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Rated: 13+ · Book · Contest · #844266
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#288575 added May 2, 2004 at 9:02am
Restrictions: None
May 2 entry for the Olympic Decathlon

I could write about all the writing I did yesterday. I entered the Writer’s Cramp in the morning, and when the new prompt was available I got very busy writing about Tulip’s as my Muse for my second entry to the Writer’s Cramp in the afternoon. I wrote my first book entry for the Olympic Decathlon. I felt the fire yesterday of the hot burning flames that fuel my desire to write. And I must mention that I took third place in the Whine and Cheese contest held by “Fireant is havin fun”. I am certainly proud of that win, as there was lots of excellent competition.

I spent some time yesterday preparing a presentation on “Budgeting”. Not a pie in the sky type of presentation for people who have too much money and don’t know what to do with it. This is a budgeting presentation for people who have no money. The people on food stamps and welfare, the single mothers, and under-employed that are trying to find a way to survive in President Bush’s economy that serves the wealthy. There are a couple of advantages most of these women have: a high school diploma, youth, good health, and sheer determination. This presentation is for the people who see that the almighty dollar is not as mighty as it once was. Here in the trenches of life it is very easy to feel defeated before you even get a chance to get started. These young mothers don’t have families that have bought them shiny new cars as a high school graduation present. They never made plans to attend college. Their jobs at Wal-Mart amount to indentured servitude. Life is tough. These women don’t want handouts. They want an honest, workable plan to acquire the American Dream before their health, spirit, and endurance levels wear thin from years of unprofitable toil. It is unrealistic for them to think that a knight in shinning armor is going to swoop down and marry them. Their prince came once, and left them to raise a child alone. Some have tried more than one prince, only to discover that these princes are cut from the same cloth.

I spent a few hours at Books-A-Million. Has anyone else noticed how many Bush-bashing books are on the market? There are an equal number of books that praise Bush and the Dynasty that his family has established in this country. What a sham! Colin Powell and that Rice woman are two very high placed African Americans in the Bush White House, does anybody else think that Bush is playing the race card for all it is worth? I have not yet decided if the authors of all these books are really trying to serve the greater good, or make a quick buck off of a very hot topic.

I do know that the majority of Americans don’t really vote anymore. There are tons of excuses. As for myself, I have plenty of opinions, and we all know that opinions are like belly buttons – we all have one. Will someone explain to me why we still need the Electoral College? My opinion is that it provides the current administration with fewer people to bribe, twist around their little finger, or intimidate. Am I the only one that thinks that it was no accident that Jed Bush was the governor of the State that seemed to cast the deciding vote in his brother George W. Bush’s bid for President?

I will now go drown my sorrows in coffee and donuts, and hopefully find myself in a much more literary mood for literary sake tomorrow.

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