Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/303535-Letting-Go-Chapter-1
by Kidis
Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #881715
Melinda&Karina are friends&law partners. They both find love when they least expect it.
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#303535 added November 10, 2004 at 2:27pm
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Letting Go Chapter 1
Melinda had become frustrated with her work today. Her clients were driving her nuts and she couldn’t take her partners whining. She needed some quiet time. Those were the last words that she uttered to her assistant before leaving the office earlier today. She drove to the local Barnes and Nobles and sat down reading her book from her favorite author. She just wanted to be left alone and not think about her life and work at the moment.

Melinda was a divorce attorney. After graduating from law school she worked for a firm in the city and then decided to open her own practice with a friend of hers. They opted to open in Long Island wanting to avoid the hustle and bustle of the city. But at this moment none of that was important. She just needed a break from everything and everyone. The more her professional life prospered her personal life declined. She had just come out of a 2-year relationship and she was still trying to make sense of everything that had gone wrong.

Her cell phone ringing interrupted her thoughts. It was her partner.

“Hello Karina,”

“Where are you?” she frantically said.

“I’m getting some much needed quiet time. What’s up?”

Oh! Then this can wait until tomorrow. Mr. Martinez called he went home to find his wife had thrown all of his clothing in his Olympic size pool.”

Melinda chuckled, “You know these divorce clients are crazy. Just tell him I am tied up in court and that he should go buy clothes and make sure he keeps the receipt. I will deal with her attorney tomorrow.”

“Ok! Sorry to have bothered you. Do you want to grab a bite to eat later?”

As much as she wanted to be alone. She was tired of going home to an empty house.

“Sure,” how about we meet at La Parma at 7PM.”

“Great,” Karina responded, see you then.”

Melinda hung up the phone and went back to reading her book. She had blocked out everyone around her.

At around half passed six she put away her book. She had remembered that there was a book she was looking for. She went up to the information desk.

“May I help you.” A young man said behind the counter.

“Yes, I was looking for this book “Declining of America – Conservative Lies.”

As she waited for him to look it up in the computer she turned around and noticed a handsome man standing behind her. He smiled at her and she smiled back. He was just being polite she thought.

“I’m sorry Ma’am but that book is out of print and we have no copies left.”

“Oh! Great! I guess I will have to track it down somehow. Thanks for you help.”

She turned around and started to walk away.

“Excuse me!” She heard.

She turned around and it was the handsome man trying to get her attention.

“Yes, she said smiling. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I have that book you are looking for. If you give me your address I’ll mail you my copy.”

Melinda could feel her face blush, “That is not necessary she said. But thank you for the offer.” She turned her shoulder slightly when she felt his hand on her arm.

“Don’t be foolish. It was apparent you really wanted to read this book. You can mail it back to me when you are done.”

She smiled again. “Ok! Thank you. She handed him her business card. You can send it to my office.”

He took the business card and smiled, “It was a pleasure meeting you Ms. Malone.”

She blushed even more, “Thank you very much! She didn’t know what else to say. But I’m sorry I have a dinner date and I must get going. She extended her hand thanks again Mr…..”

“Jake!” he said shaking her hand.

Melinda smiled again and went off to dinner.

At 7PM she was sitting at the bar waiting for Karina. She sighed knowing that Karina was always running late. Her thoughts drifted to her strange encounter with Jake. She knew she had never met him before but he looked so familiar to her. As if she had seen him on TV or something.

“Hey! Sorry I’m late.”

Melinda swung her chair around, “Your always late. Come on our table is ready.”

They sat down and immediately ordered. Having frequented the restaurant they already knew what they wanted to eat.

“So did you have a relaxing afternoon?” Karina asked taking a sip of her wine.

“Yes I did! Sorry for running off like that but if I didn’t get away I think I would have gone nuts. Sometimes I just need a break.”

Karina smiled, “I know exactly what you mean. Having our own firm is great. But sometimes it does get overwhelming.”

“Yes it does but enough about work. How is Mario doing?”

“He’s good! He’s a way on business again. It just seems that we’ve hardly had any alone time the last few months between his business trips and mine. But that’s the price you pay for success.”

“I guess Karina, but I want something more than someone squeezing seeing me in between meetings. I already had that kind of relationship with Mark and look where that ended up. I don’t know what I want anymore. It’s hard and one hand I want my professional life to be successful but I feel I can’t have both. These last few months for me have been hard.”

Karina grabbed a hold of Melinda’s hand, “I know what you are going through but Mark is a fool to have let you go. And it is possible to have it all. You just have to find the right person to share it with.”

Melinda smiled, “I’m sorry! Let’s not talk about this anymore. The past is in the past.” She held up her glass toasting as they clinked glasses Melinda laughed, “I forgot to tell you what happened today at the bookstore. It was the strangest thing. I was on the information line and I noticed this extremely attractive gentleman standing behind me. He smiled at me and I smiled back. Well anyway they ended up not having my book in stock and it was also out of print. As I walked away that attractive gentleman stopped me and told me that he would mail me his copy of the book that I was looking for. At first I told him no but at the end I figured why not. That was real nice of him.”

“Oh yea! I’m sure he was just being nice.” Karina responded sarcastically. “The fact that you are a beautiful woman has nothing to do with it.”

Melinda blushed, “Stop it! I am average looking.”

Karina laughed, “Hunny if you are average looking than I must be ugly.”

“Anyway, I gave him my business card so I guess we will see what happens next.”

“So does this mystery man have a name?”

“I only got his first name its Jake. And I have to say he looked familiar as if I’ve seen him on TV or something. He probably has one of those familiar faces.”

Karina nodded in agreement. They continued to chitchat over dinner about work and their lives.

Karina was on her way home she had just had a joyous dinner with her closest friend. But her heart went out to Melinda she was having such a tough time over this break up with Mark. Usually she just bounced right back after relationships but she was taking this way to seriously. Karina worried it was unlike her friend to be so depressed. All through college and law school she never had a problem finding a date. Melinda was one of the more popular girls in her class. She had it all she was extremely outgoing, bright and beautiful. Her witty personality only enhanced her stunning looks. Melinda was all of 5’4” but she carried herself as if she was 6 feet tall. Her long brown hair and her hazel eyes gave her that girl next door look. And she knew her blessed she was with her body. She barely ever worked out but she had a figure right out of a magazine.
Karina pulled down her mirror and looked at herself. I’m so plain looking she said out loud. I she put up her mirror not wanting to look at her reflection again.

“Hello,” Jake responded into his cell phone.

“Jake, it’s Laura, I was able to track down two copies of that book you were looking for. “

Jake smiled, “Great! I’ll pass by and pick them up this afternoon. See you then bye.”

“Bye!” she replied back.

Jake’s smile grew bigger by the second. There was something so alluring about Melinda. He knew he had to meet her even if it meant lying about having the book she was looking for. Somehow he knew that just approaching her and asking her out would not have worked. She wasn’t some young woman. She was sophisticated and it was obvious that she was career oriented. He couldn’t help but not notice her. She was wearing a suit but he could see the curves of her body and her skirt was short enough to reveal her sexy sleek legs. There was just something about her that drew him to her. He leaned back on his couch grabbing his guitar and began playing what he was feeling letting his emotions come out in his music. That was the reason why his music was so inspiring and captivating. Whatever he was feeling in his life always came out in his music. He continued to strum the strings on his guitar humming in place of words. Within minutes he was lost in his own world.

The last couple of days have been hectic for Melinda. It was already dinnertime by the time Melinda arrived back at her office from the morning. There was a package on her desk along with paperwork to sign and files that need to be reviewed. She put the package aside and began going over the paperwork her assistant had left for her. She reviewed them and signed off on them. She started going through the files on her desk to prepare herself of her next day appointments. Before she knew it was already nine o’clock. She gathered her stuff and grabbed the unopened package and headed home.

Karina was sitting home waiting for Mario to arrive. He was already two hours late. His flight had arrived over three hours ago and Karina had been trying to reach him on his cell phone but there was no answer. She paced back in forth worrying about him. As she continued to pace she saw headlights in her driveway. She ran and opened the front door.

“I’ve been so worried is everything ok?” she hollered.

“I’m touched you don’t need to worry about me I’m a big girl I can take care of myself,” Melinda responded chuckling.

“Oh! I thought you were Mario.” She walked back into her home still worried and now annoyed at herself at the twenty questions Melinda would be asking based on her statement. She knew she was about to be drilled as if she was being cross-examined on the witness stand.

“Is everything ok?” Melinda said closing the door behind her.

“Yea! I was just expecting Mario. He should have been here already.”

“Oh sorry! I just wanted to come by and drop off these invoices for your review. I won’t be in the office until tomorrow afternoon I didn’t want them to be delayed any further.”

She grabbed the folder setting it down on her dining room table.

“Are you sure you’re ok?”

Before Karina could respond the door opened with Mario dropping his bags in the front foyer.

Melinda could see what attracted Karina to him. He definitely was dashing. He was tall, muscular and handsome. But she really hated the way he treated her. Her thoughts were interrupted.

“Hi Melinda,”

“Hi Mario!” she replied back graciously, “It was apparent that they were both being polite.

“Well, I just wanted to drop off these invoices to you. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon. I should be in around 3 or so.”

Karina walked Melinda to the door as Melinda walked out she hollered a goodbye to Mario. She really didn’t want to spend anymore time in that home when he was around. She just didn’t understand why Karina puts up with is behavior.

Karina shut the door behind her. She walked over to Mario who had plopped down on the chair.

“You know I would really appreciate for your friends to be gone by the time I get here. The last thing I want to do after a long day and a long flight home is have to be gracious to your stupid friends.”

“I’m sorry!” Karina responded, “I didn’t know she was coming by. Is everything ok? Your flight landed over three hours ago.”

Mario shot up, “What you are keeping tabs on me. I’m not your child. I’m your boyfriend. You know I don’t know why I even bother with you. I haven’t been home in 2 weeks and the first thing you do is nag me. I knew I should have just gone home. But I wanted to see you and all you do is nag, nag nag. I don’t know what you want from me Karina.”

Karina stood there in tears. She hadn’t wanted to make him upset. She hated it when he became irrational. He grabbed his coat and his bags, “Why don’t’ you call me when you’ve come to your senses until then just leave me alone.”

Before Karina could say anything he stormed out of the house. She dropped to her knees in tears as she saw his car drive away. Why did she have to open her big mouth she thought? She knew how stressed he was and all she could do was nag him. She didn’t move she just sat there as tears flowed down her face blaming herself for his reaction.

“Hey baby!” Mario seductively whispered into the phone, “I was able to get out of my meeting I’m heading back to your place. So why don’t you get yourself all prettied up I’m taking you out for a romantic dinner. I think we both worked up quite and appetite earlier. And maybe if you behave will go back to your place for a second helping of dessert.

“Oh Mario,” Karla whispered back, “You just know how to drive me crazy.”
“See you in a bit my love,” Mario said as he hung up the phone. He pulled down his mirror fixing his hair vaguely remembering his encounter with Karina.

Melinda plopped her stuff down on her kitchen table. She opened her refrigerator pulling out left over Chinese food. I guess this will do she said out loud. She placed it on a plate so she can heat it up. She began to go through her mail sorting what was junk and what wasn’t. She stared at the package not knowing what it could possibly be. She hadn’t ordered anything. She grabbed a knife and began opening the box. Underneath a stack of tissue paper was the book that Jake had promised her. She smiled as she remembered how attractive and sweet he was. She opened the book and inside was a note that said the following:


It’s amazing how negative the public’s perceptions are of liberals. I hope you find as much comfort and enjoyment as I did from reading this being a liberal isn’t that bad :). I would love to meet with you over dinner to discuss your thoughts when you are threw reading this. Call me 516 659-9898.


Melinda closed the book smiling. Who was this man and why did he have such a profound affect on her.

It was well after 3pm when Melinda arrived at the office. She whizzed by her assistant dropping her things in her office. She walked out of her office and into Karina’s but the office was unusually dark.

“Liz, Is Karina in court?”

“No, she called this morning and told me she wasn’t feeling well.”
Melinda stood there for moment. “Can you get her on the phone for me.”

A moment later Liz came over the intercom for her to pick up her phone.

“Hey Karina are you ok?” Melinda asked concerned.

“Yea I’m fine! I just woke up this morning with such a splitting headache. I’ve been resting most of the day.”

Karina wasn’t completely lying she did have a splitting headache that was caused from all the crying she did last night. She had tried calling Mario all night long but his cell phone was turned off and he wasn’t picking up his home phone. She was a wreck she barely had slept all night long. But she didn’t want Melinda to know what had happened. She had heard it all before how she shouldn’t allow Mario to treat her this way and that she should just end it with him. But Karina couldn’t she did love him even though he was a total jerk to her. But when things were good between them they were so good that she always focused on it.

“Do you want me to bring you anything? Have you eaten today?”

Karina didn’t want to see Melinda she would have seen her red puffy eyes and known that she was up all night crying.

“No, Mario is coming by soon with dinner. But thank you anyway. I’m going to go rest now. I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye!”

“Bye!” Melinda said hanging up the phone. She stared at it for a moment contemplating calling Karina back. Somehow she didn’t get the impression that Karina was being honest. She grabbed a hold of the receiver and quickly put it down again. I’ll call her later and make sure she is ok she thought to herself.

It was over a week now that Jake had sent out the book to Melinda. He grabbed his guitar strumming the strings wondering if she would ever call. He had never been so intrigued by anyone before.

“Hey that sounds pretty good!” Kyle said walking into the studio.

Jake looked up startled, “Oh thanks man! Just something I’m messing around with.”

“Well I was up half the night working on a few things.” He popped in the tape and they both listened to it.

“That’s pretty good! We have a lot to work this time around. I would say that this album should top the last one.”

“I hope,” Kyle responded. “I don’t want to be one of those one hit wonders we see on VH1.”

Jake laughed, “Come on let’s get working on these new songs.”

Melinda put the phone down a third time. She had gotten as far as dialing the first 3 numbers of Jake’s phone number. She kept freezing what was such the big deal she thought. I’ll just call him and get his address to mail back his book I won’t even mention anything about dinner. She quickly dialed the number before she could lose her never again.

“Hello,” she heard. And for a moment she couldn’t speak.

“Hello is anyone there?” she heard a man say.

“Hi! May I please speak to Jake?”

“May I ask who is calling?”

“Melinda Malone.”

Jake smiled he was hoping that was her on the phone.

“Hi Melinda this is Jake how are you?”

“I’m good and u?” She replied politely.

“Things are hectic but good. So have you finished reading the book?”

“Yes,” she responded. Before she could say anything.

“So when would you like to meet for dinner?”

She smiled she found his assertiveness to be a turn on.

“I’m not really sure. I’m still contemplating if I would like to meet you for dinner.” She chuckled half way through her sentence. She was trying to be playful back but she found it to be funny.

“Your funny! How does tomorrow night sound?”

“One second, she flipped through her calendar and saw that her night was empty, “I’m free.”

“Great! How about I pick you up at 7:30PM.”

“Ok, she gave him her address they chit chatted for a few more minutes and then they hung up.

Melinda sat there for a moment. She couldn’t believe it. This was unlike her to accept an invitation for dinner from a stranger but there was something that intrigued her about him.

“Who was that?” Kyle asked.

“Just my attorney he responded. He couldn’t believe he was lying to his best friend. Kyle and him had been friends since they were in high school. They had both met through Kyle’s cousin Jake was playing in a band with Kyle’s cousin. When the band broke up Kyle and Jake formed their current band Requisition. He felt bad lying to his best friend but he didn’t want to get into detail on how he met Melinda. It was obvious to him that she had not recognized who he was and that was a plus in his book. He never knew if the woman is attracted to him because of who he is as a person or because he’s this famous singer of a rock n’ roll band.

“Is everything ok?”

“Yea, Just finalizing some personal stuff nothing to worry about.”

Kyle gave a sigh of relief; “You scared me there for a moment. You know if there is anything you ever need you can always come and talk to me.”

“Man, I know that you’re my bro. Come on let’s get cracking on these songs.”

Karina woke up the next morning feel worse than she did the day before. She had left numerous messages for Mario at work, home and on his cell phone but he never returned any of her calls. She stumbled out of bed knowing she had to get to work today. She had to many clients to meet with and she didn’t want Melinda asking her to many questions on why she wasn’t coming in again. She knew that Mario would eventually forgive her. She just hated the way she felt when he wasn’t talking to her.
She got dressed trying hard to cheer up.

Melinda was at work bright and early. She had wanted to get a head start this morning. She knew she would be leaving early to get ready for her date. She had spent half the night trying to figure out what to wear. She most have tried on everything in her closet twice. Finally she had settle on a simple black dress. She didn’t know where he was taking her for dinner but she knew that the black dress would be the perfect outfit. By the time Karina came in she was already on her third brief.

“Good morning,” Melinda shouted from her office as Karina walked into hers.

“Good morning,” she replied back. She sat down behind her desk and saw the stack of messages that she had to return.

“So are we feeling better today?” Melinda asked as she strolled into Karina’s office.

“Yes, the headache is finally gone.”

Melinda couldn’t wait to tell Karina about Jake.

“You’ll never guess who I am having dinner with tonight?”

Karina sat there puzzled, “Who?”


“Jake?” she responded back questioningly.

“Yea, you remember Karina the guy that I met at Barnes and Knobles. He sent me the book and I called him yesterday to get his address to mail the book back and he asked me to dinner. I don’t know why I am so nervous.”

The last thing Karina wanted to hear was Melinda having another date. She was already upset with Mario.

It was five minutes to seven thirty when Melinda’s door bell rang. She took one last look in the mirror before opening the door.

“Hi,” she said smiling. She motioned him in. “I should be just a sec.”

“You have a nice place here,” he was starting to get a little nervous and he didn’t know why.

“Thanks! She grabbed her purse and followed him out. She stopped for a moment in shock when she saw the car he was driving. She hadn’t expected to see a 300 series Mercedes convertible in her driveway.

She walked towards the car and he opened the door for her. She didn’t know why she was so surprised that he drove a 90,000 dollar car. He didn’t seem like he was poor but he didn’t have that wallstreet high profile look either.

“So how was work today?” Jake asked breaking the silence.

“It was good extremely busy. “

“What is it that you do?”

Melinda laughed, “It would be nice if I told you right. I’m a divorce attorney. “

Jake was impressed, “Wow! You don’t look like a high powered killer.”

Melinda laughed again, “Well maybe it’s because I work out on the Island. I am partners in a firm out here.

That’s impressive, you can’t be more than 27 years old.”

Melinda was impressed, “Yea your right. I just turned 27.

Jake smiled, “So do you like Italian food?”
“Yes, italian is great.”

“I know a quaint little place in Bayville.”

“Your not talking about Umbertos?”

Jake laughed, “Yes, I love that place.”

“So do I,” Melinda responded, “I go there all the time. They have the best Penne a la Vodka.”

“I love there Fettucine Alfredo.”

“So I take it that you live around here?”

“Yes, When I am home.”

“And where is home?”

“Port Washington.”

“Wow, your not at all far from me in Roslyn.”

Jake laughed, “I’m only a hop, skip and jump away.”

Before they knew it they had arrived at Umbertos.

As soon as they walked in the Matre d’ recognized Jake and escorted him to his usual table.

They sat down not even glancing at their menus. Their waiter came over with a bottle of red wine and began pouring it for them. They ordered their meals Penne for Melinda and Fettuccine for Jake.

They chit chatted while they waited for their dinner to arrive. As they talked it became apparent to Jake that Melinda had no idea who he was. He wanted to get to know her as much as he could before he told her who he was. He didn’t want her knowing his line of work effect what she felt about him.

There dinner arrived and they began eating.

“Is your dinner ok?” Jake asked.

“Its great.” She leaned over putting her fork into his dish and grabbing a forkful of fettuccine alfredo.

“Your food isn’t that bad. She preceded to take another forkful.:”

Jake began laughing. He found what she was doing great. He was so use to women ordering a salad and barely eating. He liked the fact that she was being herself.

Melinda put her for down. “Sorry Jake, I don’t usually just shove my fork in other peoples plates.”

He continued to laugh, “I think your great! You can eat off of my plate any time.”

Melinda began laughing. “I just looked like such a pig.”

“Nah!” Your parents just never taught you any table manners.”

Melinda looked up, “You really think you’re a comedian. Don’t quit your day job.”

There was a moment of silence. “Well wait what is exactly your day job.”

Before he could answer there waiter appeared.

“Is there anything else I can get you both” Jake preceded to order another bottle of wine.
“Are you trying to get me drunk?” Melinda said.

“Who me! Never!”

She giggled. I see your game. You can’t fool me.”

Jake was just happy that they had gotten off the topic of his job. He didn’t want to lie to her so the longer he avoided the topic the better off they were.

Melinda looked down at her watch as saw that it was already 11 PM. They had been sitting there for the past hour just chit chatting about things.

“I can’t believe the time has flown by so quickly. Jake stood up pulling her chair from under her.

“Wait, what about the check.”

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“We didn’t pay.”

“Oh! It’s been taken care of.”

“Well you can at least let me pay for half.”

As they walked out of the restaurant they argued. She kept insisting on paying.

“Melinda, please do not insult me. It was my pleasure I had a wonderful time. I hope you had a good time.”

“Yes I did. But we never discussed the book.”

“That’s right! I guess we will discuss it the next time.”

Melinda didn’t say anything she was hoping that there would be a next time. She didn’t know if he was just being polite or if he meant it.

Before she knew it they were at her house. He walked her to her door.

“I really had a wonderful time.” Jake said. He was feeling awkward and nervous.

“I did also. She leaned up against her door. Well Thank you for dinner.” She really wanted to kiss him but she had a rule she never kissed on the first date.

Jake didn’t know what to do either. At this juncture of the night he was usually already having sex with them. But he knew Melinda was different and different is what he wanted.

He leaned in kissing her lightly on the lips. “good night he whispered and was off.

Melinda stood there for a moment before going in. She had never felt this way about anyone. She had a wonderful time. But she didn’t even know who he really was. They talked about her the entire night. She shut the door behind her and replaying over the events of the night.

Jake drove away as quickly as possible. He had wanted to desperately to pull her into his arms and kiss her passionately. But he didn’t want to be to forward. He had such a wonderful time that he couldn’t wait until the next time they went out.

Melinda had finally arrived at the office around 2PM she had had a misreable time at court today.
“Hi,” Liz said as melinda walked into her office.

As she stepped in a smile appeared on her face. 2 dozen white roses were on her desk. She walked over opened the card,


I had a wonderful time last night. I would love to see you tonight..


Melinda stood there speechless.

“Those are some roses,” Liz said walking into Melinda’s office.

“Yes they are.” Melinda couldn’t help but smile.

“What time were they delivered?”

“This morning.”

“I hope you don’t mind I put them in water so they wouldn’t get spoiled.”

“Of course not, Liz. Thanks.”

“So Melinda, who are they from?”

“I went out to dinner with some guy last night his name is Jake.”

“Wow, must have been some dinner I mean 2 dozen roses.”

Melinda chuckled, “It was only dinner.”

“I didn’t say anything.” Liz responded laughing.

“Yea Yea, I know how your dirty mind thinks.”

Liz laughed walking out of her office to answer the ringing phone.

“Hi, Jake” Melinda said.

“Hey Melinda, How are you?”

“I’m good busy though. Sorry for not calling you sooner. I just go into the office I’ve been in court all day. Thank you so much for the roses they are absolutely gorgeous.

“I’m sure not as gorgeous as you are.” Melinda blushed. “I take it your too busy for dinner tonight.”

Melinda stuttered for a moment. She knew she had a ton of work to do and a stack of files she had to go throw for billing purposes. But she wanted to see Jake again.

“Well, if we can make it a late dinner.”

“Ok, that’s fine with me. How about I pick you up at 9PM.”

“Do you mind picking me up from work. I’ll still be at the office.”

“Ok, that’s fine with me.”

“Will grab a bite to eat around here.” Melinda responded.

“Sure, whatever you would like.”

Melinda gave him her address and then hung up going back to work.

“Hey man,” Jake heard he turned around and it was his best friend Kyle.

“What’s up bro?”

“Thought maybe after the session you want to get a bite to eat.”

“Sorry Kyle but I have plans already tonight.”
“Any one I know.” Kyle said with a devilish smirk.

“No, it’s a business dinner with my attorney that’s all.”

“Oh, sounds like fun.” He said kiddingly.

Jake hated lying to his friend but he didn’t want to jinx anything with Melinda. He had a wonderful time last night and he couldn’t stop thinking about her all night long. He kept wondering how he was going to tell her who he was. It was apparent that she didn’t know who he was and he liked that but he knew he had to tell her. He didn’t want her finding it out by having some fan come up to him while they were out together.

“Jake! Are you there!” Kyle shouted.

“Yea, sorry just spaced out for a second.” He began playing a riff on the guitar as Kyle listened.

“So I was thinking that if we put that in the bridge of the song it should flow better.

They continued to work on the song.

Karina was driving back to the office when her cell phone rang. It had been 2 days already and Mario still hadn’t called her. She looked at the cell phone and saw that it was Mario’s work number.

“Hey hunny!” she said picking up the phone.

“Hi!” he said very short, “I only have a minute be home tonight I’m coming by.” He hung up the phone. Karina breathed a sigh. She was happy that he was coming by. It didn’t matter that he just hung up the phone on her. He had already forgiven her. By the time she arrived at the office it was already after 4PM.

“Hey you,” Melinda said as Karina walked by her office.
“Hey,” she heard back, “Sorry I’m in a rush just came by to pick up some files “

Karina stopped in Melinda’s office. “Hey nice roses.”

“Thanks, there from Jake.”

“Get out of here. They are gorgeous.”

“Yes, they are. We went to dinner last night and today these were waiting for me when I got here with a card. “ Melinda handed over the card to Karina.

“So are you going to dinner with him tonight?”

“Yes, a late dinner. I have way too much work to do. But I had to say yes. I had a such a wonderful time last night.”

Karina was happy to see her friend so cheerful. She hadn’t really dated anyone since her breakup and she was just glad her friend was getting back into the groove.

“”Well, have a great time. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Goodnight,” Melinda shouted as Karina dashed out the door.

Karina was home in know time. She had wanted to tidy up her house and to make dinner before Mario got there. She wanted the evening to go as smoothly as possible. She didn’t want to upset Mario like she had the last time. She knew how short his temper was at times and she didn’t know why she provoked him. She was in the kitchen marinating the steaks when her phone rang.


“Karina, it’s Mario, I should be there in about 20 minutes. So make sure you are ready we are going to La parma.”
“Oh, Karina responded.

“Is there a problem?”

“No, not at all. She didn’t dare mention that she was making dinner. I’ll be ready see you in a bit bye.”

He hung up the phone rolling his eyes. He sometimes wondered why he even bothered with her. But he knew that she was the perfect woman to be married to when he ran for public office. She was intelligent, educated, attractive but not to attractive looking and came from a good family. He knew as long as he had his distractions he could spend his life with Karina.

Jake and Melinda had just finished having dinner and they both had a wonderful time. They were heading back to her office and Jake knew he had to tell her who he was.
The pulled into the parking lot and made there way upstairs to her office. Melinda had left some files up there and Jake didn’t want her going up there alone and he knew this would be a great time to talk to her. She unlocked the office door and turned on the lights.

“Make yourself comfortable while I get these files, she said pointing to the couches.

Jake sat down and kept fidgeting. A few minutes later she emerged from her office.

“All ready. That didn’t take to long.” She said.

“Melinda, do you think we can talk for a minute.”

Melinda sat down as she felt a big knot in her stomach. Oh great she thought to herself. I finally meet a nice guy and now he’s going to dump me.

“You sound so serious is everything ok.” Melinda asked.

Jake stared into her beautiful eyes. “Everything is fine. I just have to tell you something. Please just let me get this out then you can say whatever you like.”

“Alright,” Melinda said placing her hand on top of his.

When I saw you that day in Barnes and Knobles I knew I just had to meet you. I never in my life had become so mesmirized by anyone. When I approached you it was obvious that you didn’t recognize me. But I wasn’t too sure but now after 2 dates it’s apparent you don’t recognize me. You see the reason why I keep avoiding the subject of work is because I didn’t want to tell you what I did until I got to know you better. Let’s just say a lot women tend to go out with me based on what I do and not who I am and I never wanted to have that question lurking over my head about you. You see I’m Jake Jackson.

Melinda’s eyes lit up. It was apparent to her now who he was. He was Jake Jackson lead singer of the rock band Requisition. No wonder he had looked so familiar to her she just never made the connection.

“Oh my god! Is all she could say, I feel so stupid.” She stood up walking towards Liz’s desk. She needed something to lean up against. How could she not known how foolish she was.

Jake stood up, “I’m sorry I should have told you sooner.”

Melinda stood there silent for a moment, “ There is no need to apologize Jake, I just feel foolish.”

“What for,” Jake said standing up walking towards Melinda.”

“You must think I’m a real idiot not knowing who you were. I guess I just never made that connection.”

“I don’t think you’re an idiot. I mean let’s be honest I would think that the bookstore would be the last place you would bump into a rockstar.”

Melinda chuckled.

“Now that’s better there is that pretty smile of yours. He was standing in front of her he placed his arms around her waist pulling her close to him. There was nothing said between them. He leaned in kissing her softly on the lips. Melinda responded kissing him back. He kept kissing her lips softly tasting every bit of her. As he kissed her he slowly parted her lips until his tongue was deep inside her mouth. He had wanted to kiss her from the moment he had laid eyes on her. Melinda was in a trance she was allowing herself to just let go something she never did so soon. Jake slowly pulled away smiling. Melinda stood there not moving she needed the support of the desk behind her to keep her up. She was trying to take everything in. What Jake had told her and the kiss she was overwhelmed.

“Melinda,” Jake softly spoke, “Are you ok?”

“I’m fine! Just a bit overwhelmed.”

“I hope this doesn’t change things between us. I really do care for you.”

“No,” Melinda replied she placed her fingers on his lips, “This doesn’t change what I feel for you it might complicate things a little.”

Jake kissed her fingers, “I won’t argue that. When I start touring again it will be tough but we have some time until then.”

“Yes we do,” She leaned in kissing him again. “But I think it’s time we call it a night.” And with that they left the office.

“Nice car,” Jake said as he opened her car door for her. She had the exact car as he did but in silver.

“Thanks, we have similar tastes.”

“If your free I would love to see you tomorrow?” Jake said.

“I would love that, how about you come over tomorrow night for dinner.”

Jake smiled, “That would be great.”

“I’ll see you at seven then.” She crouched down to get into her car but Jake stopped her. He pulled her close to him and she could feel his heart beating. He kissed her even more passionately not wanting to let her go.

Karina lay awake in bed. Mario was already snoring.

Melinda practically flew through the day. She was still a bit overwhelmed with everything that had happened last night. She was more worried about her feelings for him than anything else. She never thought she would ever feel this way about anyone else again. And that bad thing was she was beginning to second guess her own feelings. She had vowed that she would never get hurt the way she did with Mark. She had given so much of herself to him and their relationship and she honestly believed that he was the right man for her. She couldn’t understand how she could have been so wrong. Mark was not what she needed. From the outside he had all the qualities you ever wanted in a man. He was handsome, debonair, successful. But underneath all that he was insecure, which made him very critical of others. It had come to a point in their relationship where Melinda knew she had to get out but she had become so emotionally depended on Mark that she found it extremely difficult to do. Finally about six months ago it had all come to a screeching end. The last thing Melinda needed was to get involved in a relationship. But she was finding it hard to hold back her feelings for Jake. He was such an incredible man a perfect gentleman. Who would of thought a rock star to be such a great guy she said out loud.

“Are you talking to me?” Karina asked as she walked by Melinda’s office.
Melinda looked up startled, “Oh no! I was just mumbling to myself.”
Karina laughed, “You know it’s ok if you talk to yourself but when you start responding to your own questions then there is cause for alarm.”

Melinda chuckled, “I’ll keep that in mind.” Her cell phone rang in her purse and Melinda dug threw it trying to find it.

“Melinda Malone,” she said into the receiver.

“Hey cutie!” she heard on the other end.

“Hi,” she responded smiling. It made her so happy to hear from him.

“Just calling to say hi and see how your day is going.”

“I just got into the office a little while ago my day has been extremely hectic but nothing is new with that.”

“Well, my day has been crazy also. But I will tell you all about it tonight. We are still on for tonight?”

“Of course we are! Why wouldn’t we be!”

“No reason just double checking. Well I have to get back into the studio before Kyle comes after me. I will see you tonight. Bye!”

“Bye Hun!” Melinda said closing her cell phone. She had forgotten that Karina was still in her office.

“Who was that?” Karina asked plopping herself on Melinda’s couch.

“Oh! That was Jake! He was just calling to confirm our dinner plans.”

“Oh Jake! I see we really like Jake. You should have seen the look on your face you were practically glowing.”

“I was not, “ Melinda responded defensively.

“So tell me all about him.”

“I already have don’t you remember we met at the book store.”

“I know that silly. I mean what does he do for a living where does he live. Etc.”

Melinda didn’t want tot divulge that information to anyone yet. She felt silly telling everyone she was dating a rock star and she knew it was too soon in the relationship to know where it was going to end up. Melinda glanced at her watch and saw that it was already past three.

“Listen Karina, I would love to get into all the details with you but I have to get going. Will talk another time. “

Karina stood up, “I can take a hint.” And with that she walked out of Melinda’s office.

Melinda packed up her laptop and grabbed her files. She knew she could do the rest of her work at home as dinner cooked.

“See you tomorrow!” she hollered walking out of the office.

“Hey man, who were you on the phone with?”

Jake turned towards Kyle, he knew he couldn’t lie to his friend any longer.

“Actually Kyle I met someone and we’ve gone on a few dates and things are going ok.”

Kyle was a little taken back. It wasn’t like Jake to be so secretive about his love life. They were all use to Jake coming in and talking about his conquests with women.

“I see.” Kyle responded. “So who is this secret woman?”

Jake sat back down and sighed, “Her name is Melinda Malone and she is a divorce attorney here on long island. “

Kyle sat down across from Jake, “ Divorce attorney huh! Didn’t know we got those kind of groupies,” he said chuckling.

Jake smirked, “She is not a groupie. Actually up until last night she didn’t even know who I was. I finally had to tell her. I didn’t want her finding out from some one else.”

Kyle leaned back in his chair, “I see your very interested in this woman.”

“I am. She’s different from the rest of the women I’ve been with. She’s intelligent, sophisticated and sexy. She has it all. Anyway, I don’t want to jinx it we’ve only been on 3 dates.”

“Three dates. Damn Jake the way you’ve been talking I thought you’ve been dating for months.”

Jake stood up, “Anyway we should get back to work. I have dinner plans tonight.”

Kyle smiled, “Ok! Come on I have a few ideas on what we were working on earlier today.”

Karina headed home as she dialed up Mario’s work number.

“Hi, Marianne, is Mario there?”

“Hi, Karina he’s actually in a meeting at the moment. Can I have him call you when he’s free.”

“Sure Marianne, thanks.”

With that Karina hung up the phone she figured she had some time to run a couple of errands before heading home. She knew that Mario wanted her home and dinner ready when he was coming over and she hated it when things were not perfect for him. She thought about what to make for dinner wanting to make something special for him since it was so late and he was still tied up in meetings.

“Marianne!” Mario hollered over the intercom who was that on the phone?”

“It was Karina.” She replied immediately.

“Oh ok! Did you tell her I was in a meeting.”

“Yes sir, I told her you would call her when you were free.”


“Now where were we,” Mario said strolling towards his couch in his office unbuttoning his shirt.

The gorgeous blonde that lay there on the couch naked grabbed his hand, “I’ll show you exactly where you were.” She placed his hand on her inner thigh as she moaned.

Jake rang Melinda’s door bell for the third time. He had been standing there already five minutes and there was still no answer. He made his way around the back of her home. He peered into the kitchen and could see that she was still cooking. Before he turned his head Melinda walked into the kitchen. He smiled she looked so beautiful. Her hair was up in a clip with a few strands that had fallen in her face. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a buttoned down shirt. Melinda still hadn’t notice him peering into the window. He was making funny faces at her in hopes to get her attention. Finally as he stuck out his tongue he heard her laugh. She walked to the side door and opened it walking out to him.

“Do you usually go around staring into peoples windows making funny faces or should I feel privileged.”

Jake smiled, “Usually when people ring someone’s door bell they answer it.”

“I’m so sorry, I must have been downstairs at the time. Have you been here long?”

“Only for about ten minutes. I was beginning to think you were avoiding me.”

“Were you! Well I like to keep my men on their toes.” Melinda could barely finish her sentence without laughing.

“I missed you,” Jake said pulling Melinda into his arms. He kissed her softly but passionately on the lips.

“I missed you too,” Melinda said as she lay her head on his shoulders. She had felt so comfortable in his arms. “Come on in.” They walked into her kitchen just in time to catch the water that was overflowing from one of her pots on the stove.

“Shit!” she said as she ran over grabbing the pot off of the stove. There was no damage to her food just the water had over boiled.

“Sorry,” she muttered as she put the pot back down and lowered the flame.

“No need to apologize. NO harm done.” He walked over to her pinning her up against the counter. He gently kissed her lips over and over. If she only knew what she did to him. He was finding it harder and harder to control himself. But he wanted the moment they first make love to be special.

“Jake, she said in between kissing him. She was trying to tell him that dinner was ready but he would not stop kissing her and she didn’t want him to stop either.

“Jake, she managed to say again, “Dinner is ready.” He kissed her one more time and helped her get the table ready.

They sat down to dinner and all was quiet between them.

“I was thinking if you are free this weekend. How about we go to St. Martin?”

Melinda looked up in shock, “St. Martin are you serious?”

“Yes, I am. Do you think you could take a long extended weekend?”

Melinda smiled. She couldn’t believe that this was all happening to her. “I don’t see why not I don’t have any court dates scheduled until the end of next week. I can have Liz reschedule my appointments.” Melinda went silent for a moment, “What am I thinking I can’t go away with you. I mean we barely know one another.”

Jake put his hand upon hers, “This is a way for us to get to know each other better. We have too many distractions here. Between your work and mine and I think we can use the time away just to rejuvenate ourselves. And I promise we will have separate rooms.”

Melinda smiled he had a point. She did need the time off even if it was a few days and the time they would spend together would be them getting to know one another. And with separate bedrooms it didn’t give the pressure of her having to be intimate with him.

“Ok, you’ve twisted my arm. It sounds like a great idea.”

Jake was absolutely ecstatic inside, “As soon as we finish dinner I will call my agent and have him book it.”
Melinda was thrilled they chit chatted through dinner about their trip and what they planned to do on the island.

It was half past ten when Mario finally came walking through her door.

“What’s for dinner?” he hollered.

Karina was in her family room watching TV when she was startled by him stumbling in. It was apparent to her that he was drunk.

“I said what is for dinner, “ he yelled even louder.

Karina trembled she hated it when he was like this, “I made chicken and some vegetables.”

“Well, what are you waiting for.” He sat down at the table. She served him his food in hopes he would sober up. She sat there watching him eat not wanting to leave him alone. She was scared what he might do.

About ten minutes later he was getting up from the table stumbling into her bedroom. He stripped down and got into bed. Karina cleaned up in the kitchen and made her way to her bedroom. She was hoping he would be fast asleep she didn’t want to deal with him tonight.

“Karina!” he screamed.

She ran into the bedroom thinking something was wrong.

“What’s wrong.” He grabbed hold of he wrist.

“I’ll tell you what’s wrong. I’m waiting for dessert.” He pulled her on top of him. He began angrily yanking her clothes off.

“Is this anyway to treat the man you love. You should be lying here waiting for me to fuck your brains out.”

Karina hated it when he made sex sound so dirty and cheap. Before she knew it he was in her as tears streamed down her face. Mario didn’t even notice he never once glanced at her face.

“It’s all set, We leave Friday morning at eight and by noon time we will be laying on the beach soaking in the rays.”

Jake sat down on the couch turning on the TV. Melinda slipped into his arms as they sat there flicking through the channels. Melinda stopped on MTV when she saw Requisitions video on. She began singing along with the TV.

Jake smiled she looked so cute sitting there in awe of one of his videos. He loved the fact that it didn’t make difference to Melinda what he did for a living. Most people usually become star struct when he was around them. His thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of his cell phone.

“I have to take this he said.” Picking up the phone. Melinda lowered the TV.

“Hey man, everything ok?”

“Yea, Just wanted to find out if you were definetely going away this weekend. I was thinking of going home and seeing my family.”

Jake had told Kyle earlier in the day that he was going to ask Melinda to go away with him for the weekend.

“Yea, my trip is on. I’ll be back on Monday afternoon. So will hit the studio on Tuesday morning. I’ll be relaxed, refreshed and ready to go.”

“Sounds good, I’m sure a trip home to my family will revitalize me also. Ok then, I’ll see you tomorrow in the studio.”

“Bye Kyle.” Jake hung up his cell phone. “Sorry it was Kyle.“ He leaned in kissing her this time they both let their guard down. He was lying on top of her kissing her as he unbuttoned her shirt exposing her white lace bra. He continued to kiss her running his hands throughout her body. His tongue taunted her neck leading down to her breasts he fumbled with her bra strap as he pulled her up on top of him. He wanted to taste every part of her to take her in. She was driving him insane as he was trying desperately to hold back. Her bra fell to the floor exposing her succulent breasts. He took them in as Melinda moaned from the pleasure he was bringing her. He kissed her again this time more passionately than before. She knew that this couldn’t continue she could feel him growing by the second and she wasn’t ready to be with him intimately.

“Jake,” she whispered we have to stop. Jake murmured a yes but continued to kiss her.

“Jake! I’m sorry!” and she got up grabbing her shirt and walked into her bathroom. and got herself ready. Jake took a few deep breaths trying to get himself in control again. But he couldn’t help but lose control with Melinda she brought him to an entirely different level. Melinda walked back into her family room he tapped the seat next to him. She sat down not saying a word.

I’m sorry! The both said in unison. Then they laughed.

Jake placed his finger on her lips. “Let’s just say that we both lost some control tonight and leave it at that. From now on will try to take things slow.”

Melinda smiled where has this wonderful man been hiding. She kissed him and placed her head on his shoulder. They sat there for a while not saying a word just feeling the beat of each other hearts as they began to beat in sync.
© Copyright 2004 Kidis (UN: xaramou at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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