Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/307614-Chapter-5
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #891966
alone in a strong blizzard, she has no food, no warmth, will Kylara survive?
#307614 added September 24, 2004 at 10:47pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 5
         Fanna rode fast and hard. She prayed with all her might that she would find the warriors just up ahead. She’d find the young lord and tell him, he’d ride back and save Kylara. Fanna would have stayed to help, but she was an old woman, she would have gotten in the way and she knew it.
         There, just up ahead, she saw some of the warriors. Some looked back when they heard the galloping hooves of the horse. They quickly moved out of the way. Fanna quickly made her way up the line of men to the front. She pulled up next to the lord and the young lord. She was out of breath and the lords stared at her.
          “Fanna? What’s wrong? Where’s the girl? Why are you riding her horse?” the young lord asked, trying to not sound so anxious.
          “Ten…men…with…swords…fight…Kylara…” Fanna said in a gasping breath. She pointed back to where she had just ridden.
         The young man’s eyes widened, “Men? Ten men fighting a young girl? That’s absurd! Why would they fight her? She didn’t do anything to them did she?”
         Fanna shook her head, as she caught her breath. “The men wanted to take her. She would let them. She drew her sword on them but sent me away before I could see anything. I know something’s going to happen, you have to send at least one man back to her!” Fanna said in a ragged voice.
         ”What! How the hell did she get a sword?” The young lord reared his horse and turned around. He galloped off, back the way they had come and hoped with all his might that nothing had happened.
         Kylara walked slowly, following the path of horse hooves. She was covered in blood, she was tired, but she was happy. All of her training had paid off. The men lay piled in a heap on the side of the road. It had taken only a few moments for Kylara to get used to the feel of taking another mans life, but she had to save herself, and Fanna. Kylara sword bumped into her side a bit and sent flames of fire up her spine. One man had gotten a slice of Kylara, but to her, it was only a bit of a scratch compared to what they ended up with.
         Kylara sat down on the side of the road. She hadn’t walked far, the bodies were still in sight, but Kylara was tired and weak. She hated admitting that to herself, but she was. She heard the hooves of a horse but did move. Hopefully whoever it was would just pass.
          “Kylara…Kylara!” a man was shouting her name, it sounded odd to hear it.
         Kylara looked up; the man who seemed to be everywhere was jumping off his horse and running over to her.
          “You’re covered in blood! What the hell happened?” He hands were moving over her, searching for the wound.
         Kylara pushed his hands away, “I’m fine, just a scratch. Anyway, most of the blood isn’t mine,” Kylara made a gesture to the heap of bodies.
         She watched him walk over and inspect the bodies then he came back shaking his head. “Who did that?” he asked.
         Kylara looked at him, “I did it, I killed them. All ten of them!”
          “Who helped you?”
         Kylara got up and looked him in the eye with a cold glare, “I did it all, I killed everyone of them,” she pulled out her sword and held it in front of his face. It was still covered in blood, “I am not some dumb servant that only knows how to cook and clean. I can do everything a woman can and more. I told you not to under estimate me. I am a warrior as well as a woman. Get it through that head of yours!”
         He stared at her with wide eyes and took a step back, “I got it, and all the men will when I tell them, this is the most…most amazing thing!” He shook his head again and started back to his horse talking to himself, “To think, the angel of the camp is a warrior and can kill ten men by herself!”
         Now it was Kylara’s turn to shake her head. Angel, what is it with calling me an angel, she thought. Kylara very slowly started walking again. If he was here, she was going to prove how much strength she did have, Kylara thought, even though she felt like her side was on fire.
         Suddenly someone’s hands were around her and she was being lifted up. She was gently set on a horse, the man’s horse. But his hand was right above her wound and it hurt even more. Kylara looked at him.
          “You deserve to ride home like a warrior would,” he smiled.
         Kylara smiled with out showing her teeth, because he would have seen she was gritting them through the pain.
          “Hold on now, we’d best get back quickly before someone starts to worry,” his arm came around her waist and he held her tight against him as he urged his horse into a gallop.
         How odd it was to be comfortable against a man who she hardly even knew, Kylara thought. It was also odd that she hardly felt the pain anymore, just the feeling of his arm around her. The feeling brought back memories of the first and last man she had been with. She instantly stiffened and let herself concentrate on the pain rather than the man that was right behind her.
          “Something wrong?” he spoke in her ear.
          “No, just keep going,” was all Kylara answered.
          “Alright, just a bit further. When Fanna came to us and told us you were in trouble we were right here. It seems father has led them on to the castle.”
         They rode in silence the rest of the way to the castle. When the forest gave way to open land, Kylara stared in awe at the castle. It was huge and beautiful. The castle was made of white rock that reflected the sunlight; it made the whole castle shine in brilliance. There were many towers with stone archways connecting them. Along these archways and in the towers, warriors could be seen, keeping watch over the land for any sign of trouble. On the highest tower there was a flag waving in the gentle breeze. It was the same one that had been on the lord’s tent in the war camp, except the wolf on this one seemed to have a more life like look.
         As they rode on inside the walls of castle, they passed many people. There were servants and marketers, stable boys and farmers; it was like a completely new world inside the protection of the walls. Amidst the people were small houses and near the center there was a market place. As they neared the castle entrance, Kylara saw the stables, and saw her black stallion. A huge weight of relief lifted off Kylara heart, because she knew that Fanna was safe and here. They stopped at the door to the castle entrance and a stable boy took the reins.
          “I’ll take care of him for you, Lord Toric,” the stable boy said as he stared at Kylara blood stained clothes and sword.
         Ah, now everything makes sense, thought Kylara. This man was Lord Talmore’s son, young Lord Toric. Now I’m glad I’m not an ordinary girl and fell for his charm, she thought.
         Lord Toric got down and reached to help Kylara. Kylara barely glanced at him and vaulted off the horse. She turned to the stable boy and smiled sweetly.
          “Would you be able to tell me where I might find Fanna?” she asked.
          “Of course, my…my lady, she’s serving the warriors food. They arrived only a bit before you,” the stable boy answered, he still hadn’t taken his eyes off Kylara.
          “Thank you, now one more thing. Where can I find the dining hall?” Kylara asked.
          “Just…go through the door and down the hall, you…you should be able to hear the men,” he replied. Then with a quick bow to Toric, he walked away with the horse toward the stables.
         Kylara barely took another glance at Toric before quickly walking inside. There was art all along the walls. Some portraits, others scenes of land, and there were even statues of wolves. With a quick glance behind her to make sure the doors were closed. Kylara ran. She heard the booming voices of the men, their laughter and even the smell of food. Kylara took a sharp turn and skidded to a halt before running into Fanna.
         After one look at Kylara, Fanna dropped the platter she carried and stared gaping. The racket of the platter falling to the ground caught everyone’s attention. They all stared at Kylara.
          “Hey, look at that! Angel’s bleeding!” shouted Anthony, one of the men that had saved Kylara, as he quickly moved over to her side.
          “Oh…it’s nothing…really,” said Kylara trying to move away.
         Anthony put a restraining hand on her waist and moved the bloodstained fabric out of the way. When skin could be seen, he eyes bulged out. Men behind him took a step back. The small scrape that Kylara had made herself think she had, was really a deep gash in her side. The sword had cut a lightning shaped wound about an inch deep.
          “Oh dear heavens! We must get that taken care of right away!” Fanna pushed plates off a table and sat Kylara down on it. Fanna ordered to have hot water come; a clean needle and thread; and last bandages soaked in herbs and hot water to put on afterwards.
         The men had gathered into groups. They muttered to each other and everyone in a while they glanced at Kylara. Three men surround Kylara and Fanna. Anthony and Jaxom, the two men that had saved her; and the guard that had tried to help her the day before.
          “That’s pretty nasty that is,” said the guard.
         Anthony’s face had a giant grin on it, “Hardly any of us have had ones like that one. Remember John getting that small nick on the shoulder? He was bawling like a baby. Now angel here, she’s got something ten times worse than what he had, and look at her. Not a single tear and she rode all the way here! Hey…wait a minute. Does Lord Toric know about this? He could have had us ready if he did… you didn’t tell him angel, did ya?”
         Kylara took her eyes away from Fanna threading the needle and looked at Anthony, “Of course I didn’t tell him, he’s already about to kill me for having a sword and fighting. Imagine what he’d think if he knew I’d gotten something like this!”
         All four men’s faces lit with shock and surprise.
          “You had a sword? And fought? Jeez, the way Fanna came riding we had thought there had been ten men or something,” said Jaxom.
          “There was,” said Fanna in a very serious tone. She pulled out a piece of leather from her pouch and handed the leather to Kylara, “Bite on this dear, this is going to sting.”
         Kylara took the piece of leather and put it in her mouth. Fanna took a rag and started pouring on hot water mixed with herbs to clean out the wound. Kylara fisted her hands in her lap and bit hard on the leather. Fanna was right; it did sting, very much.
         The four men stared at Kylara. Jaxom sat by her side and took her hand, “Here, squeeze my hand, you’ll hurt yourself squeezing your own.”
         Kylara eyed him with suspicion, but when Fanna inserted the needle, Kylara instantly grasped his hand in a death grip.
         Jaxom looked at the other men, “She’s got a damn hard grip!”
         The other men let out a few chuckles but their eyes were intent on Kylara.
         Anthony got an idea to help distract Kylara. He kneeled in front of her, “You really fought ten men? By yourself? With only a sword? And you being a woman?”
         Kylara spat out the leather, “Yes I fought ten men by myself, and yes I did it with only a sword! Just because I’m a woman doesn’t mean I can’t fight. I bet I could take on any of you and the other men and win! I may be a woman, and I may not weigh much, but I do know how to use a sword and bow.”
          “My apologies angel, I did not mean to upset you, but I have never before met a woman like you,” replied Anthony.
          “Alright, what is it with calling me angel?” Kylara ignored Fanna’s work and eyed every man around her.
          “Well, you are an angel to us. I first saw you there in the snow, ready to take me and Jaxom on, you weren’t very good looking, but I still got this sense of you being an angel,” said Anthony.
          “When I first saw you, you did look like an angel. Walking proudly, seeing everything at once, beautiful in all white,” added the guard with a sigh at the memory.
          “Then add to the fact that since you started cooking, are stomachs have been full of such wonderful food. Ever since this morning, when I had that porridge of yours, I have hardly eaten anything!” said Anthony.
         Jaxom gave Kylara an encouraging smile, “I didn’t like you, when I first found you. But ever since Anthony and I have brought you back, I’ve liked you more and more. To all of us men, you are an angel.”
         Kylara rolled her eyes, “Very well, call me an angel if you must, but never think me as one. As you now know, I can fight and take a man’s live, you do not hear of angels or any creatures like them doing that.”
         Anthony grinned, “You are now our warrior angel then! You are stronger than any of us here. You hardly winced as Fanna stitched you up! She finished now, and not a tear fell. As I said, you are the strongest warrior here.”
         Kylara looked down at her side, and was surprised to see he was right. Fanna had finished and was now just tying on the herb bandages. Kylara let go of Jaxom’s hand. As he flexed his fingers to let blood circulate again, Kylara looked at each man.
          “Thank you, but here, I am just a servant. Do not forget that either,” said Kylara as she stood up. Kylara turned to Fanna, “Now that I’m here, and taken care of, what can I do to help?”
         This made Anthony laugh, “You may be strong angel, but you’re not that strong. Any second now you will start feeling the blood drain working on you. You’ll feel weak and dizzy and…whoops!”
         Kylara had turned pale and her eyes rolled back as she fainted. Jaxom caught her before she hit the ground. “Damn that was a quick second. Fanna, where’s angel’s room?” He looked at Fanna as he easily picked up Kylara.
          “In the servants quarters. This way,” Fanna picked up what was left of the bandages and other things, then lead Jaxom to the servants quarters so he could lay Kylara down.
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