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Rated: E · Book · Fantasy · #870749
A tale of two sisters whose very lives bring change to those around them.
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#299749 added September 18, 2007 at 8:38pm
Restrictions: None
The Telling
         Percy marveled at how much attention and care the two infants needed. When he finished his studies, he would often go up to the nursery and peek in on his sisters. He loved them both, as different as they were. Odessa was always moving, her eyes fixed on anyone that came close to her. Only mother, father or Percy himself could hold her or she would begin wailing loudly. Lyonesse on the other hand was more reserved. She gave you the impression that she was evaluating you with her silvery gray eyes. Anyone could hold her though and she was much quieter and less fussy than her sister.

It would be two weeks before the priestesses would arrive and determine the course their little lives would take. So the days went by and the entire household underwent changes as the coming of the priestesses drew nearer. Percy fidgeted as people came to see the girls. Standing straight for so long is not a thing little boys do, even noble ones. He wandered toward the music room and listened as people talked. It seemed no one sees children, so he stood next to two ladies of "good" breeding as they talked about his sisters.

         "The girls are beautiful. We could not expect less from Lady Annelise. Their futures will be wrought with suitors." one woman said. Percy recognized Lady Stockhart. Her husband was often seen about with Percy's father.

         "But twins...that might even it out. Twins are not common, and their lives are often short. I would even venture to say they are cursed." the other replied, making the warding sign with her two fingers.

         "Let's hope that Syrise smiles upon the children then. I have heard they dispatched two priestesses. One that follows the Sun sect of Syrise's wisdom, and the other that follows the Moon sect of Syrise's mysteries." another woman volunteered.

         Bored with listening to these women, Percy moved on, wondering what this news would mean for his family. People seemed to have opinions of their own about how things would go. He went in search of his lady mother. She would know best about these rumors. He found his gentle lady mother sitting amongst a horde of ladies. Each fussing over one of the girls. Odessa was in her mother's arms as was usual. Lyonesse was being passed around fondly, or not so fondly Percy observed. They chattered courtesies, but they seemed afraid of Lyonesse. The little babe, only a few weeks old now, had penetrating silvery gray eyes that she locked with everyone who held her. Percy noted that as each woman realized Lyonesse was watching them and not merely staring off like most babies of that age, they passed her to another. Percy noted the women who did not mind the infant's direct gaze. In his young mind, it meant that they had no secrets to hide, thus an innocent child's stare would not make them uneasy.

"Percival, my son. I did not see you standing there. come here." Annelise said, smiling at her son's good behavior today. Percy was startled out of his thoughts and smiled back to his mother as he made his way to the couch. The ladies thought he was quite handsome and a little gentleman. They spoke kindnesses about how handsome he was and how dashing he looked.

"Had it not been for my dear Percival, little Lyonesse would have fallen out upon her head. He has been dedicated to his little sisters since then. He is usually up for their feedings, and has a fair hand at helping with handling their other needs." Annelise put a loving hand on her son's shoulder.

Percy was as sure of his mother's love as the sun rising. He loved to help with his sisters' care. Helping out his mother made him feel more like a man and less like a young boy. The other women made more talk, all smiles and sunshine, but Percy knew better. he knew they must be thinking ill of a male having watched the women's mysteries of birth. He didn't care what they thought, they were just like little hens.

"He is to be sent fostering after the priestesses read the girls' futures. Lord Varen is taking him to squire." Annelise said softly, a touch of sadness in her voice.

Lord Varen was her uncle and brother to the King. Percy held his emotions close, but his head was reeling. He would be leaving his home in Skyaire so soon. He wouldn't be able to see his sisters grow. It was an honor to be taken to squire by Lord Varen, but to say it aloud, to these women, Percy felt so exposed. The hens kept their chattering, but Percy was finding it hard to concentrate on them now.

"Well, a knight. The boy does have that look about him. Let us hope he passes his ordeals." said Lady Wers. Her husband was the knight commander and she was assessing him now as if looking for weaknesses.

Percy wanted to be out of this room. He needed to be away from all these chattering hens. He needed to think. "Mother, may I be excused?" He asked softly. When she nodded, Percy left the house hastily, making for the stables. He stood outside the stall of his horse, Valiant. It was his first real horse, it replaced the pony he had been riding. He thought long and hard about leaving Skyaire. He thought of all the things he had experienced while growing up, good and bad. He was so entranced in his thoughts, he did not hear his father approach.

"Percy, I would have thought you would be attending your mother, what brings you to the stables?" Lord Richard of Skyaire, was a tall man with dark black locks that were kept braided and tied back in a single plait, and green eyes full of wisdom. Percy was proud to have him as his father. Men respected and feared him. He could not be bought or bribed and his anger was fierce when roused. Percy wanted to be like him, just like him. Unshakable in his faith in his father, he asked the question that he knew his father would answer honestly.

"I..am I really to leave Skyaire?" He blurted out. Richard chuckled softly and mussed his son's hair affectionately.

"Did you think you would never leave? You cannot be a boy forever, Percival. Yes, you will leave Skyaire for more learning. Follow me son," Richard led his son to the side of the house and stopped. He pointed to the servant's quarters.

"Would you believe that is what Skyaire started out to be?" he said. "It was one house built by our predecessors. It was everyone's work in concert who built onto it and passed the duty on to their children. This little house was a beginning to our family. You are that house Percy. You are a beginning and you are very knowledgeable. But you need to become this," and his father waved his hand around to the great house now and the lands around it. "So it is for your own good that we send you to learn what you will from your mother's uncle."

Percy looked at the small quarters, then at the the house. It seemed so much larger, like it had always been there.He could not imagine it as just the servant's quarters. Percy turned to his father, as understanding had settled upon his young shoulders.

"It won't be that long, I suppose. I can still visit on holidays, right father?" Percy asked.

"It won't be that long at all. You will be a fine man, Percy," His father knelt down and whispered, as if someone else was not to know. "Protect your sisters, always." then Lord Richard stood, mussed Percy's hair again, then they walked back to the house. Percy went to bed wondering at his father's cryptic advice. Of course he would protect his sisters, but from what?
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