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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/299012-More-and-more-apathetic
Rated: 18+ · Book · None · #488496
Only rule you must follow if you know me: You can't get mad at me for what I write.
#299012 added July 19, 2004 at 12:48am
Restrictions: None
More and more apathetic
I can't really remember what happened after my last entry and before Ozzfest, so I'll just start there.

Fucking amazing show. It was me, Joe, and Steve meeting up with Jake, Zack, Gomes, and Cara. Me and Jake were the kings of the mosh pit easily, hehe. During Dimmu Borguir, I was standing in line for a water and some drunk guy cut in line for the bathroom. The guy he cut said "Dude, what the fuck? Get in the back of the line!" The drunk guy shoves him. The guy reels back and BAM! breaks his nose. Blood was gushing out of his nose and his eyes! Fucking awesome. The drunk guy was out for the count and the other guy looked shocked and walked away from the area of destruction to find another line to stand in.

Met some really cute girl that was near our seats. Her name is Kerry. Got her screen name and it's really fun talking with her.

Judas Priest was amazing.

You can't kill Ozzy. He's fuckin' bulletproof.

Not exactly sure what happened the day after Ozzfest, but that's ok. Thursday I went into work expecting a somewhat easy day. I was out at 7 and Todd was my relief coming in at 6. Well, things didn't work out too well and Todd never showed up. I ended up staying till 8:30 to help out Maria.

Friday I hung out with Adam for the first time in awhile. It was good seeing him and Taryn. I was surprised when they said they were getting married. They seem stable, so I think it'll work out. Made me think about Brian and Sasha and when they're going to get married. Hung out with Arline after that which was a fun time. We watched Old School and then had a tickle fight. Good times. Afterwards I went to Ashton's where everyone was so lively and willing to call me every minute to leave a voicemail. Well, everyone was pretty much gone except for Jay and Ashton who were just about passed out. So that turned into one Halo battle and then Jay left and I soon followed.

Afterwards around 2am, I was talking to Kristy and she was bored. I figured, "Hey, I'm bored too, how about a joyride?" So I went to go pick her up and we drove and talked about a ton of stuff till around 5am. We drove to Hanson Bowladrome, Bridgewater State, and then started to go to Stoughton, but decided we better head back.

The next night, I worked till 11 and then went to Al's for his 21st birthday party. It was a good time. We introduced him to The Best Webpage in the Universe. Afterwards me and Kristy had another joyride, but cut it short because we got bored. So we decided to watch Batman at my house. Good time. I dropped her off at around 5:30 and then went to sleep around 6 or 7.

Woken up today by Sills. He came in my room and said I looked so peaceful. So I got up after that and went to work. It felt like the longest 5 hours I've ever worked. Crazy bones. Cassie pissed me off because she was complaining that she felt sick. She probably just wanted to get out of work so she could hang out with her friends. She wanted me to stay till 9 (Right when I was ready to leave at 6) cause she "almost threw up" I said no and she got all hissy. She also said that she would never cover for me if I needed it. I just laughed. I can't even remember the last time I called in. It had to have been last year or something when I was in the hospital. Last time she called in? Probably twice last week. It shouldn't have gotten to me, but it did and I don't know why. She was just being an annoying little bitch.

Afterwards I went to Ashton's and played Halo with Sills, Jake, Ashton, and Cara. Great time. Ashton destroyed us in a 3 on 1 battle. I was with the newbies and they kept killing me right when I got a shot. Oh well, hopefully they'll get better. After that Jay came over and watched me and Ashton play Fallout. I got pissed again that night because Jay had dinner with Jenny. What? The Jenny that's always too busy to do anything? Just makes me mad that when I ask to just hang out, I get a shitload of excuses and "sorrys" When Jay asks her out to dinner she finally has time? I'm not mad at Jay, I'm mad at Jenny. When she says "I would love to be your friend!" and then I never hear from her again, I kind of get the impression that I'm being played for a fool which doesn't sit well. I'm sick of people like that, why can't they just say "I don't want to hang out with you because...you're ugly/you smell bad/you're not my type/you killed my parents/I hate you/etc." I'd be a lot happier with an answer like that than getting my hopes up and then getting a kick in the balls.

Damn women things, the only thing that can make me mad is when they act stupid.

Welcome back Danielle. I've missed you.

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