Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/307605-Chapter-1
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #891966
alone in a strong blizzard, she has no food, no warmth, will Kylara survive?
#307605 added September 24, 2004 at 10:42pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 1
          “Come on, it’s not far, look how big the blood drops are!”
         Two men were following a trail of deer blood through the Night Forest. It had finally stopped snowing an hour ago, which meant that they and other men from the war camp could go hunting for more food. They had just shot a deer and it had run away so now they were tracking it.
          “Jaxom, we’re already to far from the camp, we’ll never find it back!” said one of the men as he walked next to his friend, Jaxom.
         Jaxom shook his head, “Why do you think you came with me, Anthony? Because I’m one of the best trackers, I’ll get us home no problem! Plus, look up ahead, see that dark thing covered in snow? That has got to be it!”
         Jaxom quickened his pace to a jog and Anthony followed. When they got closer Jaxom came to a dead stop.
          “What? What’s wrong Jaxom?”
         He pointed to the dead deer, “That’s no deer man, that’s something made of material.”
         It was in fact a very worn down cloak. They had mistaken it for a deer hide because they were the same color and it didn’t help that it was buried under tons of snow. Anthony reached down and tugged on the cloak then jumped back in surprise when Kylara shot up and was standing in front of them with her sword drawn before either of them could figure out what was going on. She looked kinda awkward with her long, dark, brown hair all covered in snow and her emerald green eyes dulled from lack of food and sleep. It also didn’t help that she had a pretty face. She was really skinny and she was barely holding her sword while standing against two men, twice her size and a lot more prepared to fight.
         Jaxom stared at her, “Hey, look there Anthony, this girl thinks she can fight us.”
         Kylara stared right back at him and tried to keep her knees from wobbling, she was so tired. Kylara barely got her sword sheathed before she fell and lay unmoving in the snow.
         Anthony looked at Jaxom then at Kylara then back, “What do we do? We have to be back to camp before sun down and we can’t leave the girl here.”
         Jaxom groaned, “You are such a softy Anthony!”
         Anthony used he’s favorite trick on Jaxom, his pleading brown eyes.
         Jaxom cursed under his breath, “Fine! We’ll take her back to Lord Talmore, he can decide what to do with her.”
         Jaxom got down and picked Kylara up, then, not so gently, threw her over his shoulder. Heturned and started walking toward their camp. Anthony happily followed behind; he’d gotten his way, again.
         Kylara jerked awake when a cold cloth was placed upon her forehead. She looked into the wide eyes of an old woman that was smiling down at her.
          “Glad you’re awake dear, I need to get some food in ya and that’s hard to do when you’re sleeping, eh?” the old woman said.
          “Who…” Kylara croaked and her eyes widened at the sound of her own voice.
          “Ah!” the old woman cackled, “I am Fanna and you are in White Wolves war camp. Young Jaxom brought you to me so I can get you fixed up. Here,” Fanna gave her a cup of water.
         Kylara drank the water and soothed her burning throat then she looked back at Fanna, “Thank you, would you…would you have anything I could eat? I don’t need much… really…I’ve just gone a long time without food.”
          “Of course I have food for you, and I have plenty. We’ll get you plumped up in no time at all,” her smiled widen and she turned away and walked over to a table.
         This gave Kylara a chance to survey where she was, a tent. She was in a huge white tent. Fanna was at a long table and piling food on a plate. There was two other tables just like the one she was at and all three were topped with so much food. Kylara noticed there was a curtain like thing that separated where she was from the tables. Kylara turned her head and looked to the sides, she was in a small bed tucked into the corner of a kitchen. The kitchen was spotless and organized; the only thing out of place was her. Kylara looked at herself now. She was filthy and she really was skinny, if she tried she could count her ribs. Kylara sat up as Fanna brought her the plate of food.
         Kylara knew it was dangerous to eat fast and a lot when with out food for a while so she slowly ate.
         Fanna sat in a chair near the bed and watched Kylara; “You are not from around here, are you?”
         Kylara quickly chewed and swallowed the bite of bread she had just taken, “I don’t know where here is, I have never heard of White Wolves before.”
          “Ah, that is because like to keep this war camp hidden. I meant your not from around here, like in the town, its about a half a days walk from here, it’s called Riverforest, maybe ya know this place?”
         Kylara chewed on a piece of meat and thought carefully, after a moment she nodded, “Yes, I believe it was about a three day walk from my old town, we sometimes got cloth from them.”
          “Ah, yes, they are good with cloth. I bought a lot for the warriors. About those warriors, why is it a young lady like yourself, was wondering the forest in a storm?”
         Kylara set the plate down, she knew she shouldn’t eat anymore or she would risk getting herself sick, “I…I had to leave my town or die.”
          “Why is that? Are you in some sort of trouble?” Fanna now had a cautious look.
         Kylara smiled slightly and bent her head down and stared at the blankets of the bed, “Not the trouble you think of. During the big blizzard our town ran out of food, I’m the only one that survived.”
          “Oh! You poor poor thing! No wonder you’re starved! Here, let me get you some more food!” Fanna snatched up the plate and was about to go fill it with more when Kylara gently grabbed her wrist.
          “No ma’am, I eat any more and I will make myself sick, but…I really could use a bath,” she glanced down at herself and shuddered slightly, “I really need one, could you tell me where I can bathe?”
         Fanna smiled, “Of course dear, and while you are washing, I will see if I can find anything for you to wear. That thing you have on won’t do you any good in this cold! Now, get up while I put this plate away,” Fanna walked across the tent from Kylara and put the plate in a bucket of water.
         By the time she had walked back, Kylara had gotten up and had already grabbed her bow and sword that she had found at the foot of the bed.
          “Alright, follow me,” Fanna walked out of the tent.
         Kylara followed Fanna through the camp, her warrior eyes taking in everything. There were about fifty small tents, Kylara thought that must be where the warriors slept, and one really large one with bright colors and guards at the entrance. On a flag near this tent was a white wolf with his teeth barred, prepared to fight. Kylara wondered what that tent was for.
         The snow had melted and the plants of the forest were struggling into life. Everything was so bright with the sun shinning on what was left of the snow and making it shimmer. Also the grass, wet from melted snow was shinning just as bright as the snow itself. As they walked Kylara pass a few men who stopped what they were doing to look at her. The men were huge with muscles and each had a sword strapped to his side, and they also wore white, same color as the tents. Fanna finally ducked into one of the white tents, it was off to the side of the large one. Kylara followed her in.
          “This tent is for the women servants of our Lord Talmore. He lives in that big tent next to this one. Come here, you may bathe and I shall see if I can find some clothing for you,” Fanna stopped in front of a tub filled with steaming water and motioned for Kylara to get in.
         Kylara glanced around; noticing no one was there but them and undressed than got it the tub. Fanna smiled and handed her a bottle and a bar of soap.
          “Wash well dear, put the oil that’s in that bottle in your hair to clean it better, I’ll go now,” Fanna walked off.
         Kylara started scrubbing herself hard as soon as Fanna was out of sight. It never felt so good to get clean. As Kylara washed herself she took in her surroundings. There were three beds and it looked like a fourth was being built in a corner. At the foot of each bed there was a small trunk, Kylara figured it held personal belongings. Around her were shelves filled with bottles and a lot of colored soaps. Kylara thought how strange this place seemed compared to the small farm and town she had lived in. Though all those memories seemed very far away. Kylara sat in the tub with her eyes closed and soaked, willing all the filth away.
          “Ah, you are nice and clean, you had a lot of filth on you my dear,” Fanna said and she came back in with a bundle of white cloth.
         Kylara smiled slightly as she opened her eyes; “It feels good to be clean again, Fanna.”
          “Good, good, come on out dear, I’ve found a white dress, it’s almost like the other servants. It’s not very warm clothing, but with a cloak you shall be warm. You won’t be going very far anyway and when we do start moving camp again, I’ll find you something more if it’s needed. Well get you dressed and that pretty hair of your combed, then I think you will be ready to present to Lord Talmore.”
         Kylara got out and dried herself, “What do you mean present to this Lord Talmore?”
          “Ah, Lord Talmore is in command of these warriors, of White Wolves. You do not have a home so you shall stay here, but to do that we must have Lord Talmore’s permission,” explained Fanna as she helped Kylara in to her new clothes.
          “Oh! But Fanna you don’t even know me, how do you know its safe to keep me here?”
         Fanna looked at Kylara and smiled, “I guess we’ll find out, but so far, I do know you have no home, no family, no one to care for you but yourself. I can do that, I have done it many times with the girls that have had to come with us,” Fanna pulled the last clothing piece into place, “Come and stand in front of the mirror dear and look at yourself while I braid your hair.”
         Kylara walked with Fanna over to the mirror and stood in front of it. She studied her reflection while Fanna stood on a stool behind her and braided her hair. Kylara tried not to shudder. This Lord Talmore must really like his women, thought Kylara. The tight top she wore showed the top of her chest, and her whole stomach was uncovered. At least the skirt is long, thought Kylara as she continued to study herself. Her tanned skin showed golden against the white and her now clear emerald eyes were bright. Fanna had just finished braiding Kylara’s dark brown hair, which seemed even darker against the white.
         Fanna smiled, “You are beautiful, now lets see what else you need before you go…” Fanna moved about the tent.
         Kylara walked over to her pile of clothing and from a small bag she took out a gold chain with a small emerald pendent. She turned to Fanna, “Fanna, should I wear this? It…it was my mothers.”
         Fanna turned with a pair of shoes in her hand and a white cloak on her arm, her puzzled face burst into a smile, “Its perfect. Put these on also,” Fanna gave her the shoes and cloak.
         Kylara slipped on the necklace, then awkwardly put on the shoes. It was hard for her to move in the tight skirt. After her parents and everyone else had learned of her secret training, she was allowed to wear warrior clothing that was specially made for her. Which meant she could easily move in it, the skirt she was wearing now, hardly let her move freely like Kylara loved. She pulled on the cloak then, with her back to Fanna, she secretly tied her sword on underneath her skirt.
          “Dear, what are you doing?” Fanna asked from behind her.
          “Nothing,” Kylara picked up her bow and turned to Fanna, her sword well hidden, “Will you keep this someplace safe for me?”
         Fanna gave a quick nod and took the bow and placed it by the bed that was being made, “Women aren’t allowed to have weapons dear, keep it hidden, and this is going to be your bed if Lord Talmore allows you to stay.”
          “Oh, alright,” Kylara followed Fanna as she walked out of the tent and headed for the larger one, “Fanna, why can’t women have weapons?”
         Fanna lowered her voice, “Lord Talmore thinks only men should have them, but I think that’s crock,” Fanna gave Kylara a secret smile.
         Fanna stopped in front of the two guards. They stared at Kylara, one finally stammered, “What’s…what’s your business?”
          “This young lady here and I need to speak to Lord Talmore about her working here,” said Fanna.
         The one guard nodded shortly and stepped aside, the other one followed. Fanna lead Kylara in, the guards watching Kylara go. Kylara instantly forgot the guards when she took her first real look at the inside of the grand tent. There was a desk off to the side covered in papers and maps. There was a bed, bigger than the one Kylara had seen and it looked a lot more comfortable. In the middle of the tent were a bunch of pillows with a man amongst them and three women. All the cloths were in bright colors, except the woman, they wore all white but in different styles. The man had dark brown hair and sharp, piercing blue eyes. Kylara instantly titled him a jerk in her mind.
         Fanna stopped at the edge of the pillows and bowed to Lord Talmore. She tried to signal to Kylara to do the same, but Kylara ignored it. This caught Lord Talmore’s attention and looked up.
          “Who is this…this disrespectful woman?” he demanded Fanna.
         Fanna shot Kylara a worried look and Kylara quickly stepped forward and gave a quick short bow, “My name is Kylara…my lord,” Kylara hated saying the word, she always had hated people who thought they were better than others.
          “Alright, Kylara,” he said her name with a slight distaste, “what is it that you want?”
          “My lord,” Fanna quickly addressed him, Lord Talmore never took his eyes off Kylara, “My lord, I request permission that Kylara stay with us. She could help me in the kitchen since you already have these beautiful women working for you.”
          “Fine, keep her with you, she’s your assistant, don’t bring her in my presence again, unless it is to serve me, got it?” Lord Talmore was staring intently on Kylara.
          “Yes, my lord,” Fanna turned and walked toward the kitchen, Kylara stayed behind only a moment longer, she gave Lord Talmore her most hateful glare then followed Fanna.
         She may be the most beautiful creature on earth, but she has a damn spiteful attitude, thought Lord Talmore to himself as he watched Kylara walk away.

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