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Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com! |
Greetings Members! Don't miss the three great site updates introduced in this email! :: Please Support Our Sponsor :: INCREASE YOUR PER-PROJECT WRITING FEES UP TO 50% Direct mail graphic designers are paid very well; sometimes more than copywriters! Surprisingly, most "designers" have little or no formal training. Add this valuable service to your copywriting business to both increase your income AND make your writing services more marketable. Learn how here: http://www.thedesignerslife.com/rh/wc44 :: Introducing The Review Mixer! :: By definiton, a mixer is a game, stunt or dance used at a get-together to give members of the group an opportunity to meet one another in a friendly and informal atmosphere. On Writing.Com, The Review Mixer is a Gift Point incentive used to encourage members to read each other and meet by reviewing of each other's work here on the site. For that reason, each time you review a work of an author that you haven't reviewed before, the review system will automatically send you 100 Gift Points from the Review Mixer! For the complete details and rules, please take a moment and read:
Since its inception on June 7th through this announcement on June 13th, the Review Mixer has given out over 440,000 Gift Points! So what are you waiting for?!? Now is the perfect opportunity to get out into the community and meet your fellow members of Writing.Com. If you'd like to help support the Review Mixer, please feel free to send Gift Points to me. ![]() from my account, so just pass along anything you'd like to donate. We greatly appreciate everyone's support and participation. :: Email Box for Reviewed Items! :: In the past, once you reviewed an item, you had to click the author's email icon if you wanted to send additional feedback. Well, not any more! Now, at the bottom of each item you have already reviewed, you'll find a box to email the author directly from the item. One of the goals of Writing.Com is to encourage feedback to authors and this update makes sending that feedback even easier! (Note that this feature was already installed for Book items. As of this mailing, it is now installed and working with all item types.) :: Group Edit Access Expanded To Books! :: A long awaited update to the Group Edit Access allows Group Members with Edit Access to a Book Item the ability to edit any entries within the book. Please note, however, that group members will not be able to create new or delete existing entries. For more information, please see: "Group Edit for Items" ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And don't forget to visit our sponsor: http://www.awaionline.com/bib/wc44/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your continued support of Writing.Com! ~~ The StoryMistress ![]() The StoryMaster ![]()