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just your average... er... correction: just your normal... correction: me. |
Turns out the editors for the literary magazine were announced (or were supposed to have been announced) last Tuesday. It's funny though, you'd think that somebody would have mentioned something to at least one of the editors about who'd been picked... ah well. I got the job of Editor-in-Chief. Very happy about that. Happy about my report card too. Even with two quarters of C+'s in Trig/Precalc, I managed a B+ for the year. Which put me at a little over a 4.0 for the year (one weighted course), which in turn pulled my cumulative GPA up to a high 3.8. ::sigh:: Quotes from the assembly today: "I will preserve in my studies." (Almost everyone said that during the student pledge. The word was "perservere.") "What's 'fidelity?' Is that like not having sex?" (The very bright and intelligent people sitting around me debated that for a few minutes.) "Let's make next year well!" (Ladies and gentlemen, our Student Council President. Dubya learned her her English good. ::cringes at having written that, even in joking::) Okay, so I now have two teachers set for recommendations. I didn't give them the forms though, I had trouble filling them out, so I figured I'd give myself time. The forms ask for strengths, weaknesses, "what experiences have turned you on academically?" (which I still don't understand), and "give three one word descriptors which tell about yourself." I have the most trouble with strengths and weaknesses. I know more of my own weaknesses than I'd care to recount and I'm not sure which ones I want to put on the form, lol. Already written: procrastination. And strengths? No idea. I guess "writing," but I don't know. Sitting here with my mom's copy of Anna Karenina, one of nine books I have to read this summer. It's really daunting. The rest of my summer reading list for school: A Prayer for Owen Meany - Irving A Doll's House - Ibsen King Lear - Shakespeare Wide Sargasso Sea - Rhys Portrait of the Artist - Joyce Death of a Salesman - Miller Inside the Walls of Troy: A Novel of the Women who Lived the Trojan War - McLaren Standing with Courage: Confronting Tough Decisions about Sex - Kurey [Most theology teachers should not be allowed into certain sections of bookstores; and if they are, they should be kept under strict watch.] Some are really long, but I hear that some are short. We'll see. Last year, I left almost all of the books until the last week, no way in hell I could get away with that this year. I'll need two weeks at least. ;-P Kidding. Planning on starting soon, so I can maybe have a leisurely reading period on each. What a dreary day. Too cold for June. Start work tonight at the library. I need new dress pants soon for that. Just checked the wordcount on this journal. If this were been one coherent storyline, I'd have novel of over 300 pages in the works by now. Somehow I was hoping that statement would inspire me to action, lol. Maybe it will yet. There are certain people to whom I should never have mentioned I have my driving permit. I'm on the verge of blocking them. Away message is up right now because of that. Living without regret is a nice idea. Wish it worked. I should go do something worthwile. I think I might start that Tolstoy book while scanning the harddrive for spyware... Oh, I have such an exciting life, lol. |