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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/259777-Season-7-part-7
by Dru
Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #523871
Season 7 of Buffy the way I know it's not going to happen
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#259777 added October 3, 2003 at 3:04am
Restrictions: None
Season 7 (part 7/?)
The faeries grinned and laughed smiling at Drusilla and her family.

Dawn, Willow, and Spike stared at the faery's in shock. They couldn't believe that Drusilla was telling the truth.

"Well now that you've all met we must be going. We need to feed. And there's so many young tasty treats out there just waiting to be killed! Come my dears!" Drusilla said as she started fro the gate leading out of the garden.

Willow, Dawn and Spike shock them selves and followed Drusilla.

Buffy sat in The Bronze drinking a beer and brooding. It'd been a week and still no sign of Dawn, Willow, or Spike. She'd been spending every free moment researching a way to save them but hadn't found anything. With patrolling, work and research this was her first night off all week.

"What am I going to do? My best friend and my little sister are vampires. If I can't find a way to curse them or turn them back into humans I'm going to have to stake them." Buffy moaned softly.

Buffy slid off her seat and walked up to the bar to get another beer. Maybe drowning her troubles would make things better.

Xander walked though the graveyard. He was patrolling on his own since Buffy was a complete mess lately. Someone had to fight the forces of darkness that that someone was him.

"Oooh Spike! Look at the pretty boy! We should take him home and love him and keep him and never let him go!" Drusilla cooed and she stepped out from behind a tree and slowly walked around Xander.

"D-Drusilla! Uh hi! So how's it going? Good? Kill anyone interesting lately?" Xander babbled as he scrambled for his dropped stake.

Willow stepped in front of him stopping him from grabbing the stake. "No no Xander. You don't want a stake do you? You would never hurt your best friends would you? NO I didn't think so. You want to come home with us don't you. Yes you do. You'll come live with us and become a part of our family." Willow cooed softly as she pulled him to his feet and wrapped a bare arm around his shoulders.

Xander gulped unable to take his eyes off the large amount of bare flesh Willow was showing off.

Spike grinned watching his childe playing with Xander. "So are you planing on making him a permanent member of the family Red?"

Willow never took her eyes off of Xander as she nodded. "Mm-hmm. He's going to make a wonderful vampire."

"I'm sure he will luv but we'd better do this at home we don't want the Slayer interrupting us." Spike said as he glanced around the graveyard.

"Buff's at The Bronze getting drunk." Xander said almost zombie like.

"Oh well then no worries then. The girl will probably get eaten by something anytime now." Spike said crossing his arms over his chest and leaning on a monument. "Take your time girls." He told Willow, Drusilla, and Dawn who were all circling Xander like sharks going for the kill.

"Mmm goody. So who gets to turn him?" Willow asked running one sharp nail down Xander's neck leaving a trail of blood which she licked off.

"You do dear. He's been yours for so long you get to keep him. The moon says it's the way things should be." Drusilla said stepping back.

Dawn sighed but stepped back too.

Willow squealed excitedly and turned on Xander grinning. She leaned in close and whispered. "Wake up."

Xander jerked and blinking coming out of the trance Willow had put him in. "Wha...Willow! Willow you don't want to do this! I know your still in there somewhere! We can help you! Just come with me to the Magic Box and we can find something!" Xander pleaded.

Willow threw back her head and laughed. "Xander I am me. We were so wrong about vampires! It's not just a demon taking over your body it's you! I'm still me as much as I ever was only I happy! I'm free of all my guilt and pain! It's the best thing that can ever happen to you and I'm going to give you that gift. Trust me you'll love it." Willow said as she vamped out and grabbed him sinking her fangs deep into his neck.

Xander screamed and tried to push her off but she was too strong. Xander felt his blood being sucked out. He slowly started to weaken. His vision started to go black.

Willow pulled out gently licking the bite mark. She bit deep into her own wrist and held it to his mouth. He started to gulp her blood. "Shh. Shh go ahead Xan. Drink as much as you want I have plenty I just fed." Willow cooed.

Soon Xander stopped drinking as his heart stopped and he died. Willow gently picked him up and handed him to Spike. "Here. You watch him I need to go feed again. He always was a big eater. You guys go home I'll be back as soon as I can get something warm into me." Willow said rubbing her wrist where Xander had fed off her.

"Red we can't let you wander around SunnyHell by your self!" Spike yelled.

"Spike you heard Xan. Buffy's drinking her self into a stupor right now. We have lots of time for me to eat a person or two then get home in time for Xander to wake up."

Drusilla patted Spikes arm. "She'll be fine My Sweet. Lets take our new Grandchilde home."

Spike sighed and glared at Willow. "Ok I'm going to trust you but you be careful!"

Willow rolled her eyes "Yes i'll be careful! Now Go so i can eat and get home my self!" Willow walked off into the night searching for a nice meal.

Willow went into town to see if she could find a tasty looking person walking around.

Her eyes slowly searched the people along the street till she saw one she liked and walked towards her. "Hi. So what's a pretty little thing like you doing walking all by your self at night?" She purred as she moved into the womans personal space.

"I-Uh. Well I needed milk so I'm just running to the store real quick. Umm why are you out here?" She asked as she tried to back away.

Willow grinned sending a shiver down the girls spine. "Oh I'm just out for a bite to eat. And you know what? You look real tasty!" Willow suddenly grabbed the girl wrapping her hand over her mouth to smother the screams as she sunk her fangs deep into her neck and drained of every drop of blood.

Willow let the body drop to the ground and wiped a drop of blood from her lip. "Night-Night sweety. Was great eating you." She laughed as she walked out of the ally she'd pulled them into.

Willow walked down the street and grabbed a pretty young girl about her age as she walked. "Xander'll be hungry when he wakes up. We're low on the humans be have on the cellar so You'll have to hold him tell we can take him out to eat."

Willow hummed happily at the thought of Vampire Xander. "Mmm My Xander will be such a wonderful vampire...I can't wait till he awakes!" She walked faster towards home.

Willow walked into the house and after quickly shoving the girl into a cage in the cellar she almost ran up stairs to find Xander.

She looked into each room until she found the one where Drusilla, Spike, and Dawn were sitting with Xander.

"How is he? Any sign of waking up yet? Do you think it'll be soon?" Willow asked.

Drusilla looked up and smiled. "The White Knight will wake soon. The moon is singing. He will be a perfect addition to our family."

Willow sat on the edge of Xander's bed and ran a hand though his hair. "I always loved him. From the time we were in kindergarten. Now he will be mine. He'll be my childe and never leave me."

Spike grinned at his family all sitting around waiting for the newest member to wake up. He finely had the close loving family he'd always wanted.

Xander slowly stretched as he started to wake up. His eyes slowly opened then he jerked when he saw Willow leaning over him. "Will! Oh My God! I just had the worst dream! I dreamed that Spike turned you then you killed me!"

Willow smiled and reached our stroking his hair. "It wasn't a dream sweet heart. I did kill you. And now your one of us. Welcome to our little family!"

Xander's eyes widened as he turned his head looking at Dawn, Spike, and Drusilla all sitting in chairs neck to the bed smiling at him. "AHHHH!"

Willow smiled at Xander and slowly ran her hand over his arm. "Don't worry dear. Everything will be fine. As soon as you realise that all your pain is gone you'll start to enjoy your self."

Xander stared in shock at everyone. "W-W-Why did you do this to me?! You know how much I hate vampires! How could you curse me like this?!"

"It's not a curse my White Knight. It's a gift. The bestest gift you can give. Now you'll dance under the stars and listen to the pixies sing! The moon will shine down on you and laugh in happiness!" Drusilla cooed.

Xander stared around the room terrified. he couldn't believe his best friend had turned him into a soulless monster! Then slowly Xander realised something. he didn't feel like he used too. He felt...better. Happier. All the pain he felt seemed to just have been pushed a way. Xander's eyes widened and locked on Willow.

Willow grinned seeming to guess what he was thinking. "Feel better now?"

Xander slowly nodded. "Y-Yeah I do. What's happening?"

Spike grinned. "You're soul is gone. No more conchince. No more guilt. Welcome to the wonderful world of vampiresim."

"You must be hungry. I'll go get you a nice treat out of the cellar." Willow cooed as she skipped out the the room to get Xander his first meal.

Buffy walked into the Magic Box pushing greasy hair out of her eyes and trying to ignore her hangover. "Anya? Xander? Guys are you here?! Have you found anything on how we can get Dawn and Spike back?"

Anya came out from the back of the store. "Hi Buffy. No I haven't been able to find anything. And I haven't seen Xander since last night."

Buffy frowned. "You haven't seen Xander? He was supposed to meet us here! Oh no! Do you think Drusilla and Spike got him too?!"

Anya's eyes widened. "NO! No that couldn't have happened! It couldn't! Xander probably was just held up at work. He's very busy you know. That's it. He was held up at work. He will be here any moment."

Buffy didn't look so certain at she sat down at the table and pulled a book in front of her to start researching.

Xander wiped his mouth on the back of his hand as he dropped the body on the young woman he'd just eaten. "God! I can't believe how good that was! I never thought blood could taste so good!"

Willow giggled and wrapped her arms around his waist snuggling into him. "I know. Great isn't it?"

Spike hugged Drusilla to him as he happily watched the newest member of his family. Who'd have every though Harries would be his grandchild?

Drusilla hummed happily leaning into Spike feeling a bliss she hadn't felt since Angelus had been cursed. "The moon is singing to me."

Spike hugging her tighter. "That's good Luv."

Dawn spent a few minutes pouting 'cuz she didn't have anyone to cuddle. Then she snapped out of it and smiled at the fact that her family was happy.

Xander cracked his knuckles and looked around at everyone grinning. "I think we should celebrate my birthday. Or rather Death Day. Lets go out! Lots of nice tasty young things out there for us to eat."

Willow giggled and snuggled into Xander happily. It was great that he was getting into being a vampire. "Hmm. Xan before we go out you need a new look." She steped back and looked him out and down then flicked a wrist changeing his clothes to can-only-be-worn-by-vampires-it's-so-tight leather pants and a skin tight black t-shirt. The changed her mind and changed the shirt to black. Then she grinned and snuggling into him purred. "Oooh this is just perrrfect."

Xander looked down and laughed. "I like it. 'Course I look like a mix of deadboy and deadboy jr."

Spike frowned. "What the bloody hell are you talking about whelp?"

Xander laughed. "Well Duh. You wear black t-shirts, dead boy wears leather pants."

"Daddy. Daddy wears leather pants. The Angel beast wears cloth." Drusilla said.

Xander grinned and nodded. "You have me there Dru. I stand corrected."

Spike shook his head in amusment. "Well now that we've settled on what to call Harises look lets go get something to eat."

They all headed out.

Buffy moaned and banged her head on the table in front of her. "We're never going to find anything! You don't remeber how to do witchcraft from when you were a human I never learned we'll never be able to save them!" She wailed.

Anya glared up from her book. "Would you just shut up! We will find a way! Xander will be here any minute and we will all keep searching and we will find a way to save Dawn and Willow!" She snapped at Buffy

Buffy slamed her book shut, stood and started pacing. "Damnit Anya stop trying to fool your self! We're screwed! It's after sunset! Xander should have been here over an hour ago! We KNOW Spike and Drusilla have Willow and Dawn and now it's pretty damn clear they have Xander too. Their knocking us off one by one! You'll be next then I'll be all alone till they come for me! Or maybe they won't! Maybe they'll leave me all alone forever!" She screached as she paced up and down the the room.

Anya stood up, stepped in front of Buffy then slapped her across the face. "Would you snap out of it! Thinking and talking like isn't going to make anything better so just sit your ass down and start reading again! We will find a way to save our friends and that's final!" Anya bellowed.

Buffy squeeked and sat down.

Anya gave her a last glare then sat down and went back to reading the book in front of her.

© Copyright 2003 Dru (UN: drusilla18 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Dru has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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