Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/264029-Mascarade
by Keshia
Rated: 13+ · Book · Drama · #771777
after a night of partying a high goes turns into a low when keith hits his girlfriend
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#264029 added October 31, 2003 at 4:06am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 1

We were together for two years and he never put his hands on me or so much as raised his hand to me. He took care of me when I was sick and didn’t to admit it. He wasn’t like the other he listened, he made me laugh. So the first time he hit me he showed me his true self and revealed to me that he had been putting up the front and lying to me the whole time we were together.
It was a Friday night we had got invited to this party and we had a good time and we were still in good mood and wasn’t quiet ready to go home yet. So instead of going home we went to my club and decided to chill there. I figured since I was part owner of the club and I get in free it would be the logical place to go and make sure everyone there was having a good time.
In we walked and the first person I saw was my cousin V was the other half of the club. We conversated for no more than two to five minutes and thee I we were on the dance floor. The music was hot the dj was doing his thang. The ladies seemed to be having a good time and the fellas looked like they weren’t doing bad either. I was satisfied with the nights outcome, especially considering it was four a.m. in the morning and the club was still packed.

We left the club about five and found a diner that was open and grubbed. We finally made it home about six thirty. Still buzzed from the club scene we walked into the house laughing and mimicking a movie we saw earlier and a scene we saw from R..Kelly’s video to the homies that were lost. We were mimicking the scene when R. Kelly and his friends were slap boxing in the street. This was something that we always did when we were bored or one o us were trying to cheer the other one up if they were down or taking something to serious that really wasn’t that drastic.

So normally slap boxing wasn’t something out of the ordinary for us than again neither was his obsession with his looks mainly his looks. I can’t stand a man who thinks he looks better than me, but he was different. He was a model and that’s what I had to deal with. The ego. He wasn’t so egoistical that he was obsessed with his looks every moment every minute of the day, just when you went near his face, but never like this. He never physically got angry at me or anyone else. It was always bay chill, do that you’ll leave a mark there.

I once told him he reminded me of Denzel Washington in Mo Better Blues when he and his girl friend are making love and he jumps up and starts yellin at her and runs into the bathroom looking into the mirror checking his lip. Now even know his girlfriend apologizes he still is raven about it, talking about I make my living with my lips. I always cause he says the same thing about his face.

If this night was based on the movie mo better blues it would of ended differently. We ‘would’ve just argued and had a fight and he would of took my warning that I gave him and that would have been the last time he ever hit me, but did he listen, nope, and that’s why were not together any more.
So as we were slap boxing my hand slipped by mistake and I hit him in his face. Right away I apologized. I knew if I didn’t I would be dealing with a grown ass baby for the rest of the day. That’ something I didn’t want to deal with. Apologizing didn’t help. He still kept whining like Denzel and I offered as Denzel’s girl did to kiss it and make it mo better, but instead he just kept complaining as if he was remaking the scene from Mo Better Blues. All I kept hearing was I make my living with my face, I make my living with my body. My looks are important to they pay my bills. I wanted to say really they do, which bills would these been because I pay the bills in this house.

It was like listening to a broken record. So to avoid his tantrums I dediced to got to bed, and in an attempt to distract him from his whining I invited him a long as long as he didn’t hassle me about a little peck on the face that didn’t make a scratch or bruise which by the way was a mistake and not on purpose. To him it wasn’t nothing. It was a mistake but a careless one on my part and for all he knew I did it on purpose. Please get real. Why would I do something like that on purpose so I could hear a grown man make an ass out of himself over something so petty and give myself a headache, not a chance.

We argued for what seemed like forever but in reality was only twenty minutes. I never seen a man more worried about his looks than sex. I was shocked, amazed, and confused at the same time. I swear he was gay if I didn’t know better. If he was he was certainly hiding it pretty well I just looked at him smirked and continue up the stairs until he grabbed me and then started yelling at me about I am not to touch him in that manner again.

That’s it I’ve had it said. You can yell bitch and moan but you need to get your hands off of me next thing I knew I pushed him always from me he shoved me I shove d hom . he looked at me. Continued to murmur I make my living looks why can’t she understand that nobody understands I’m tired of this sick an what had tired. People don’t listen they just don’t get it what is it about my that they don’t understand it’s so simple why don’t they listen why don’t they get it why don’t you listen to me when I tell you something. The he turned towards me and said why don’t you get it as he grabbed me. As he was holding me he kept repeating the question why don’t you get it. I was asking him to let me go not caring what it was he wanted me to get or understand.

He let me go and he snapped. He hit me and I couldn’t believe it. All I could think at that moment was oh no he didn’t. And at that moment in that instant he snapped out of it and realized what he had done, immediately he apologized. My first reaction was to beat the hell out of him. My mind was saying one thing while my heart was saying another, but they were both in shock. For a minute I thought did he just hit me? Does he know who you are? Please tell me he realizes you’re the daughter of a woman who was a sergeant in the army, a father whose a cop, and you know how to use a gun

It was unbelievable I was so traumatized by what happened I didn’t even kick him -out I just banded him from the bedroom. After he hit me I went to the kitchen grabbed a Heineken and listened to his apology o f how sorry he was and would never do it again. I continued drink my beer and stopped for a moment. I suggest you go get a blanket from one of the linen closest or go into another part of the house because you will not be sleeping in my bed with me this morning. I going to sleep I have a meeting with some music execs and I need my rest. Don’t bother me. Leave me alone.
© Copyright 2003 Keshia (UN: lil_freida at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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