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Rated: 13+ · Book · Friendship · #395609
Take A Look Into The Life Of Sarah As She Grows Up.
#283708 added March 27, 2004 at 8:39am
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Random drabble: Ally McBeal & "Saula" and more
Current mood: hyper

Random drabble: Ally McBeal & "Saula" and more...
I'm feeling pretty good right now, so I thought I'd babble on about 2 things, since I haven't babbled much lately. (I've been too upset). But here goes:

Ally McBeal:
I used to be so obsessed with this show!
Larry & Ally were such a great couple!
And I'd gotten the second half of the first season on video.
This morning, around 12:30am, I couldn't get to sleep, so I was digging around in my video cabnet and came across the Ally videos.
I hadn't seen them in ages and let me tell you, I laughed so much at just one episode!
I don't know what it was called, but it was when Georgia took a pregnancy test and it said that she was pregnant. Then she went to the doctor and it wasn't true. The one where Renee was in court for breaking a guy's neck.
The thing that cracked me up most was when Ally was watching Billy talking on the phone and a song came on and the office women were dancing around and Ally followed them into the bathroom. They were standing in the stalls, in mini skirts, kicking their legs in the air.
Then it showed Billy walk in and he saw Ally doing it.
Probably because when I stay up late, I have this rush of hyperness, I was laughing so hard. I kept thinking of what he'd be thinking, walking in on her doing it.
And John Cage: I love him! He is so hilarious.
I think Will from Will and Grace (I love him, but I can't remember his real name!) was playing a lawyer in it. He was defending the guy Renee 'attacked'. He had glasses on, but I'm pretty sure it was him. Anyway, he looks hotttt with glasses on :D

Okay! Now onto: "Saula"!
I doubt any of you know who/what "Saula" is because it is an unusual 'ship.
It's embarassing to say- but a SMALL community online agree are as obsessed (if not more) as me!
"Saula"- Simon & Paula from American Idol.

I think I've gone on about this before! But they would be a good couple!
lol, Simon and the whole 'rude gesture' he did with his finger. I know you probably won't know what I'm going on about, but, anyway. I'm obsessed.
I also love Ryan Seacrest :D
It's not fair that we didn't get season 1 & 2 here in Australia. Well, it makes sense, since it IS AMERICAN Idol, but, still.

Hmmm what did I do today?
~Painted my nails- Pinky colour and I painted over that with a clear polish with little white flakes in it.
~Had a 2 hr nap in the afternoon. I didn't mean it to be a nap- I was listening to music and fell asleep.
~Danced around the house while Mum was at work and Dad was out. (To "I'm not in love" by Enrique {is that how you spell it?} I was completely out of control- arms flailing, singing, spinning around, but it felt good. So now whenever I'm upset, I'm going to dance. lol. Also, stay up late to get the rush of hyperness I've talked about.
Note to self: Don't read Bridget Jones's Diary while hyper. Last time I did that, I laughed so loud that I woke my parents and got in trouble.
~ Recorded myself singing a Bardot song. One of the ones on their first album. "What Have You Done?" What?? I like that song! Yes, I think I've lost the plot.
~Watched Gilmore Girls- OMG it was funny! I think it was "The Lorelais first day at Yale" where Rory went off to collage.
Lor: I cannot drive an uncooperative stick.
Lu: My stick is not uncooperative.

Rory: Mum, you don't know how to drive a stick.
Lor: Yes I do. I've just never done it before.

*not sure if this is EXACT quote.
Lu: Okay you can take the truck, but you gotta keep the mattress.
Lor: I can't keep the matress
Lu: Then you can't take the truck
Lor: But then you'll be stuck with the matress.

What did happen to the matress in the end?
And how do you spell 'matress'?

Oops, gotta go...
More Ally watching for me...
Does anyone think the expressions Calista Flockhart pulls are hilarious? She's a fantastic actress.
I like how she says "renee...."

Tomorrow I'm going shopping. I want to get more nail polish and the following singles:
"I hate everything about you"- I can't remember...but it could be a "Saula" song! "I hate everything about you, why do I love you?"
"Here without you" 3 Doors Down- OMG I'm in LOVE with this song!
"The trouble with love is"- Kelly Clarkson. I don't like her, but I love this song! (Kinda like the case with "Toxic" by Britney Spears) "The trouble with love is...it doesn't care how fast you fall, you can't refuse the call..."

Edited to Add:
Mum just walked by so I accidently pushed 'update journal' and closed the window.
Lol I looked up who sung "I hate everything about you" and it's "Three Days Grace" OMG I was gonna say "State of Grace" isn't that a TV show??

K, I think I'm officially hyper, but I swear, I haven't felt like this for so long, so I'm just gonna go with it.
Just know that I'm not high.

"The trouble with love is
It can tear you up inside
Make your heart believe a lie
It's stronger than your pride
The trouble with love is
It doesnt care how fast you fall
And you can't refuse the call
See you've got no say at all"

Beautiful, beautiful song :)
"Hello there, the angel from my nightmare
the shadow in the background of the morgue" - "I miss you" Blink 182.

I thought it was:
"Hello there, the angel from my nightmare, the shadow of the MOORE!"

"Where are you and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
this sick strange darkness
comes creeping on so haunting every time
and as I stared I counted
webs from all the spiders
catching things and eating their insides
like indecision to call you
and hear your voice of treason
will you come home and stop this pain tonight
stop this pain tonight"

I thought:
"comes creeping on so HUNTING every time"

I'm baaad lol.

I love music. It's so beautiful.

Okay, so I'm really going now.
I'm going to post this in my online journal at writing.com as well as on here because I haven't updated there for awhile.

lol all my stories there are ancient! I need to delete some.

I'll be back tomorrow night to gush over the Simon/Paula stuff on America Idol... Even though there is rarely a lot, I still like how she moves her chair so close to his, so I'll go on about that.

~*.: Sarah :.*~

P.S: What is a 'bobble head doll'? Because it says you can get a Simon Cowell bobble head doll that spits out insults like "pathetic".
I think the term 'bobble' is hilarious.

~Paula: Oh, you wanna be touched, do you?
Simon: Not by you!

*Uh, yeah RIGHT!*~

~~Piper: I'm getting stalked by psycho killers and I hide in the shower!
Piper/Leo Harry/Ginny Ron/Hermione Dawson/Jen Pacey/Audrey Steph/Max Jack/Nina
Brooke/Deacon Amber/Rick~~

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