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Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com! |
Greetings Members! This email provides important information about our new IM Spam policy and IM spam reporting system and how to include Gift Points with cNotes! And... our Black and Grey Writing.Com T-Shirts are back in stock! :: Please Support Our Sponsor :: ![]() ![]() Imagine a writing job in which you set your own hours, and live wherever you please: at the beach, in the mountains, in an apartment in Paris, London, or Berlin. As a copywriter, you can. ![]() :: Black and Grey T-Shirts are Back In Stock :: Due to popular demand, we had sold out of our Black and Grey T-Shirts. We're pleased to announce that our members' favorite t-shirts are now back in stock! Remember, sporting one these stylish Writing.Com T-Shirts is a great way to show your support for the best online writing community! Visit "Our Store" from the header of any page, or directly at: ![]() :: Our IM Spam Policy and Spam Reporting System :: IM Spam is an advertisement, request or generally unsolicited attempt to get something from someone via an Instant Message. The IM system is intended as a communication tool for members who wish to have real-time discussions with one another. It is not a marketplace for advertising, making unsolicited requests for reviews, gift points or anything else. When members receive an IM, they have the ability to check a box and report the IM as a 'spam'. If any individual member has been reported for sending IM Spam by three (3) different members, the IM system will automatically block the reported member from sending any new IMs for 24 hours. For more details and information please see the IM Spam Policy link found when sending an IM, or view it directly below: ![]() :: Send Gift Points with cNotes :: Members can now include Gift Points when sending a cNote! Since a cNote can be sent to up to three (3) members at one time, cNotes allow for Gift Points to also be sent to up to three (3) members at one time. Including a few GPs with your cNotes is an added way to send a smile when sending a cNote. Support your fellow Writing.Com members today! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And don't forget to visit our sponsor: http://www.thewriterslife.com/ph/wc44/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your continued support of Writing.Com! ~~ The StoryMistress ![]() The StoryMaster ![]()