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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/243239-Just-a-simple-dream
Rated: 18+ · Book · None · #488496
Only rule you must follow if you know me: You can't get mad at me for what I write.
#243239 added May 27, 2003 at 5:17am
Restrictions: None
Just a simple dream?
Have I talked about Stacey before? 25 year old, short, little past shoulder length kinda curly dark colored hair, mature, always hard-working and most of the time happy? Also got to mention that I've got a thing for her. Most of the people I had a little crush on kinda disappeared when Andrea came, but not this one. The funny thing was that she's been out of my mind for awhile and I haven't eve seen her for awhile. I saw her once last week for a brief moment, that was it. Anyways, I just had a dream about her.

It started out kinda weird. Stacey was in the middle of the woods, maybe some campgrounds or something. I was playing Assassins and was with Gerry Cocran (why, I haven't the slightest idea) and we stopped when we saw Stacey. Started talking with her for a little bit and Danielle drove up in what looked like her car but all dirty and bent up and everything. She got out yelling at Stacey about something. This went on for about 30 seconds and then she got back in her car. Gerry got in passenger side and I thought "Yeah right Danielle is going to let him stay in the car. She drove off to the next campground and threw Gerry out. So then he walked away. I saw Stacey working on some rotar to a car. We talked about that for a little bit, It was I guess Danielle's rotar and it seemed to be working fine. Then I said "so, how about you come out to dinner with me sometime?" This time I was serious though. No joking, no bullshit, I wanted her to accompany me. Expecting a no, she said yes. Amazing! Then it just kinda flashed to Friendly's and we were eating, drinking, laughing. A grand old time. We then went to see a movie. It was Bruce Almighty, probably because it was fresh in my mind from seeing it with Andrea yesterday. Then it flashed back to my house. Some of you see where this is going. Trust me, it's not going exactly that way.

I was downloading, or trying to download a movie in some other room than mine. I couldn't think of anything, so I went to Stacey in my room and asked "What's a good movie?" she replied with "Want me to draw something on your wall instead?" I said "Sure." She told me to move the bed away from the way and kneel in the space so it could be kinda up high. Why she didn't stand on the bed, I don't know. Anyways, she tried to draw some type of alien with pointed teeth and a long tongue. My dad then came in and with kind of an angry tone said "What are you doing?" The usual response "nothing" and he said "Well, she can't be here anymore!" and he shut the door. I said to Stacey, "don't pay any attention to him." She said, "wasn't going to." After finishing the drawing she didn't like it so she scribbled it out and started another alien type thing. She paused for a little bit and I tried to give her some tips on what she should draw. She just laughed. I sat up to sit next to her and just looked into her eyes. She made some funny face and smiled. That's when I went for it. I kissed her on the lips. After the kiss, she looked alarmed and wide-eyed, more surprised than scared and said "What are you doing???" I replied "Just trying something" in a scared tone. We looked at each other for a second or two and then we kissed again, this time more passionately. After that kiss, I woke up with a cold sweat. It was a dream. Don't know whether to be happy or sad that it was just a dream, but it was.

Why did that dream happen? I love Andrea, don't think I love Stacey. How could I? I've never hung out with Stacey outside of Stop and Shop, is that all it takes? Just knowing her from work? It can't be. Figures, I'm all about Andrea and I've even told people that I work with that whom I used to hit on and I'm kissing Stacey in some dream. This is very very strange.

Anyways, that's the reason I'm up now. That's the reason sleep is probably not going to come to me again tonight or early morning.

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