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this is a honest look at my thoughts, keep your mind open |
i am exausted and grouchy. to read this journal you might think "what's new" but it is. my parents are whinning about how i do nothing, i'm never home all this bull crap. this is a couple days after my mom told me that they were worried about my little bro (he's 14) because he's so anti social. hyprocrites. we are doing the holocaust in eng and that is depressing. my dad is set against my teacher and that's annoying, he seriously thinks he knows everything and that she's pompus. well she is at times but she is one of the best english teachers in the country. it has been proven many times. so he should just shut the hell up. every day after 3rd hour i am so depressed. how could the world just stand by and let these people be massacred? 6 million jews. hitler had a confrence and basically told the world before it all started that he wanted the jews out. most countries were in their own sort of depression so they just ignored him. this gave him some sort of premission in his view to move on to "the final solution" what crap. roosevelt was such a dick head. i saw movies from the camps, like triblinka, the death camp, it was horrible. i was never able to comprehend how much they truly suffered. god it was so horrible. and here i am more then 70 years later, bitching about how my parents won't buy me a car. it is obsurd. there are people dying from aids, starvation, lack of clean water, so many thingss and yet there are kids at my school who drive bmws, lexuses, caddies, jeeze. i try to talk to my friends about this stuff and they all just roll their eyes, yes i know other people have said it. but it doesn't change the fact that it was horrible. the teacher keeps saying "if you get one thing from this unit i want it to be....... that jews did resist...... there is no such thing as a bystander...... you will have to hold yourself accountable for your actions... the bravery, goodness of some.... why. i am so tired. exausted. my parents are being grouchy. i am grouchy. yesterday i went to the dr.'s office w/ dee, the gyno and she's about 8 weeks, she is nervous but excited. i don't know. her and jesse are planning on moving next year, i am not sure where when or anything of the sort. i'm tired. i don't care i just want to sleep. i have no idea what i am going to do for halloween. kellie has decided to break up w/ mike *thank god...* i dunnooooooooooooooooooo i'm going to bed........... peace out........ i just watched malibu's most wanted// most of the time i think movies liek that are dumb but i thought it was so freaking funny........ so tired.......... |