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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/238667-Back-in-Missouri
by Bek
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #569921
Looking for Drama??? Well you found it. There's a bit of it all here....read along!
#238667 added April 24, 2003 at 12:31pm
Restrictions: None
Back in Missouri
*Greets her friends and readers with a tired smile*

Yes, I am back in Missouri. I had an amazing week. Sarah was right....I needed to rejuvinate myself again. And I did. :)

Let me start at the beginning of my week....
Wednesday-Flew into Buffalo...but only after a very eventful flight from Chicago where I had my layover. Into Buffalo, and to the nearest Burger King. Then off to my parents house where we unloaded everthing, and then off shopping for the kids' birthday gifts. Home for a dinner that I haven't had in months....and then off to church. Good times. Good times.

9pm, home from church and waiting for Joey to come over. I cannot describe how it feels to see your best friend after not seeing him for months. I won't even try. Home late....ready for bed.

Thursday- Slept in until almost 1pm. What a great thing. I woke up, and my dad cooked me breakfast. VERY good thing. I sat around talking to him for most of the day, with the exception of walking to the drug store. Nope- nothing good there. After dinner, I went to Patrick's house and saw him, Jessie and Daniel. What an amazing feeling. You can't have a clue how it feels to know that someone soooo little loves you so much. All three of them actually.
Then off to MaryJane's house to see her and her 3 kids. Sat with them forever, catching up with her and the boys. :) What a great time. Into bed really really late.

Friday- Up Early......off with Daniel and Catherine and Michelle to Jacobi's then back to their house....uh....shopping....then back for CHICKEN WINGS. Not parts....not tenders. WINGS. :):):):):):):) I will elaborate on my time spent with them in a few days in another journal.

Saturday- Woke up at Daniel and Catherine's house and then went home to bake before going to the wonderful world of Tim Horton's. Driving around with my aunt, catching up with her, and then off to meet my sister to watch "What a girl wants." Home to get ready for a dinner party. Good food, but better after dinner munchies. BISON CHIP DIP. YOU HAVE NO IDEA. Sooooooo good. Then, off to Diva and Demi's to hang out with them, and Paul and Doll. had a great time there. But boy was I tired when I got in.

Sunday- Up for pre-church coffee with the usual group. Off to church. Don't really want to talk about it. After church, my little brother came home for Easter. I knew he was coming, no one else did. They all thought he was still going to be in Texas. That was amazing. :) Good day, then picked up Patrick. Took a nap with him, watched the care bears movie. (Funny, I clearly remember going to see that movie.)

Monday- CRAZY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Went to see Jay's mom, good time. Rhonda, Rachel, Courteny and Ron. Great time. Shannon, Brian and their girls. SUCH A GREAT time. It was so good to see my girls. Off to see Mandi's mom. Good to see her. She mad me cry, but good to see her. Stopped off at several other places and then went home for dinner. Lasagna. You have no idea what it was like to eat the Lasagna that only my sister can make. Amazing. Then I watched 7th Heaven with my mom and sister....and Monday night tradition....then went out with Joey. Again. This was an awesome night. We went parking. Yes parking. Nothing....immoral. Just talking. What a great time I had with him. Same old Joey.

Tuesday--Slept in until 8am or so....yes slept in, and then went to my old Job, in which I was there forever. A good thing though. Then I stopped by to see some friends of mine for a minute and stayed almost 2 hours. LOL at midnight, I went to Jay's house at his request. Had a decent time....but I wonder how many times I will be saying that I can't marry him again. I am just divorced.....I don't want to remarry him. Which, yes, he did ask. Anyways, good time with him.

Wednesday was mostly packing up things and whatever, quick shower and off to the airport. To sum up the flight this time.....picture this....clausterphobia and extreme fear of storms. Now, picture me on a plane late at night in a thunderstorm. Not fun. But I lived.

Getting off of the plane was a great feeling because there were so many people waiting for me, and....yeah. MOST of them came back to the house and spent some quality time. It was good to sit and catch up with them. :)

Over all, my trip to New York was well worth it. I learned somethings while I was there, and....yeah.

Oh and Wu, thanks!

Take care all!!!!

The Bek
phil 4:13

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