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Being used for Daily Writing Challenge - if you were there you know what happened! |
May 17th, 2004 Today was a relatively good day all things considered. I was up at 5:30 am Central Time as usual. So far so good, and yesterday we had to buy a new coffee pot because between my husband and me we burn one up every year. Well, the coffee pot worked fine but the coffee just was not as hot as we like it. I cannot put the whole pot in the microwave because it has metal on it. I will figure something out even if it means getting another pot – I just absolutely refuse to try to live the life I live without coffee. Perish the thought. Well it even looks like that I will post this journal entry on time – that is a feat. I got invited to join two campfires. Well it turned out to be my turn on both of them TODAY. Am I screaming? You bet I am. One of them is a Hollywood Murder Mystery, and the other is a poem a day thing – even that was good today. My daughter did get arrested today. She called me to give her a ride so she could turn herself in to the detectives. We will see what happens from here. Tough love is tough. I have to teach a budgeting class tomorrow. I am almost finished with my visuals and handouts. Whew! Have not had any time to read today. Did not cook dinner either. My oldest son finally brought back my vacuum that he has been trying to convince me that I misplaced. He had the nerve to tell me that it was here and that I just could not find it. My kids think that I am CRAZY and STUPID. He also said he needed my help. Ha, too late. Seems he got a ticket, actually three of them in New Orleans. I did mention my kids think that I am stupid. Well, he somehow sent the money order to pay the fine to Jefferson Parish instead of Orleans Parish Traffic Court. Incredible. Well, after an hour of phone tag with officials I told him to get his butt in his truck and go to the courthouse in New Orleans. I guess he did because he left. I can’t wait till the new season for Stargate starts in July. I have seen all the reruns. I am a big Law and Order fan also. Well I hope that I get back to the Patches In Time theme that I planned to write about in this journal before real life imposed it’s self on me. I am actually tired this evening. It is a good feeling. I think that part of it is that the Department of Motor Vehicles (Driver’s License place) has agreed to issue me a new legally issued state drivers license number. I hope that helps end some of my problems since all the theft. So tomorrow is a new day. I have to do that class, check out the Writer’s Cramp. I have two more contests to prepare entries for as well as get in two more Writer’s Cramp entries this week. Thank God tomorrow is Tuesday – there is still hope that I will have enough time to get it all done. |