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Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com! |
Greetings Members! Learn about our new listings for the most active reviewers and most active raters, plus new email notification settings for interactive stories and expanded Gift Points logs! :: Please Support Our Sponsor :: Last year I was going through a bitter divorce. I needed time to rest, and time to heal. So I only worked one week each month. I made $105,453.83. This stress-free business I'm in is America's best-kept secret. I invite you to join us. In fact, we might just hire you ourselves. http://www.thewriterslife.com/dm/wc44/ :: Most Active Reviewers & Most Active Raters Listings :: The Most Active Reviewers list consists of those members who have given the most qualifying reviews over the past 31 days. A qualifying review is any review (public or private) that is 250 characters or more in length. Only the top 100 Most Active Reviewers are displayed on the list at any time. The Most Active Raters list consists of those members who have given the most ratings over the past 31 days. Just the top 100 Most Active Raters are displayed on the list at any time. To be shown on either the Most Active Reviewers or Most Active Raters list, members must have their Public Ratings Count & RtoR Ratio preference set to 'Yes'. This can be found by visiting your My Account page and clicking to Change Preferences. Both listings are linked from the Authors and Reviewing pages. You can access the lists directly via the links below: Most Active Reviewers: http://www.writing.com/main/my_feedback/action/top_active_reviewers Most Active Raters: http://www.writing.com/main/my_feedback/action/top_raters :: Owner Email Notification Settings For Interactive Stories :: You may now choose how to receive email notifications when new chapters are added to your Interactive Story. You should monitor your story's additions to be sure they stay within the Content Rating you have selected for your item. Also, if you wish to keep tabs on the direction of your story, it is important to receive these notifications. This new Email Notifications setting is found on the item creation and edit form. Simply select the option you wish when creating a new interactive story, or edit an existing interactive story to set your preference. :: Expanded Gift Point Logs :: Gift Point logs within the My Gift Points area may now be expanded from 25 listings to 100 or 250 of the most recent Gift Point log entries. The new expanded GP logs are available from both personal and group GP log area. :: Don't Forget: 2004 Summer Costumicon Subscriptions :: costumicon subscriptions are available for purchase! This subscription will last through noon on August 3, 2004. Subscribe to or change your current costumicon from the "My Account" area or at: http://www.Writing.com/main/my_account/action/ea_form/type/costumicon As usual, you can preview any of the larger portfolio images by clicking on the small image within the costumicons Store. Don't Forget: You can GIFT costumicons to others! A costumicon subscription makes a great gift and supports Writing.Com! To send one to a friend, head to your "My Gifts Points" page: http://www.Writing.Com/main/my_gifts#spend ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And don't forget to visit our sponsor: http://thewriterslife.com/dm/wc44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your continued support of Writing.Com! ~~ The StoryMistress ![]() The StoryMaster ![]()