Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/307610-Chapter-4
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #891966
alone in a strong blizzard, she has no food, no warmth, will Kylara survive?
#307610 added September 24, 2004 at 10:39pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 4
         Kylara jerked awake when she felt someone touch her. She was lying on the ground, curled in a ball, just like she had that day when she was sixteen, but now, she was back to herself, she was nineteen again. Kylara shivered and sat up, and looked right into the eyes of the man from the night before. Her heart turned into cold stone.
         He looked worried and was crouched down before Kylara, “Are you alright, miss?”
          “I’m fine, I’m fine,” Kylara stood up and realized her face was wet. She had been crying also. Kylara quickly wiped her face then looked down at herself and brushed dirt away, “Can I get you something?” Kylara’s voice was just as cold as her heart.
         The man stood up, Kylara came to his shoulder in height, “You pulled yourself together quickly miss. No, there is nothing you may do, I had come back here to ask if I could have a bit more to drink when I found you on the floor.”
          “Oh, well, help yourself to anything you need,” Kylara glanced around the curtain and with relief, noticed the men had gone. Kylara put on a fake smile, “I’m fine, really, but I must get everything cleaned up,” Kylara quickly started grabbing dishes and went to work. She had to get her mind off everything that had just happened. Kylara knew the man was still there but she worked around him.
         Only a half-hour later, she was finished. Kylara pulled on her cloak and head out. The man grabbed her by the arm and turned her so she would look at him. “Yes?” Kylara asked.
         He smiled, “I wanted to thank you, for the wonderful meal. You are a great cook,” He let Kylara’s arm go then.
          “Ah… you’re welcome,” Kylara turned again and quickly walked off to her tent to pack her things.
         Kylara had her bag packed along with her bow and arrows secretly hidden in the forest. Kylara was just tying on her sword when Fanna came in. Kylara pulled on her cloak quickly to hide the sword and bow then turned to Fanna.
          “Ready to go my dear?” Fanna asked with a knowing smile.
         Kylara nodded and followed Fanna outside. Kylara saw about fifty men, some of them on top of horses that were different colors and breeds. Each man had their sword and shield, and most had a bag of belongings. Kylara saw the three women servants were on top of brown horses, and next to them was a beautiful black stallion. It had no rider but, if Kylara was seeing correctly, it had a woman’s saddle. Fanna was walking toward the women, Kylara still following.
          “Fanna, whose stallion is that? The black one there?”
          Fanna looked at Kylara and smiled brightly, “Why that is yours dear. Our young lord has specifically said it was for you.”
          They had reached the horses now and Kylara moved toward the black stallion and pet him, “Mine? Seriously Fanna, is he yours maybe?”
          “Oh no dear, my horse passed away over the winter, I must walk. This horse is for you,” Fanna patted the horse then started walking.
          “Wait! Fanna!”
          Fanna stopped and turned toward Kylara again, “Yes dear?”
          “Ride my horse, I will walk.”
          Fanna looked at Kylara in surprise, “Dear, it’s a long walk, you ride.”
          “No,” Kylara took the reins and walked with the horse over to Fanna, “You will ride, I’ll walk by your side.”
          Fanna smile bloomed instantly, “Bless you dear, I was not sure if I would make it walking all the way.”
          Kylara glanced around and saw everyone had start moving, “Come on Fanna, we must go, everyone is moving.”
          Fanna moved over to the horse, and with help from Kylara was up in no time. Kylara held onto the reins and walked. They were behind everyone, but they could see them in the distance.
          “You are very kind dear, I am getting old and my old joints hate the winter time,” said Fanna.
          Kylara glanced up and smiled, “It is no trouble Fanna, I was expecting to walk anyway.”
          “You’re mother would be proud to see her daughter now. Helping those below you.”
          Tears stung Kylara’s eyes but she blinked them back, “You are far from below me Fanna, I am below you. You took me in without question, you gave me a place to stay, I’d be nothing without you Fanna.”
          “Oh of course you would be. You’re beautiful. Plus from what I’ve heard and tasted, you cook wonderfully. You can clean, you’re smart,” she lowered her voice to a soft whisper, “and, you are a warrior,” she raised her voice again, “all that would and will take you far.”
          Kylara stopped and looked at Fanna then smiled, “Thank you, oh…you won’t say anything about me being…you know, will you?”
          “Of course not dear, and right now, I am very glad you are since we are in the back with none of the men here.”
          Kylara nodded, “You have nothing to worry about Fanna, I won’t let anything her hurt you,” Kylara started walking again.
          “I didn’t think you would dear,” Fanna said as she smiled, “though I do think it is interesting how you ruined a beautiful skirt.”
          “Oh? Ruined? So you…know?”
          “Of course dear, Fanna notices everything,” she said with a twinkle in her eyes, “besides, I can see you are more comfortable, yesterday you looked like you had trouble walking, today I see relaxed and confident strides.”
          Kylara nodded and smiled. She was glad that she could be here, just Fanna and her alone in the forest. It was very peaceful but something…something in the air just wasn’t right.
          Kylara heard Fanna saying something in the background, but she toned her out. She listened hard, her hand on her sword hidden beneath her cloak. There was something out there, and Kylara thought, it was dangerous. There! A twig had been stepped on and snapped. It wasn’t something, it was someone. Wait, she thought, there was more than one. Something rustled on the other side of the road.
          Suddenly they were surrounded. Three…no there was more appearing out of the trees…ten…ten men. They were dressed in all black and each was armed with a sword. Kylara held tightly to the reins of the horse and stopped. The men formed a semi-ring around Kylara and Fanna. One man stepped forward.
          “You women are very easy to see in the forest. A woman dressed in white, I’m sure a blind man could see you!” he laughed and so did a few of the other men, “If you were men, we could have easily killed you. But since you are just women, we can take you back to our camp and play with the sweet angel here.” He reached out to touch Kylara.
          Kylara slapped his hand away, “Don’t you dare touch me.”
          This time all the men laughed, the leader spoke again, “I’ll do more than touch you, all of us will. Now be a good girl and come with us.” This time he went to grab Kylara’s arm.
          “You will not touch me,” Kylara drew her sword and the man stopped his grab.
          He chuckled, “you think you can do something with that? You are just a woman, only here to warm a mans bedding and cook for us, not a warrior!”
          Kylara sneered, “Then you under estimate me,” Kylara took a step back and looked at Fanna and said very quickly, “Run, do not stop, do not look back.” Kylara slapped the horse and sent it off into a run, the few men in the way had to dive to not be trampled on.
          Kylara face the leader with her sword raise, “It just me and you, with these men of yours, think you can take me on?” she taunted.
          The men only laughed, which Kylara had hoped for. She quickly ran her sword through him and the leader fell. Kylara stood with her sword now covered in blood, “Who’s next?”
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