Damn i can;t go to sleep today. Thou i would like to. I;ve been thinking a lot about a gal. But seems sending her messages dosn;t work. I will not call nor shall i write anymore. Busy we all are but time i do make. As it was before i shall not bother you again, and when you want to talk, you have my number and my s/n's. So untill then. Hope all is well for your and you get everything you want out of life. Jew today was a slow day, Gary raced quite a few people the other night. His car is now faster then 11's flat. This we know after the hard pull he was doing with crager and I. I would have been left in the dust. lol. Cragers car would pull due to having more gear, but with each power shift, Garys car would pull it back a.s.a.p. Gary was inching away slowly but moving ahead with each gear change. Damn good run Gary! best ive seen in a long time. Reason i bring up gary in the journal today. Is cause of this his Trany, Tonight he raced another one of my friends, Blane. A guy i have writen about in the past. He owns a 89 Fox body Blower Stang, a 01-02 Ford Lightning highly MODED. Those are the only two that i know of. Well they went out to play tonight. And Sure enough his Transmission took a shit on him. Good news for crager After the last 2 blow offs crager went and spoke to chasity and they are currently together, (as in going out to the same location) ;). All is well she blow off crager a few times. We've been talking alot about his x and chasity. At times it makes me think of the things i miss about a gal and also reminds me of some of the things i dont miss. His x calls him to give him a guilt trip and to fuck with his head. At times it feels the same way with the person i wish to hear most from. Its all good. I think finialy, I believe, shes finialy growin up. And sees how much effort is needed and pushing people away is somtimes a good thing. Rest well and Take care everyone. Thoughts. old saying. ![]() If it walks like a duck If it talks like a duck If it looks like a duck Its probably a Duck! Think about it fits in most applications of life. |