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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/268689-Fuck-you-God-2
Rated: 18+ · Book · None · #488496
Only rule you must follow if you know me: You can't get mad at me for what I write.
#268689 added December 7, 2003 at 1:37am
Restrictions: None
Fuck you God! 2
Alright, now I have to start this journal entry over.

Anyways, after the play at NHS, I was talking to my Dad about going to Worcester. He was fine with it, telling me directions and everything. The next morning he says "BY the way, you're not going to Worcester. Storms coming before you're leaving." I say I'll be fine, he says "Yeah, because you won't be going." Fuck you God! Fuck you for bringing snow! I was pissed all that day. Pissed and sad. That never happens to me. I really want to see Jess. Anyways, pissed all through classes and work. Work was hell. Scheduled 12:30-6:30, came in at 11:45 and worked till 7 since I wasn't going to Worcester anymore. My dad called me during work wondering where I was, he forgot I was working. I said I stayed a little later since I wasn't going to see Jess. He said, and I quote: "Yeah, They said on the Weather Channel that Worcester has about 2 feet already." With this notion I go home.

Then about 7:30 Al calls me. He says that Jess has been trying to get in touch with me, which I remembered she did call while I was on register. She asks where I am and I say I'm at home because they're under 2 feet of snow. She says "What snow?" Fuck me, Dad lied! I say I'll call her back and I yelled at my Dad for lying to me. And I was really yelling. He denies that he ever said anything about Worcester being under snow. And he still says I can't go. But ofcourse, can't argue with him. Did you forget Nick? He knows all! He went to the University of Know-It-All. Fuck you Dad.

I call Jess back and say I'm sorry I can't go. She says "You're 18, you can do what you want!" That's true, but I wouldn't be allowed back in the house. Since I'm 18, they can charge me to live there, but don't out of the kindness of their hearts. Jess gets mad and all and says "Well, there's no need to talk to you anymore." and we hang up. I felt so angry and sad. I wanted to just drink the night away with Jess and Al, but I instead drank the night away with Meghan and Chris. Still didn't have any fun. Still wanted to see Jess. Still was saying "Fuck you God!"

Wake up at around 2:30pm today and I'm feeling shitty. Not because of a hangover, because I'm still angry and sad. The only thing I have to look forward to is that today will be easy at work because there's a blizzard and no one will be shopping. I go into work at 4 and Georgia says "You have the best shift you'll ever get." Everything was done. All I had to do was carriages, and clean the conference room, plus it was really slow at that point. But noooooo, it wasn't easy at all!When the cat's away, the mice may play. As soon as Georgia left, there were lines. This happens every damn time. Plus, the plow guy was all pissy and kept complaining that there were too many carriages outside. To shut him up, I gave Cassie the keys and took Steve with me to do carriages at Lightning Speed! When I go back in, I sign out socks and a hair dryer for my shoes and then go on break. I'm eating my sub and thinking "Goddamn, things can't get worse." So then Worse shows up, just like Bill Cosby said and the Lights go out. They didn't flicker, they went OUT. About two minutes later they come back on. Thank you backup generator. Anyways, we had power failure on all the registers, took a little bit for them to come back on. Registers 5 and 8 were dead. R.I.P. and there were lines. Who the fuck comes out in the blizzard! Fuck you God! The rest of the night I had Jen and Bernie for my baggers. They SUCK. But for the most part, Bernie was pretty cool. I'll have to thank him later. Jen was a complete bitch as always. She was using the pager, driving around the motor carts, talking on her cellphone, and just wandering around for the most part. She's a retard, but that doesn't mean she should have special treatment. She should be fired.

Get home after this long day and I start talking to Danielle. Suddenly she says "You're so mean to Jess! You make her cry! I'm going to bed, night" Yeah, that makes me feel so good. Hearing that I'm making someone cry that I want to see desperately (but apparently not desperately enough) makes me feel like a winner. Fuck you God! I'm sorry Jess, I miss you dearly and as promised before (and I hope it doesn't fall through) I'm going to take you out to an expensive dinner to make up for it. Plus, I've got tickets to the Science Museum that we can use for another time.

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