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Rated: 13+ · Book · Contest · #844266
Being used for Daily Writing Challenge - if you were there you know what happened!
#290121 added May 12, 2004 at 7:40pm
Restrictions: None
May 12, 2004 - I do love Writing.Com
May 12th, 2004 entry actually done on May 12th, 2004

Yea! Go me!

Oh, how I do love Writing.Com. I have been extremely stressed today by the fact that Writer’s Digest did not include Writing.Com on their list of The Best 101 Websites for Writer’s. Writer’s Digest’s blatant omission of this web site on their list, in my humble opinion, is just short of being criminal. Who is running the show over there? Either way I put up my first forum. Here again, it was very simple and the response has been over whelming. As of this writing my little forum has had over 115 views. I would have thought that more people would post their letters in the forum, but so far I have seven posted and I have not tried to post my own. So that makes the emails actually written and sent to Writer’s Digest eight. I am sure that there are a lot more.

During the process of trying to catch-up on my daily entries into the Olympic Decathlon I actually prepared a wonderful supper for my family in a slow cooker early this morning. This evening I get a phone call from my husband and son that they are both working late. What is it they say about the best-laid plans of mice and men?

I am feeling some what exhausted. The computer screen is beginning to look a little fuzzy. I have been on my home away from home all day. My poor old body is numb from the waist down. This folks is just not a Good Thing.

I actually received a friendship badge from Shaara. She is a very kind and forgiving soul. I actually sent her a serious review, which I don’t normally do, and I thought her words were ordered in such a way that English was not her first language. Well as it turns out she is a third generation Californian. Shaara has a well-developed sense of humor obviously because instead of getting all upset over my wrong assumption she sent me a friendship badge with a very nice note. Badges are not free or cheap, and rightfully so, as the badges are amazing pieces of artwork. Another Writing.Com member, Gailey, sent me 5000 gift points to help with the cost of sponsoring my petition to Writer’s Digest. The funny thing is that I didn’t sponsor it. As a matter of fact, I didn’t even know it was being sponsored until Gailey mentioned it to me. Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather, and then I returned Gailey’s 5000 gift points and added 15,000 to it and asked her to sponsor a Letter to Writer’s Digest Contest. I would be willing to bet that she will be as bowled over as I was when she gets that email.

Well today has been a very productive day except all of my production has been letter writing, not creative writing. Maybe tomorrow will be better. I still need to go check out the prompt for The Writer’s Cramp. Hopefully I will be able to find a muse, any muse to assist me.

Whoever is reading these journal entries I want you know that it is very hard not to use all that MLtag writing stuff I spent weeks learning. I am trying to follow the rules. The rules say that we can’t use the MLtag stuff, so just for your information – “Yes, I am whining.”

Now, I think that I will go enter the “Coolest thing I have ever done” contest. Why? Because it is a requirement of the Olympic Decathlon, that is why.

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