society; you knew how to manipulate people to do what you want them to do. She would take these two days to figure out how to escape and get back to America with her father. She had to get away and she would think of a plan. Finally, she heard the heavy footfalls of an angry man. Joshua burst into the room and stood in front of her as she sat at the table. Her eyebrows arched up in innocence as she just stared right back at him.

“What was the meaning of all that?” Joshua asked, his face turning red from holding his fury in check.

“Well, it started out as an escape attempt, but since you intervened, I thought I’d try another route,” Caroline answered.

“Do you realize what you’ve actually done?” Joshua asked, seeing that she truly didn’t.
Caroline’s brows crossed in confusion.

“You’ve put yourself in a private room, alone with me, for two nights. Do you think you’ll have any chance to escape that?” he asked.

Caroline’s eyes almost closed as she glared at him, “You better not think of laying a hand on me. You might’ve gotten the best of me while we were in this small room, but in a larger one, I’ll be able to get away from you and I’ll scream.”

“Scream all you want, Mr. Trevor has given us a private cottage out in the middle of nowhere. So you can scream, holler, and fight all you want, if I do decide to try anything.”

With that Joshua grabbed a few things and turned and left the room. Caroline looked after him and growled.

“Grrr! I hate you Joshua Hamilton! I hate you!” she screamed after him.

Byron closed the door behind him as he walked out and was grinning to himself, women. He might could sit back and see the flames shooting between those two, but he could also see the electricity. Would Joshua still go through with the ransom or not though? A few hours later, Joshua came back into the room and Caroline stood up defiantly.

“There’s no need to go all heroic now. I was just telling you that the carriage has arrived to take us to the cottage,” Joshua toyed.

He motioned his arm for her to go out the door and then he shut it behind him and followed her out. She squinted when she came into the sunlight and walked across the deck to the ramp. There were hundreds of people all around busily selling their wares or just walking about browsing. Joshua grabbed her arm and put it in his in order to escort her to the carriage and also to dissuade means of escape. She completely ignored him as he did so and walked complacently to the awaiting transportation.

Once inside they were quiet as Caroline looked at her surroundings. The city looked well kempt and flourishing. There were tons of people so if she were to jump from the carriage and run for it, she might just be able to mix in with the people and get to a hiding place before Joshua realized what had happened. As if reading her mind, he looked up at her.

“Try anything and we’ll make sure you regret it. I have eyes and ears in every port that we ever stop in,” he said.

“Whatever makes you think I’d try anything,” Caroline asked sweetly.

“I’ve learned to know your terribly bad habits. Especially since one of those ended us up staying in Mr. Trevor’s cottage for two days. Now stop playing sweetly and act normal. I know you’re a devious monster behind those beautiful lashes,” Joshua replied.

“Well, you must’ve rubbed off on me then,” Caroline replied.

“Must you always get the last word in?” he asked.
“Yes,” Caroline answered.

Joshua sighed and turned his attention back out through his window. Caroline went back to hers. It was already nearing evening when they left and the driver had told them they should reach the cottage by late that night. Caroline kept dozing, but every time they’d hit a bump she’d jerk awake. She was trying to stay awake long enough to see Joshua doze off and then take her chances, but she couldn’t seem to stay awake either. Finally, Joshua looked over at her and saw her fighting sleep. He took his coat off and made it into a makeshift pillow and laid it on her side of the carriage. She smiled at him and lay down on the bench and finally went to sleep.

An hour later Caroline was jostled awake by the sharp stop of the carriage and the horses screaming. She sat up immediately and tried to figure out where she was. She finally remembered being in the carriage and thought they must be at the cottage. Apparently Joshua had already gotten out. She was about to step out and see where he was, when another face appeared in her window. This man was roughened and dirty. She gasped when she saw him.

“There’s a nice looking dame inside here too,” the man said.

“Pull her out and let’s have a look,” another voice shouted.

The man opened the door and reached for Caroline, but she jumped to the other side. He stepped inside and grabbed her wrist but Caroline lay over and started kicking him with her heeled shoes. She kicked him in the stomach but it didn’t seem to have much effect since he had an especially pudgy middle section. Eventually, he managed to get her out and stand her up on the ground.

“Caroline!” Joshua yelled.

“Joshua!” Caroline replied seeing him with his hands tied behind his back with another man holding onto him.

Caroline struggled against her assailant and tried to run to Joshua so she would feel a small bit of reassurance, but the man wouldn’t release his grip. The driver was held by another man. There seemed to be at least seven in the group of bandits. A big burly man came walking towards her and stood a good foot taller than she. She looked up into his face defiantly as he reached up to brush her hair out of her face so he could get a good look at her. He rubbed his hand down the side of her face as he finished his inspection.

“She’s a beauty,” he replied.

Caroline looked up and spat in his face. The man holding her jerked her back to hit her, but the man stopped him. He just stood there laughing as he wiped her spit off with the back of his hand. Then, he himself slapped her across her face. Caroline’s head jerked and she felt the tears instantly spring to her face. Her head was spinning from the impact. She would’ve fallen if not for her captor.

“Leave her alone!” Joshua yelled.

The driver managed to squirm himself free and took off running towards the woods.

“Stop him!” yelled the burly man.

A gunshot was heard and the driver lurched forward and fell to the ground. Caroline let out a slight scream and bit her bottom lip to hold it back. She tasted blood from where she had been hit.

“Loot the body and then dispose of it. The rest of you, let’s go,” the burly man said.

They moved Caroline and Joshua through the woods following the supposed leader. Caroline’s head was throbbing and she was stumbling. Finally, the man holding her got tired of her clumsiness and picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. Joshua watched but didn’t say anything. Instead, he just followed along behind them. There wasn’t anything he could do right now to help himself, much less her. If he could only get word to his men aboard the ship. That was near impossible though. He had to get loose somehow and make a run for it. He could get his men and then come back for Caroline. The only problem was that he would have to leave her alone with them. She was tough, but he could guess how she would favor against all of these men. No, he’d have to find some way to get them both free at the same time.

They marched on through the woods until they came to a clearing. There were a few fires burning and more men roaming about. Joshua did a quick count and guessed there were probably fifteen men total. The man carrying Caroline disappeared into a tent and then Joshua and his captor came in right after them. Caroline had been dumped on the floor in the middle of the tent and Joshua was shoved down beside her. He would’ve touched her to give her some level of support, but his hands were tied behind his back. She was moving about slowly and looked up at him. Her lip was starting to swell. The man must’ve hit her harder than he first suspected. Caroline tried to manage a smile to tell him that she was alright, but it hurt more so she just nodded slowly at him.

Relieved, Joshua began to take in his surroundings. There was a cot on the ground by the left wall and a small, round table to the right. That was all the decorated the tent. Soon after they arrived, the burly man came in. He went and sat down at the table and filled a glass with water. Then, he looked to the two captives.

“Welcome, what brings you to these woods?” he asked.

“First of all,” Joshua began, “Who are you?”

“I am Michael, leader of this small group of bandits. Now, answer mine.”

“We were heading to a cottage that’s around these parts. A friend allowed us use of it for a few days since we are newly married,” Joshua began.

“Really? Congratulations. Or from the feistiness I’ve seen in that woman’s eyes, my condolences. What is your name?” Michael asked.

“I am Joshua. This here is Caroline. As you could tell from our meager possession we don’t have anything to give you in order to spare our lives, but what can be done to spare my wife’s? I’m sure we could come to some sort of agreement,” Joshua asked.

“So you’re a business man huh? Just exactly what is your line of work?” Michael asked.

“I happen to be just starting out in the trade business. Sailing from port to port looking for things that are in need elsewhere, but, like I’ve said, I’m only just beginning,” Joshua said.

“Where do you keep your finds?” he asked.

“They stay on my boat under guard of my men,” Joshua replied. “If you would allow me and my wife to go free, I will give you what is on board there. We do have a small supply of silk, foods, and a barrel of weapons. You may have all of that if you just allow us to go free,” Joshua bartered.

“How can I be sure you have these things? You certainly didn’t have any proof with you,” Michael said.

“Well, I have no proof but my word. That’s all I can work with right now, but know I would not put my wife’s life in danger in order to save my own,” Joshua replied.

“Alright, I will allow you to go to your ship, but I will send a few of my men with you. We will hold your wife here until you return to ensure me that I don’t lose either way. If you don’t return, your wife will then be mine. In all the ways a woman can. Do you understand?” he asked.

“Clearly, but I will return. How am I to know that you won’t touch her while I am gone or allow anyone else to touch her,” Joshua asked.

“You have MY word,” Michael said. “For tonight, though, you shall stay in a tent in our camp and then in the morning, you, Joshua will go to your ship. You must be back by nightfall tomorrow night or the deal is forfeit and the woman is mine,” he said. Then, looking at the two men standing behind them, “Take them to the captive’s tent and stand guard.”

The two men picked Caroline and Joshua up and took them out of Michael’s tent. Then, they walked down through the camp to the other side and shoved them into an empty tent. A few seconds later a woman dipped into their tent and untied their hands and started administering to Caroline’s lip. Caroline winced against the attention, but allowed her to clean it up.

“Michael really did a number on you. What did you do to him?” the woman asked.

“He had some wrong ideas about me and so I spit in his face,” Caroline replied.

“That wasn’t very smart. You don’t know how temperamental he can be. Do anything to make him mad and you’ll regret it,” she said finishing up Caroline’s lip.

Then, she stood and ducked back out of the tent and left the two alone. Joshua moved over to Caroline and checked her lip. She smiled up at him as best she could.

“Are you alright?” Joshua asked.

“I’m fine. It just stings,” Caroline said.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t get to you to help. I was kind of tied up literally,” he replied trying to lighten the mood.

“I know. It’s not your fault,” Caroline said.

“It is though. If I had never kidnapped you, then this would never have happened. You would be sitting pretty in your aunt’s home safe and sound,” Joshua growled.

“To tell you the truth, my aunt’s house was getting kind of boring until you showed up. Up until this kidnapping of us both, it’s been the most exciting time of my life,” Caroline said. “Only the whole ransom letter threw everything for a loop.”

“I’m truly sorry about that, but the men were insistent. They said if you weren’t going to return my affections, then they wanted something out of it,” he replied.

“I never said I didn’t return your affections, it was just the circumstances and then learning the truth of who you were. Oh never mind now. It’s all out on the table and there’s nothing we can do to get out of this. You might as well take the ship and leave tomorrow,” Caroline suggested.

“I am going to the ship tomorrow, but in truth to get my men and then we’ll be back for you. If he tries to lay a hand on you, then he’ll,” Joshua was cut off by Caroline pressing her lips to his.

When she pulled away, he caught the back of her head and kept her lips pressed to his. He started to harden the kiss but her sore lip protested and he released her. She lay down next to him and placed her head on his chest and they slowly fell into sleep.
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