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A journal for my life. Inspired by Wannabe's DWC. |
Have you ever had one of those days? One where you wish you could just roll over and rewind back to, Oh I don’t know, maybe back to the night before when you were actually supposed to turn your alarm on??? I have! Especially a day like today. I left for work this morning, I overslept, I never oversleep like this, I woke up at 5:45, I'm usually at my store by 5:00 at the latest, that should have warned me of what this day may hold. I rolled down the windows to clear the dew off of them, only to find that now the motor is going out on the rear passenger side window. Well gee, haven‘t they had to fix the driver side front window twice already? I finally got the window up about 4 miles up the road. In hind sight, I wish I would have left it down. I swear, this is going to be the last Chevrolet I ever own. Thank the good Lord for extended warranty, who thought you would need it on a new car? Live and learn and then get, no wait that’s a commercial for something else... Anyway...I ran register until about 9:00 when Justin came in Justin is my cashier, not that I “own” Justin, I just claim him, perhaps you would have to know Justin to understand the impact of that statement. But that‘s another story. I ran to my office so I could hurry and do my paperwork so I could get to the bank and take the register back over so Justin could paint The Cat in The Hat for the display and picture for the Hershey/Cat in The Hat contest that my company was running that month. Upon arriving back from the bank, the parking lot was total chaos as usual. I could barely get to the on ramp part of the drive. I made my way through to the only parking space that was left. NO ONE knows how to park a car between the lines, gotta park on them ya know? I had to squeeze out on the drivers side leaving my purse and the bank bag (with a few hundred dollars of change) on the passenger side so I could go around and retrieve them, as there was more room on that side. That person, as well as myself, had the middle of the parking space thing figured out! I hit the all unlock button on the door and went around to get my stuff...had I actually hit the all lock instead of unlock? You guessed right! (#!?%&!$) Anyway, now I'm looking at the car door in total disbelief. Looking at the money bag and my purse, not to mention my cell phone, my pager, my everything...on the passenger seat shaking my head. I've never, ever, EVER, locked myself out of the car, and this was the most inopportune time to have done such a thing! Justin looked out the side door and asked me what was wrong, I yelled at him (so he could hear me over traffic noise, not yelling to be yelling) to call that locksmith a customer had to use yesterday. He started laughing and came out to see if he would be able to break in, he determined he would do too much damage to my car, so he called the locksmith as I had originally requested...HELLLLOOOO!!!! The locksmith says he’ll be there in about a half hour. I’m like great,more time wasted...Justin says, so why are you just hanging out around your car and not coming back in the store He was anxious to get painting "Justin, I can’t just leave the car because the money is right there in plain view." "Gina, your car is locked." "Justin, people break windows...that money is my responsibility, I have to stay with the car!" The locksmith pulls up about 45 minutes later and says, where is the person and the car? I looked at him and said "That would be me and the car is right here." "oh no." "What’s the problem?" "These are hard to break into...well, while that is a nice thought...it doesn’t sound very great at that moment! Then he sees the money bag. "You should have told them that it was an emergency." I looked at Justin, who quietly re-entered the store... WHAT really gripes me about all of this....A few months back I paid over $100.00 to get the little electronic key thing. You know the one, unlock the door, open the trunk, set the alarm. Where was it? In my purse on the front seat...I have got to work on that. Moral of the story? Haste not only makes waste, but can be very costly as well...I had better win this darn contest!!! LOL And in case you're wondering, I promise, it's true although I wish it weren’t! |