Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/302658-Eagles-Dance-Dholar
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #873782
A story about the elven maiden Chrysanthys as unexected events unfold around her.
#302658 added April 20, 2005 at 10:49am
Restrictions: None
Eagle's Dance (Dholar)
The sun was setting as Dholar Gyssedlues counts the eagles as they fly into the aerie for the evening. Each eagle has markings and dyes of their particular rider. In this manner, every Wind Rider can be accounted for at night. Dholar puts his tablet down and prepares to see to the feeding and grooming of the birds when a large golden eagle flies over head toward the aerie. Dholar is sure it is the largest eagle he has ever seen, with exception of the mighty Corvathor. Then there is a great cacophany as the young eagles scatter into flight again. Even Corvathor rises from his gilded perch and screeches as the eagles begin a pattern of swoops, dives and loops. Such a pattern is confusing to Dholar, who has been a Rider for less than fifty years. So Dholar dutifully goes into the barracks to his superior Fisquis Freanianea, his wing commander. Fisquis is writing in his captain's log as Dholar approaches. He looks up as no one can miss the screeching of the eagles as Dholar reports, he has to lean forward to hear evrything Dholar says.

"Captain, there is an odd occurance outside. They are flying oddly and screeching outside." Dholar shouts. Fisqis stands quickly, this is not what Dholar expected. It is not orderly at all.

"What you are hearing cannot be," Fisquis says as he walks to the door. "Such a song would mean the Queen of Eagles has returned to the aerie." creases worried his smooth face as he steps into the night.

"Why is that so hard to imagine, when the golden perch has set empty for many lifetimes?" Dholar asks as he follows Fisquis outside. Dholar thought perhaps htere would be rejoicing at the return of the Queen of Eagles.

Fisquis glances to the sky and the eagles are doing an intricate flight of welcome, their cries are joyous and their song is heartening. The golden eagle is in the center doing loops and dives as the others dance around her. Corvathor joins her and Fisquis knows now the large eagle is indeed Marhutah and turns to Dholar.

"Go and wake the house of Rhyudrim, tell them Marhutah has returned. I'll meet you in the aerie." Fisquis says excitedly, as his feet move toward the aerie doors.

"The House of Rhyudrim is in trance right now." Dholar replies, not wanting to leave, enjoying the sight of the eagle's skydancing.

"They will come out of trance for this, now go!" Fisquis shouts as he hurries to greet Marhutah.

The eagle's cries of welcome wake many in the city of Quartain as Dholar hurries to the castle. The guards are watching the skydance as Dholar passes them, but the guards are there to prevent only strangers from entering. Dholar is wearing three stripes on his blue tunic that indicate he is an Aerie messenger. Dholar moves past the exquiste throne room and into the more private family room. There are eight elves in this room with their eyes closed. They are in the trance that all elves require. Dholar moves to the center and touches the blue stone to enter into mind speech with the family.

This messenger is unworthy to interrupt your meditative state, but I have news for house Rhyudrim. Dholar hears many voices trying to speak at once. Then the hears only one, a young male's voice.

Speak Dholar, you would not interrupt our meditation if the news were not important. The voice belonged to Jacareth the heir presumptive of the royal throne.

Honored nobles, Marhutah has returned to the Aerie. They are skydancing now, a sight I have not seen before. Fisquis tells me to have us meet him in the aerie. Dholar's thought is barely completed when the stone falls immediatley and the young elven warrior opens his eyes. The rest of the family opens their eyes. They stand where they had been in trance.

"It is too soon for Marhutah's return." The voice belonged to an elven woman, Janta who wore a silver crown with leaf chasing and a jade in the center. She is every inch the Elven Queen that are depicted in fantasy tales told by humans. Her hair seemed to be lit by the sun and her eyes were a soft blue. Dholar was always impressed with her grace.

"I will go to the aerie to speak with her." Jacareth said, excitement and relief was evident on his face. Dholar knew the prince was worried for his lifemate. He was not at all in favor of his lifemate being so far from the elven lands and elven protection.

"We all go, Jacareth. As a family, we should all welcome her. Dholar you bring us good news," Janta smiles and the rest of the family begins to move like the wind to the door, Janta leading as head of the household with her arm in Jacareth's.

Jacareth waits as his family composes themselves for a stately visit. Dholar has the place of honor in leading them to the aerie. The guards do a double take as the royal family leaves the palace before their trance is complete. Dholar is smiling as he imagines what Jacareth's life-mate is like. The royal family has been waiting for her to appear for many months now. Dholar reaches the doors to the Aerie and is greated by Fisquis. By the look on his commander's face , something is wrong. Dholar hopes that all is well with Jacareth's lifemate.

"My lords and ladies, Marhutah has returned to the aerie alone. I do not understand. She tells me to have Jacareth and fifty warriors fly to the Sacred Grove. She will say no more." Fisquis says with some suprise, his reputation as one of the only elves that all eagles talk to, makes his story seem more urgent.
Dholar watches as Jacareth walks past Fisquis and to the golden perch. Out of curiousity, Dholar follows to see what Jacareth can learn. Marhutah sits there preening her golden feathers. She regareds Jacareth as he approaches, clucking her beak and turn her head at odd angles as if sizing him up.

Dholar stands by his position in front of Porvthos's perch. His eagle is still young, but he has the build of Corvathor. Dholar can only hope that his eagle will be as large and skilled. After feeding his eagle a little tidbit of rabbit, Dholar can hear the sound of Jacareth's voice as it echoes off the walls of the aerie.

Young fledgling, you are to take fifty warriors and go to the Sacred Grove. Jonquil waits there with further instruction. Marhutah is not in a mood to answer to impatient fledglings, but she can understand his need to want to fly from his nest.

Marhutah, I do not understand why you do not tell me of my life-mate. Is she okay? Does she need me? Jacareth pursued. The wavering in his tone evidence of his worry.

Fledgling, I have given my message. If you wish to see your mate, go to the Grove. See Jonquil, she will give you more answers than I care to give. Marhutah dips her beak into a trough and swallows some fresh meat placed there by aerie keepers.

I don't understand... Jacareth starts to say until Marhutah clamps her beak shut very hard. Such a loud sound that several eagles jerked their heads up and focused on Jacareth and Marhutah. Dholar himself even jumped.

I said GO. Your answers wait for you there. I have nothing else to say.Marhutah turns from him and moves to the Golden Perch that is next to Corvathor's. The large male eagle is glad to have his mate back and Dholar is quick to follow on Jacareth's heels so the eagles can have some time alone.

Jacareth walks out of the aerie, where his mother is still questioning Fisquis. They look at him as he stops. Dholar can tell that even from out here they must have heard the crack of Marhutah's beak.

"Mother, I am taking ten warriors and going to the Sacred Grove. Jonquil waits for me there. Dholar, you are coming with me." Jacareth's words are quick, decisive and authoritve. Dholar follows on his heels as he goes to The Nest, an elven bar where the elite Wind Riders gather. Many look up as Jacareth enters. Since he is supposed to be Trancing, they are interested in what he's going to say.

"Warriors, I have been summoned to the Sacred Grove. Bringer of Truths has need of me. I need nine warriors to volunteer to come with me." Jacareth waits to see who will volunteer.

"I will come my prince." Zalysahal Norre'eplith replied stepping forward and bowing to the prince. He had a feeling this was more than a pleasure flight.

"You only had to ask." Ferali Aleavalsa says as she moves to stand next to Zalysahal. Being one of the most accomplished healers as well as an expert tactician, FErali was sure her services would be needed one way or the other.

"We have always fought as one wing, your majesty." Na'avin Tyr'raheal responds as she moves to stand with Ferali and Zalysahal. A wizard fresh out of the academy, Na'avin has earned her reputation as a fast cavalry. She has no eagle to call hers since her original was killed. Instead she risked life and limb to find one fo the rare Great Falcons. Tiftin is as new to his position as Na'avin. But they have proven a formidable team.

"Someone has to keep record of this event." Dhorahd Gyssedlues grins as he sees Dholar standing behind Jacareth. "and keep my little brother out of trouble." Dhorahd was a minstrel as well as a real good foot pad that could get into and out of the most tightly momitered rooms. Dholar was glad his brother was coming.

"Someone needs to make sure that you get out of trouble Dhorahd." Evihel Tyrneaurdrenn chuckles as she leans on her staff. evihel is an experienced elemental mage her eyes were silvery gray that flashed like lightning. Despiter her profession, she had a hearty laugh and was a very trusyworthy person.

"I do need to get out a little more." Kersali Aleanghymn admits as she joins the little group. Kersali was a historian. As such her eagle Nisimith, rarely left the aerie except to get new papyrus from Lylaniditrea, the City of the Light. But no one knew more than she did of custom and etiquette of the ages.

"Do I get to see some action?" burly Kethren Rilynnatear asks as he moves towards the group. Kethren was the most aggressive of the elven fighters, but his sword techniques were the most highly sought after in many kingdoms. Kethren was also a blacksmith and his singing blades were an art form.

"I'll go where he goes" Riyadlihan Ousseaeplith says as he moves next to Kethren. Dholar was suprised. Riyad was not a warrior, nor was he a scholar. He had very limited magic, but he had a way of being unnoticed and could twist his tiny body into many places that you would think a body couldn't go.

Dholar was impressed with how quickly Jacareth was able to gather people to his banner. Not only were they eager to go, they were all winged elves. The eagles would not have to be roused from the aerie tonight.

"Excellent. We fly tonight, without our eagles." Jacareth says as the group follows him out of the inn. The group says nothing, being used to following the elven prince around. They all stretch their feathery wings and fly towards the grove, stopping only momentarily to watch the eagles begin their skydancing again.

They flew with only the moonlight to guide them on their mission. The endurance of the winged elves was legendary and these elite few flew all night without stopping. When the first rays of dawn break over the mountains, they are close to the grove. With a slight tip of a wing, they spiral down in formation to the grove and land.

Jonquil is there holding an injured fox as she heals it. Several animals are clustered around her. No animal fears thelady of the forest. She looks up as Jacareth approaches, setting down the now healed fox. it follows her as she moves to greet the group. Dholas is impressed by Jonquil as he was with Janta. Jonquil has the same easy grace, but there is a definite current of power emanating from her. Dholar stays behind Jacareth as he has no idea what to say to the matchmaker.

"Greetings Jacareth, I wish these were better circumstances." She offfers him a slight nod. Jacareth stiffens. Dholar knows that this is Jacareth's fear realized, something has happened to Chrysanthys,

"Lady Jonquil, lifetimes have been good to you. I would love to reminisce, but I'd like to know about Chrysanthys. What has happened" Jacareth waits, wanting to know how bad the situation is.

"Chrysanthys is prisoner in a city called Dreadfort. It is many miles to the south. You will need to be careful when we ride to her aid, they are expecting you." Jonquil tells us plainly.

"What are we dealing with?" Jacareth asks, he is in formal mode now. Dholar is sure Jacareth is enraged his life-mate is prisoner somewhere.

"Half-elves and humans. The population is mainly human though. We must ride quickly, I am not sure how things have progressed since my flight from the city" Jonquil replies. Dholar absorbs this as very bad news. Someone with Jonquil's power is not easily chased from anywhere.

"How are we to fly so far without the eagles?" Kethren asks, looking around. There had to be someportal or something that the lady prepared. She had been waiting for them after all.

"With my help." Varos enters the clearing and all present fall to their knees in reverence, with the exception of Jonquil who has earned her right to stand on equal ground with an ancient and powerful being. "I am glad that your numbers are small. There is exactly eleven unicorns willing to bear male riders. Jonquil will ride me."

Dholar could not keep his expression of shock from showing. Unicorns! What had Jonquil promised to get their aid and take male riders? Dholar is suprised at the generosity of the elder unicorn. Jacareth and the others are too. No one had realized the strength of the power Jonquil holds. She has always been so evenly tempered like a well made sword. So we were invited to rest in the glade for a few hours as the unicorns arrived. They were a variety of colors and they each seemed to choose their own rider. When we were all ready to ride, Dholar noticed another unicorn trotting freely beside Jonquil. Dholar thought that it might be too young to bear a rider.
"Lady of Light, I must ask why we have an extra unicorn." I feel kind of foolish for asking, but I have learned to question what seems normal. Jonquil smiled as she recognized me.

"Dholar, my have you grown. Onnanis is traveling with us because he will carry Chrysanthys." Jonquil replies. The unicorns shuffle around to get used to our weight then we are off. Dholar never before felt the wind in my face like this, even on my eagle. The unicorns do move fast, and we are on our way to Dreadfort. Dholar hopes that no harm comes to Chrysanthys as he glances at Jacareth. The princeling's face is schooled to serious concentration of watching the terrain, Dholar is sure the Prince would level the city if a hair on his bride's head was harmed.
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