Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/301204-Keeper-of-the-Forest-Jonquil
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #873782
A story about the elven maiden Chrysanthys as unexected events unfold around her.
#301204 added February 16, 2007 at 3:19pm
Restrictions: None
Keeper of the Forest (Jonquil)
I awaken in the forest. It is morning and the screech of my eagle, Marhutah, spurs me to action. Standing up, I brush the dirt off of my clothes and walk over to the great bird. I feel along her wing for the arrow that pierced it a few nights before. It is good we practiced a falling manuever in our younger years, it saved our lives last night. When at last I find the arrow, I pull it out and place a healing hand over the wound and begin to whisper softly the words of power. Slowly the wound closes, and Marhutah can flex her wing. I hear the sound of men coming. I am sure it is to make sure we are dead. I walk over to my bundle and pull out my longsword. It has not seen use in the lifetimes I have spent at Dreadfort. It is made of a material no man could identify. It is as sharp as the day it was forged, I am in a ready stance when the men-at-arms arrive in the clearing. They are suprised by the large bird that should have died. Marhutah squawks angrily, but she is horribly confined under the canopy of the forest. The men are wearing the heraldry of Nytel house. I do not want to harm them. They are men I know and spoke to as children, so I will give them a chance to leave me in peace.

"Throw down your weapons and and return whence you came. I will allow you to return home to your families unscathed." I call out, not moving from my ready stance.

"Do you know how to use that weapon elf lady?" The men sneered. I had never drawn a weapon in public, nor showed any proficiency in it before now. I guess it is understandable that they would doubt my prowess.

"Gentlemen, I am an elf. I was born with a ready weapon and the skill to use it. Do not make me send you to the gods this day. I ask you again to throw down your weapons." I was hoping they'd have sense enough to walk away, my hope was in vain. I paused only a moment to ask forgiveness of the All-father for what I must do.

There were three of them to me and they believed they had an advantage. The charged me foolishly brandishing their swords like foolish boys. I waited for them to be close enough that they could not stop their forward momentum, and then moved aside as the first armed guard ran right into the waiting talons of Marhutah, who had no reason to spare his life. With one quick movement of her beak, he was finished.
Guard number two was quick enough to catch himself and swung at me as his sword met my blade. I parried his blow as well as his unhonourable companion's blow who was going to back stab me. It was two to one, my survival or theirs. Guard three was too slow and I dispatched him quickly with enough time to meet the sword of guard two. We went a few rounds as I felt I needed the practice before I backed him against a tree. Putting my blade to his neck, I asked him to yield. He dropped his weapon and begged for mercy. I kicked his weapon away before I let down my weapon.

"You are wise Thoam. Go home now to your wife." I say wearily as I look to the two men dead. Their families would mourn them deeply. Thoam turns to walk from me and I turn my back, but I know who has sent them. I know I am not meant to live to reach Quartain. I turn and fling my bosom dagger at him amd hit him between the eyes as he threw his dagger at me. I walk over to him now, a thin red line appears on my arm. I look down to the dead man.

"I forgive you Thoam. It was not your doing."

I dig their graves and perform their last rites. I am remorseful for the loss of life, but the only thing that matters to me is Chrysanthys and her safety. I turn to Marhutah who is cleaning her talons and I look into the blue eyes of the eagle as I begin to communicate with her.

         Marhutah, fly me to the domain of the Keeper of the Forest.

The eagle flaps its wings once then I climb upon her back. With powerful wing strokes we are in the air again and headed home. It is then I take the time to curse myself for my follies regarding my daughter, Chrysanthys. It is both suprising and frustrating that she came into her power before she reached Quartain. I did not expect her to come into her power so soon, she is still so young. There is so much more I needed to teach her. I should have expected Draven Nytel to try something. I did not think he'd coerce his son and ruin the ceremony. I could not see what I should have been looking for the most. Now, I must return to Quartain and it is not time for me to return yet.

I gaze at the clouds parting before us as we pass over large portions of the forest. Dreadfort is far behind us now and the mountains just a speck in the distance. Marhutah and I have a long flight left to us and there are still enemies lurking. Those that will not see the Windseeker line continue. But the time for that worry has passed, and I am foolish for thinking upon it further. Jacareth will have that burden upon his shoulders when he weds Chrysanthys.

Placing my hand upon Marhutah, I can feel her weariness growing. So I begin to look for a good place to land. Seeing a layover nest below, I point it out and Marhutah spirals down and lands in the nest. I slide off of her back as she flies off again to hunt. I make myself busy tidying the nest so it is comfortable when Marhutah returns. When she returns with a large elk, I signal her that I am not hungry and she begins to devour her kill. I lay against her warm body as her wing covers me. When she is done eating she regards me with an inquiring look.

         Lady, what happened back there in the human city? Why did we leave your fledgling? I choose my thoughts carefully knowing the bird can only grasp so much of what is said.

         I have left the fledgling because she is caged for now. I have no mate to help me protect my nest anymore so I must seek her mate. He will break her free from her cage. Marhutah considers my thoughts for a moment as she preens her feathers.

         Yes, her mate will come. That is good. He will have much ground to cover. Will my aerie come to battle?

         No. The man back in the human city will be expecting that. We will travel by foot. That is why I seek the Keeper of the Forest. His kind are the fleetest animals the Gods have created.

Marhutah clamps her beak hard as she absorbs this information. Then turns away to get some sleep. I know Marhutah would rally her aerie to fight, but I can not stand the loss of even one eagle. I say a prayer to the All-father for my daughter's safety before I go to sleep. It has been a long time since I have met with the Keeper. Our friendship is a unique bond that has lasted over several lifetimes. I need his wisdom more than I ever had before.

When I wake in the morning, Marhutah has already caught breakfast. After pulling loose feathers from her wings and braiding feathers into my hair, we are ready to fly again. It is a beautiful day and the warm sun bathes us in its glow. The wind blows by and I am reminded of my youthful days when Galon and I would fly together. Those days are gone now and Galon is dead. Leaving me bereft of love and with a child i could not be certain of protecting.

We fly for a few hours before Marhutah begins the slow spiraling descent towards the Sacred Grove. The mountains have grown tall in the distance, but I am still too far from my home. We land in the grove and I slide from Marhutah to the ground. Walking around to her head, I give her my last instructions.

         Go back to the Aerie. Tell Jacareth to meet me here with as many warriors as he can rally. rest in the aerie my friend, you deserve it. I have kept you too long from your home and nestlings.

Marhutah squawks her assent and wings to the sky again and is soon nothing more than a speck. I watch her until I can see her no more. When I turn my eyes back to the grove, The Keeper is there. He dips his head to me, and I return the honor. He approaches calmly and without fear.

"Lady Jonquil, many ages have passed since last you and I have met. I owe you three favors. Is this what you seek?" His eyes are a clear blue, piercing and yet still serene. I lay my hand on his silken mane, then I hug him fiercely. All of my anger, worries and fears finally come out in this one moment to my greatest friend. I am not ashamed to say I cried. I failed at protecting my daughter, what could be worse than that.

         "Yes, Varos. I have come to collect a favor, and perhaps visit with an old friend while I recover." I say, waiting for his approval to continue. Animals come out of their hiding places and surround us. I am not shy about picking one of them up and petting it as we talk.

         "Name the favor Blessed lady," The spiral of his golden horn touches my skin. Any wounds I had received are now healed. It is such an honor, even to an old friend. I feel I do not deserve his kindness for what I must ask. My eyes meet his as I speak.

         "Varos, I must ask you to summon the others. I need to have an elven party ride to a city and rescue my daughter. We must travel very fast, and I fear what might happen to her in my absence. The city is at the furthest edges of your domain. It is called Dreadfort. I am sure you remember where it is." Varos pauses, and I know I may have asked for too much. He is a unicorn after all.

         "Males, ride unicorns? You know the rules Jonquil. Only the ones truly devoted to the All-father can ride us." He answers. "It is indeed a hefty favor to ask. That decision is not mine to make. I will summon the others. I will see who will bear a male rider. But for this, I ask of you a favor." he responds turning his head so his eyes meet mine.

         "You have only to name it Varos." I reply, relief washing over my face that he did not refuse.

         "Your daughter must bond to one of the yearling unicorns. I have benefitted these long lifetimes from my bond to you. There is another who I wish to benefit from what I have experienced" Varos waits for my reaction.

         "That is a favor I can readily agree to." I smile at my old friend.

         "It is a decision your daughter must agree to as well. By the time your elf contingent gets here, I will have summoned the others. Take refuge here in my grove, Little Sister. Be at peace and do not worry about your foal, she will be fine." He nuzzles me once then elegantly prances towards the forest. "You know I have a pact with the Ancient One in the Old Forest near Dreadfort. He may not let us pass." The sunlight shines on his ivory coat and golden horn, making them shimmer.

"We shall have to handle that situation when it comes to us my friend." I reply watching him as he prances into the forest with the gait of a young colt. He is as breathtaking to watch as Marhutah.

In all my years I have never seen anything that compares to the beauty of a unicorn.
© Copyright 2007 Skyaire (UN: chrysanthys at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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