Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/305320-CHAPTER-TWO
Rated: ASR · Book · Fantasy · #885965
Adventure into the fantastical world of an underground society...
#305320 added September 1, 2007 at 8:06pm
Restrictions: None
Dawn's new light was just streaming over the horizon but long shadows created a cool morning. The dew sprinkled over the grass and spider's webs shined in the sun; birds sang and the sky was clear and beginning to turn from azure to light blue. Melly hated it all. She resented every good thing about the day so far, as though accusing nature of refusing to mourn for her brother. So much for pathetic fallacy, she thought.

Silently, she passed through the town without stopping and walked on toward the edge of the wilderness. The openness of the land in front of her put her in a foul mood. Open spaces often failed to make her feel liberated; instead the barren expanse made her pulse jump, made her feel trapped. There wasn't another civilization for many miles and who knew what lay ahead. Even though her body had been whipped into in excellent physical condition since she was very young, Melly grew weary with walking. A steady pace fell and it seemed as though she was getting nowhere. There were no more landmarks to judge how far she had walked.

The town had disappeared long ago when she stumbled upon an abandoned campsite surrounded by a small grouping of trees. Curious, Melly wandered in and sat near the place where a fire had burn. Footprints still marked where the campers had stood. She took two mouthfuls of the traveler's blend from her bag and ate it slowly. If measured out and rationed carefully the food could last a long time, and it wouldn't spoil. It contained nuts and dried berries and a little meat coated with honey, it tasted good and was quite filling. Of course there were other things she could find along the way that she could eat, some grasses, sometimes berries or even a rabbit when she had time for a hunt.

She had not been sitting long when she noticed a sound like footsteps. Melly stiffened and prepared to draw her dagger. Two middle aged men, most likely the town thieves stumbled drunkenly into the campsite. Their clothes were old and hanging off of them in rags, their hair and beards matted fiercely. There was no way either of them was connected to the underground. Drunkards were not tolerated; cleanliness- not necessarily next to godliness, was still quite important. Besides, they were obviously ogre, a race not commonly known for brains. Their skin was a thick ruddy color and their bodies were rippled with muscles. Their heads, small in proportion to the rest of them, sat squarely on their shoulders like a grapefruit without any neck.

"Wot's she doin 'ere?" the first asked swaying almost comically with a stupid grin plastered on his ignorant face.

"Who cares, maybe the gel's got money!" the second said a glint flashing in his black eyes.

"Or food!" the first shouted.

"Shut up! You'll scare her away!" the second said hitting the first on the head roughly, sending him stumbling.

Melly blinked her eyes with a bland expression. The two suddenly straitened and glared at her, their beady, liquid-black eyes quickly clearing the glassy look they had held minutes before, and then winked at each other. Melly took a step back, ready. The two men jumped and missed, swiped and pawed, getting in each other's way and causing a lot of mess and confusion. Once, one of them had actually grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her down. Angered, Melly drew her dagger and stood menacingly as if daring them to try that again.

"Wot' she thinkin' she's gonna do wih tha' I wonda'?!" the first asked, laughing. The two then drew their own swords, something entirely too dangerous for two brainless drunks to consider carrying around. Melly almost said as much when a body suddenly flung itself out of hiding, startling both men and Melly. Melly backed out of the way and her eyes widened, first with surprise then with anger, at Drake, who had just appeared, to "save" her or something. A few well placed punches on the two unworthy jaws sent both thieves sprawling backward and into a drunken heap. Drake looked thoroughly pleased with himself.

Melly scowled, "What are you doing here?!" she demanded, dagger still positioned in her hand threateningly. "You could have killed yourself, didn't you see they had swords?!"

Drake looked sheepish for a minute and Melly stared coldly at him, "I get maybe a few miles from the town and I'm already being followed!? I told you NOT to follow me!" She screamed, beginning to scare Drake.

Drake stumbled back, "I- I was worried, I knew something like this would happen so I-"

"I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!" Melly said for what seemed the millionth time.

Drake stepped up to her and grabbed the hand that was holding the dagger poised and looking down into her face, which was a full foot closer to the ground than his, "Drammle thinks otherwise," he said slowly and precisely.

"Let go of me! Get away from me! Leave me ALONE!" Drake dropped her hand and sighed,

"Drammle told me to come, I didn't go and whine to him that I didn't want you to go alone." he said desperately.

"Yeah, right, like I am going to believe that. For the last time, I. Will. Be. FINE! Do I need to spell it out for everyone?!"

"Melly, be reasonable...ah... you now have a traveling companion." Drake said, not quite backing down, but not giving her a chance to take her anger out on him physically.

And they picked you? Melly thought to herself. Melly plunked herself down opposite the campfire where the two unconscious thieves lay and put her head in her hands, "You give me a headache, you know?!" she asked.

"I could say the same." Drake muttered. Melly looked up sharply, "Sorry! Sorry." Drake said, still standing. Drake was somewhat used to Melly's screaming tirades. He had been the brunt of them before, and had come through with only minor scrapes. Perhaps for that reason, Drammle had sent him. He was unfailingly tenacious.

"Come on then." Melly said standing again and rubbing her forehead.

"You don't wanna sit and rest a while?" Drake asked. Melly shot him a look, "Right then." he said falling in line a few paces behind her.

Melly was nearly seething with heated anger. She was the best there was, the best! And they sent Drake?! Of all people? Sure, he was her friend but truthfully, he made her uncomfortable. Melly did not like situations she could not control. She could not control how Drake felt about her. Which was not to say that she hadn't tried ignoring him, scaring him, threatening him.... he made her sick.

It was not that he was such a bad guy either; he was actually pretty nice looking with a toned, muscular frame and smiling eyes, not the typical assassin, one might think. He was polite and sweet, even when she wasn't, and for that, Melly seemed to hate him even more. Drake just accepted it.

Melly had her fists clenched; she would have hit him, only she had too much self-respect. He wasn't worth it. It had been Drammle who had sent him, if she chose to believe that, and she could never be angry at Drammle.

By nightfall they had traveled quite a distance. Darkness fell and consumed the landscape and silence fell, thicker than before. Before, of course, they did not talk, but now the silence was absolute. No birds, no bugs, just nothing. It was agitating and frightening at the same time. Therefore Melly kept walking and Drake kept following.

"Why don't we stop for the night?" Drake asked at one point, about ready to faint.

"You shouldn't have come if you weren't prepared to keep up." she said without slowing down or stopping.

"Well, when do you plan on stopping?! We're going to have to sleep sometime!" Drake said gruffly and a little annoyed.

Melly hated it, but he was right. She was tired, the only thing that kept her going was the anger she felt for her brother's murderers and even that wasn't enough to keep her walking long into the night. Around midnight she stopped and Drake nearly ran into her.

"Drake? Are you blind?" Melly said laughing, "We're stopping here, make yourself comfortable and fall asleep as soon as you can. I'll take first watch."

"Watch against what?" he asked stupidly.

"Brighten up, what do you think?" Melly said, settling herself in the soft grass.

"Sorry I don't have the training you have." he replied sarcastically, "That wouldn't be my fault, they chose you." he said half resentfully.

It was true, Drake and Melly both received the same basic training but when it came time to see who would advance to an elite assassin’s career, Melly was chosen to advance and Drake was left as the weapon's keeper, mastering the creation and use of a variety of useful tools of trade. Drake flopped on the grass next to her and threw his elbow over his eyes, falling asleep instantly. Melly rolled her eyes. When it came time to switch watching, Melly refrained, she wasn't sure if it would be ok to sleep while he watched. He was not trained the same way.

The sun rose and awoke Drake early. He sat up quickly, "Why didn't you wake me up?" he asked in seeing Melly already awake, "I never watched so you could sleep!"

"You can do that tonight, I'm rested enough for today though." Melly lied, she was tired and almost asleep on her feet. Drake noticed, especially when they stopped for the mid-day meal.

"You need a nap." he said swallowing the mouthful of food.

"Yes daddy." Melly said lying down on her stomach, "Wake me up in an hour, got it?" she said drifting to sleep. "Yeah, sure." Drake said leaning back on his elbows to rest and watch her sleep. He had no intention of waking her whatsoever, and he knew she would be mad afterwards, but... Drammle had told him to make sure she ate and slept as normally as possible, "Take care of her," the wise old man had said.

The howling of a lone wolf awoke Melly after a good, long nap. She snapped up, night had come and Drake had not awoke her when the hour was up as he promised. She opened her mouth to say something but was caught off guard by a soft snoring sound. Enraged, Melly leaped to her feet, cursing Drake in her head, and noticed him fast asleep.

A lotta good you'll do me, falling asleep, not keeping promises! Melly sometimes, like now, wished she could kill him and be rid of him. It was forbidden though, to kill any member of the Underground without explicit permission from Drammle. Melly narrowed her eyes.

Fine then, sleep, and with that, she set out into the night by herself. Let sleeping dogs lie. she muttered under her breath. Maybe this would discourage him and he would go back. Not likely...

The grasses stirred in the breeze sending goose bumps all up and down Melly's arms. She shuddered and pulled her dark cloak around her tighter. It was lonely now, without another's presence, but Melly could stand it enough not to want to run back and drag Drake along. She kept walking, face forward, one foot in front of the other. Drake had broken more than a few rules by falling asleep, he could actually be tried for insubordination of a superior, endangering a fellow citizen of the underground… What if one of those griffins that had been placing the towns had eaten them alive? With those foul hooked beaks and their black talons as long as hands… Melly shuddered as a hawk’s shadow flew across the ground in front of her.

Drake had broken more than a few rules by falling asleep, he could actually be tried for insubordination of a superior, endangering a fellow citizen of the underground… What if one of those griffins that had been plaguing the towns had eaten them alive? With those foul, hooked beaks and their black talons as long as a person’s foot… Melly shuddered as a hawk’s shadow crossed in front of her.

By sunrise she had reached the edge of the wilderness. A small village stood at the bottom of a hill, nestled in a valley. It was pretty, looking down at it from the top of the hill. It had a river running through its center and shops and houses lined the neat little streets. The sounds of the town rose with the wind and met Melly's ears. Horsemen and carts rattled and the mumbling din of voices blended. This certainly was not Cobran; Cobran was this small village's opposite.

Cobran was big and dirty and hauntingly quiet. The streets were dark and no one decent lived there. The buildings were falling apart and crumbling back to dust. The one thing that stood in its original, dreary condition was the castle there. It loomed crookedly over the city like a bully towering over a cowering victim. Its towers jutted out like crooked teeth and its walls held a sickly green/gray hue, coated in age-old grime. Just to look upon it gave one a sick feeling.

As she walked, thinking about it, an awkward fluttering of wings stirred her attentions back outward again. A dark shadow crossed over her and its shape froze her blood. She knew without looking up that the massive bird/beast was a griffin, with its foul, dead-smelling body and thick, sleek black feathers that glowed an intense blue-green to rival a crows feathers. She stopped walking, willing herself to be calm as she racked her brain for everything she knew about griffins.

They were greedy and vicious. They liked shiny things, like eyes. Their black talons could tear a rhinoceros apart. Their hooked beaks acted like a nutcracker that could split rocks. They were known for not only their smell but also their abilities concerning the destruction of anything that moved. None of which were particularly heartening, much less helpful.

Other, more gruesome visions entered her thoughts and her face contorted into a wince. She could practically hear her heart pounding inside her head as the shadow slowly circled high above as she remained rooted to the spot. Any movement could trigger the griffin into taking that fatal nose-dive, driving its beak into her skull or swooping down and shattering her ribs and crushing her lungs by tearing at her with those evil talons.

Somewhere deep inside Melly might have been screaming, but she looked and felt extremely calm. She practically felt the shift as the great shadow shrank drastically, as the beast zoomed downward. Eyes closed, Melly waited with bated breath for the perfect moment to drop and roll which would result in a narrow miss, throwing the griffin off. The first part of the plan was executed perfectly; the griffin shrieked and beat it’s wings, flopping awkwardly around trying to regain it’s equilibrium. Melly took advantage of his dizziness and tore into her cloaks for her dagger. With only a second to aim, she drew back her arm and punched it through the air, releasing her fingers from the hilt at the last possible second.

The blade glared in the sun before sinking hilt-deep in the squawking bird’s neck. It was not a fatal wound and the bird panicked, screeching and gawping. Without taking a moment to consider her chances, Melly seized the opportunity to hop onto it’s back, grab the dagger, yank it out, and plunge it deep into where a vein should be located, twisting it downward while struggling to stay on and keep her limbs out of reach and intact.

After a rough struggle, the griffin sank to it’s scaly knees before swaying over to one side and toppling over, faint with the loss of blood and taking it’s last rasping breaths angrily. Purple blood gushed from its neck in time to its faint heartbeat. Melly threw herself off and away, finding herself suddenly staring into one of it’s sinister yellow eyes that still shone with malice and ill intentions. Melly stared back hard until it’s eyes rolled back and it was fully dead. She came close to retrieve her dagger and found one of its pernicious talons lying on the ground. In awe, she picked it up; it was a solid ebony black and shone like a polished onyx about the size of her hand. She felt it to be an offering of acceptance to her small victory so she pocketed the rare treasure and hurried to the village in case there were more angry griffins hanging around.

Melly sighed, trying to calm her nerves, as she trotted down the hill and into the village. She came across the livery stables and paused, it would be so much easier going with a horse... she stopped to think. A big ruddy man with his shirt sleeves rolled to his elbows and a coarse apron around his waist came to meet her, clapping the dust from his hands.

"Can I help ya, Miss?" he asked.

Melly had to tilt her head back to see his face, he was so much taller than her. He was clearly a highland elf, which explained his ruddy pinkish color and towering height. "Not now, but I will be back later; have your best horse for sale, ready." she said turning to leave.

She could get some of her money from the Underground that tunneled beneath the small village. Unassuming, she wandered into the tavern and slipped behind the stairs. There was a plank in the floor near the women’s lavatory that could be lifted and revealed a trap door, which was the Underground's entrance here. Melly slipped in and fell maybe six feet into a hay bin. "Oomph!" came a sound from under her.

Melly made a face and scrambled off the hay. "Melly!" a young boy said tossing his small arms around her neck, "Wha'd'ya bring me!" he asked eagerly. Melly grinned and set him down on the ground. "Nothing this time, so how about I show you something special I got just now?” She said smiling. She drew the talon out and allowed the small boy to hold it in both of his little hands carefully. His tiny kid fingers rubbed the smooth surface in awe, “Ooh, did you kill it?!” he asked, eager for a story.

Melly laughed, “I might have.” She said elusively. “I’ll tell you another time Ky, I need to speak to your mother."

Without changing his happy, carefree expression the little one dragged her off to the kitchens where his mother worked. "Miranda!" Melly called to the stout fairy woman at the stove.

Miranda turned and smiled, "Well hello there! It's sure been a while!"

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that, but I can't stay, I need to pick up some money I left in your care, all of it if you have it. I'm buying a horse and I need that to pay for it." Melly followed the woman back to her quarters.

"Lenny's gonna be upset he didn't get to see you, are you sure you can't stay?" Miranda asked, Lenny, being her husband.

"I'm sure. I- I have... things-"

"Is it about your brother?!" Miranda asked in a whisper.

Melly sighed, and nodded, the runner had indeed been here and shouted it for the world. Miranda looked sympathetic, "If there's anything I can do, let me know, ok?" Miranda hugged the girl and Melly made a face.

"Alright then, see you around ok?" Melly called to Ky. Melly pocketed the gold coins and made sure they wouldn't jingle when she walked, no need to risk being robbed. She came back to the stables where the same ruddy man was waiting in anticipation. "Got the horse?" she asked blandly.

"If you got the money." he replied simply.

"How much?" she asked, trying not to sound too interested, pretending to check over the other horses. He told her and she turned to leave, "Thanks anyway." she said.

"No no! wait! I'll go lower!" Melly smiled. "I give you ten gold coins, and I get the horse." she said firmly.


"I only have ten." she lied, blank faced, "I can go elsewhere..."

"No no! No need for that, ten. Ten gold coins for the horse then. He grunted and handed her the horse’s rope and she handed him the money. What no saddle?! she thought jokingly. She knew it was a steal, she could tell the stallion, though it seemed a little wild, was a good horse. She mounted, clutching it's mane and kicked it into a trot until she got to the inn. Might as well stop and get a decent bite to eat, she thought, going inside after securely tying the horse.

She sat near the window to keep and eye on the horse. A tired and harried waitress took her order- a baked potato with brisket and a cold ale. The food was served hot but never had time to cool, it was bolted down so fast. For all her size, Melly was a bottomless pit when there was food to be had. She gulped the ale and left a small stack of coins on the table after paying the bill.

The horse was still waiting outside. "You need a name." she said thoughtfully, patting its neck before expertly mounting the horse. She guided the horse at a lope out of the village, towards the next, which she estimated to be about a three-day ride. It was getting late and she still had not seen or heard from Drake, thankfully. She rode out past the city and farther before she stopped. A forest stood between her and the village and it would take three days to get through it.

For now though, she decided to sleep. The horse grazed peacefully, tied to a stump on the edge of the woods. Melly leaned against a tree and fell into a light sleep. An assassin's sleep is only occasionally haunted by gruesome memories, unless they have no conscience. Melly, in this case, was in between. She had never thought twice about the reason for killing just for the money. Fate had picked her work and she accepted it... more or less.

A faint rustling sound jostled her out of sleep. She opened an eye carefully so to appear asleep. Some dark figure was making its way towards her and would surely step on her at the rate he was going. Unless it’s a specter, Melly thought with a shiver. They were pretty common things, being so close to the woods. But even a specter talented enough to change its form into a human being still would not be able to create footsteps from their illusions. He had just come within a few steps when Melly pounced, tackling it to the ground with all the force she had. It was no specter.
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