Well today i felt i had to come here today. Today is a Special some ones b-day. Happy B-Day Gal. Best of wishes and i hope you have a Wonderful B-day. Well about 5 early or 7 at the lastest. Crager came by to pick me up to cruise around. I've been going threw legal negotiations to get my car back and pay for it but FIGHTing is getting harder and harder. Well we where cruisen around we run into Chris red 99 Ls1 heads cam car and still no 12 bolt or gears. and i used to crack him stock, still beat him when he was modded, and yet to test but hes holding next to crager. which means i should be able to hold my spot and maybe put a few if that. Well who knows. Well he has 2 friends and we go and pick up 2 more ss's mine makes 3. Eric comes on his bike the 02 busa. While we where cruisen as a group fucking off we see joe call joe in his 97 z he also joins up with us in the next 5 mins. On the way to race each other known as our spot, We saw 3 more camaros that approce us and flowed us to our spot that wanted to play. They where lightly modded not even close to what we had. So they soon found out that they where not ready for what we had. Crager gave them 3 + the move and still beat him with 7 + cars. LOL joe cracked the older model camaro. And chris blew by the other guy we raced after we where already in front like nothing lol. So these guys wanted to know who did the work joe did chris car, mti did cragers car, and strickly pro did my car. all and all met some new guys, we get to cragers played some halo and what not, then had to leave to pick up a damn harry poter book , some batteries, and little shit for his gal before we get bitched at. No book so its the end of cragers world tonight ;) waited in teh parking lot for some time after we were talking in walmart with cragers friend form work for like 3 hours then 1 more hour in the parking lot while i was talking to bree. Went to waterburger damn there was a shit load of cops. ate talked soem more for several hours and then they where going back to cragers house and was going to watch the movie and play halo. So we all broke up and a few went to his house but for those that left we where going to meet up tomarrow night. Unless new plans come up for someones b-day ;) but well see. stay tuned for another exciting drama free adventure of As Da Jew Unfolds. ![]() Thoughts to ponder. They say that if you truely love somone you should let them free and if it was meant to be they will return. I say fuck that If you truely love somone you would show it everyday and embrace everyday as if it was your last. peace and goodnight. Ohh shit i have a doctors appointment need to check my stomch acids and shit a GI or somthing but going to cancell took a month to get this appointment and i need to rescedual. lol ohh well . what can i say |