Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/259492-Pouncing-Cat
by Bookie
Rated: 13+ · Book · Sci-fi · #381531
A relcutant hacker teams up with an eccentric hottie to save the world...or blow it up.
#259492 added October 5, 2003 at 9:41am
Restrictions: None
Pouncing Cat
Ken had been walking for near hours. At first he was running as fast as he could, but as the helplessness of his situation became more obvious, his pace gradually slowed.

What cruel fate that for all of Ken's abilities at navigating through anything that could be possibly considered as a machine, he couldn't find his way out of the neighborhood he was currently trapped in. The way Tina had pointed was still etched in his memory, and he made sure not to loose his orientation in that respect, but he didn't know for the life of him how far away this Fishy was, or whether he would recognize the place if he came to it.

Ken eventually became disgusted enough that he found himself a dead end ally and sat down in it. He pulled his legs up to his chest, and hugged them close. Burrowing his face into the grove his knees offered, the young man tried to decide on some course of action.

Sitting still was not a good one, since the Sons of Japan were notoriously good at finding hidden things. Moving wasn't so smart either, when Ken considered how lost he was and how easy he would be to spot dashing about looking for sanctuary.

This left no options whatsoever. Helplessly lost, without a friend in the world, and hunted by power-hungry men, Ken began to regret surviving the blast that had taken out the Police station. He didn't have much time for self-pity however, as a voice, ambiguous and even, with a heavy Japanese accent, addressed him.

"Eveningu Ken."

Ken jerked up, and tried to get to his feet to defend himself, but two stiff hands grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him roughly to the wall. Ken collided into it with a sharp thud, and he immediately bounced forward, unable to keep himself upright after such a blow. Those hands were there to block his fall and one grabbed on to the back of his collar while the other went wailing into his gut.

With that, Ken was left to collapse back on the ground, clutching at his stomach and coughing out whatever his innards under such pressure would release. New Bruno Magli Designer shoes connected with Ken's side and sent him colliding with the brick wall again. This time he slid back down to the floor, his arm gathering a large number of cuts as he did so.

[What's the matter with you Ken?], the monotone voice chided him. [You just needed to hang around the station and I would have picked you up? What possessed you to go running through these hellish streets?]

Another kick connected, and Ken found himself curling into a ball to protect his vital organs. The voice continued to speak to him calmly, with only slight emphasis of speech with each kick. [Did you think you could escape? Or perhaps you thought we were angry enough to kill you? Even if we were, do you think such a pitiful attempt at running would have prevented it? I thought I taught you better than that.]

Ken whimpered his agreement. He had definitely been taught better than that. Nothing escaped the Sons of Japan. Nothing. Now convinced that at least a few bones in his body were broken, Ken's body began to go numb. With a few more downward kicks into his ribs, the same rough hands that had shoved him down now picked him up and propped him against the wall.

Although it was difficult, Ken brought his gaze up to his assailant. Through blurry focus, he made out the face of the man who had caught him, none other than Yomoto.

[Well then, your father is waiting for you. Shall we be off?] Ken's head nodded faintly, and he was picked up gently, his arm wrapped around Yomoto's neck.

[Good. Lets go home and get you cleaned up.]

© Copyright 2003 Bookie (UN: bookgrl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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