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this is a honest look at my thoughts, keep your mind open |
wow, i just looked at my list for entires, this is my 100th one. wow i have never kept a journal for this long. very impressive. well today was unremarkable, school was unintresting. april is depressed, you know that new sheryl crow song "if you wanna try to love again...... the first kind is the deepest?" i called april and it was one repeat, she said she's been listening to it constantly for the past 3 days. i believe her. she's at the pt where she doesn't know what she's going to do w/ her life, she's a senior, her grades suck, she hasn't taken any of the evil tests (act, sat) and she's really confused. she's freaked out. i don't know. i did the best i could, i think my speech was pretty inspriational, but i think she just needed to vent. she needed someone to listen to her problems. ok, i can do that, god knows she does that to me enough. well lets see...... i am re reading "the great gatsby" for my english class, the first time i read it i basically glossed over it, now i'm going through it an finding really cool things like this quote "reserving judgement is a matter of infinate hope" how cool is that? i just finished "shindlers list" it was pretty good. it didn't make a big impact on me but i don't know what i was looking for. my mom held some book club thing here, so there were a bunch of mid age women gossiping and clucking in the living room. joy. i couldn't find tape to make a collage so that was annoying. but whatever, my mom said she'd get some tommorow. i should go do my hmwk. i'm looking for poetry and proses pieces for sp & debate so if you have any sugestions please email me. later mj |