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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #523148
What can i say!
#249671 added July 14, 2003 at 6:36am
Restrictions: None
Short Story
Well not sure i suggested to enter a few contests. From someone ive never spoken to before and a few emails. Well i took their advice and i did so. Just one. Curiosity got the better or my and i looked for more and for some reason i want to try the short story. Not sure if mine is any good never done anything like this i pulled some of my writeings off my computer and figure to put them up with the rest. Hope it makes for a bit of light reading.

hope to think what you all think and hear from you soon.

BTW: havn;t heard from the person ive been talking to recently in past journal writeings. I call but i dont get call backs. So ive left it alone. I was also hanging with crager this week we went to west oaks mall for that indoor movie dinner place. I loved it saw that exrodinary gentlemen i liked it it was cool and had a few drinks, was cool also went to the car shows. Gary, josh, and mellisa went out thursday and friday i didn;t feel like going once again somthing came over me and i was not sure what or why. Just didn;t havn;t heard from them since. Sunday went bought some dvds for my collection and stayed home like i like to spend my sundays. School also started today. New experiance but ill get into that later on another journal update. peace and to all a good night

Short Story:

I open slowly begin to open my eyes Yawning, slowly moving beginning to embrace the morning. Wiping the little grains of sand from my eyes, a gift the sand man left me. I begin to lean up, to better position my self and with amazement, I am not where I was when I laid to rest. I glace around I see a bed that slowly sways slowly to each movement of my body. Warm as if I slept their all night. A computer screen on where songs of joy, embrace my ears. The barks of dogs out side the window. Pepsi cans on top of the dress of the bed from the night before. I see the sun slowly making its way threw the blinds. I catch a glace of someone laying beside me. Only to embrace me as she once before. With a smile and a kiss, she mutters the words, “Thank you.” In all amazement, in a rush thoughts of the past begin to flood my mind. Effecting all the memories of what I once thought was true. Her blue eyes, brownish, blonde hair as it blew in the wind. The softness of her skin like silk from the furthest plain. It was as if the light always knew how to shine on her, to present her beauty at its best. I slowly begin to place my shirt one and shoes, Remembering that I have work to go to. Yet no recollection why I was there to begin with. I remember once coming over from work to stay with her and only having to leave again. It was never soon enough to see her again. Each tic on the clock was like a needle stabbing at my feet just waiting to jump and spring to her again. Everyday I would look for a phone call just to hear how her day went and what was new in her life. With every letter uttered, of every spoken word was like gods unspoken words. The days we where unable to embrace our love physically. We shared it with every breath we took over a phone. Talking about the nothingness of our lives and everything our hearts desire. By the time work was done and every page typed for the latest procedure on how to fix computers. It was never soon enough! I pack away my laptop talking with her, several times a day. It was as if you could never get tiered of hearing her voice. Running out the door I jump into my first car I bought myself, my dream car. My 01' SS Camaro, I would pull out the cd that would make me think of her with the bands we would always sing together. And how I loved that, I would be singing like a fool with wings yelling at the top of my lungs for all to hear, to protest my undying hearts love for another. Everyday listening to these songs would always bring a smile to my face. At times I recall her getting annoyed of hearing the same things over and over. But I could never get tired of her. We cooked a dinner together, laughing, getting dirty, washing dishes. All thoughts lost in the confusion. Remember running around placing whip cream on each other and throwing water across the room to get even with joy threw out a house of love. After the long days work we lay down. Comfortably watching tv or listening to music say the sweet nothings into each others ears. It was our time, the only time, we could both just be free, to be our self’s with our self’s. Slowly drifting to were I started that morning. She begins to daze, daze into a slumber which I wish could be real. I pinch her to see if she’s awake, just kidding, I pinch myself only to release it was as real as it could get. I sat there and watched her as she slept, seductively beautiful in every way. With every movement of her body and every flicker of her eyes. You begin to sit there and wonder what it is they are dreaming about. Perhaps they are running barefoot through a open field. Meeting a long lost love or thinking about the events of that day. Or ever wondered, or hoped rather, that they were dreaming about you? I would think to myself as I watched her eyes flicker, she might be in my embrace and interlocking lips with a passionate kiss. You could never forget something like this, something when you would have the same dream as she did that night. Where you held her so close to your heart, that their heartbeat began to match yours. Has it been so often that you have felt like this and you never wanted it to stop. You thought to your self, “Dreamers keep on dreaming. Dreams are never ment to last forever, but without them where would we be? For without dreams life may have no meaning.” A sudden haze comes over me everything becomes dark. I wake with a sudden rush. Quickly glace over to see if she is laying next to me. Only to be disappointed by a dream. Hopes and Dreams is what we live with, Hopes and Dreams is what will get us threw the day.

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