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February 12, 2003: tidbit

Newsletter Header
Noticing Newbies

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Welcome to the Noticing Newbies Newsletter! Our goal is to showcase some of our newest Writing.Com Authors and their items. From poetry and stories to creative polls and interactives, we'll bring you a wide variety of items to enjoy. We will also feature "how to" advice and items that will help to jump start the creation process on Writing.com.

We hope all members of the site take the time to read, rate, review and welcome our new authors. By introducing ourselves, reviewing items and reaching out, we will not only make them feel at home within our community, we just might make new friends!

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

noticing newbies - newsletter header

Hey everybody and welcome to the first edition of the Writing.com Noticing Newbies Newsletter! *Smile* If you’re a newbie and haven’t already, please visit our "Noticing Newbies forum to introduce yourself and meet other newbies, and/or "Writing.Com General Discussion to chat with other members about a variety of topics. Either forum is a good place to mingle with your fellow Writing.com members.

Let’s jump right into showcasing a few newbie portfolios and some outstanding newbie items. The following are recommendations and comments from the "Noticing Newbies Committee. I hope you will enjoy reading them as much as we did. *Smile* Again, welcome to Writing.com. It’s great to have you join our unique (and growing!) community!

*Bullet*~~*Bullet*~~*Bullet*Newbie Portfolios to Peruse

*Star* I rarely stop and visit an entire port; I'm more likely to rate one item and move on to another author. MrsKugler is amazing! She's got a knack for getting into a child's head "Heroes Gods and Monsters [13+], or making the ordinary seem extraordinary "One Night in Alabama [ASR]. MrsKugler is the newbie that I'd recommend to everyone, without a second thought!


*Star* erinpoo has an excellent grasp on the English language, and a fresh, intelligent sense of humor (that finds its way into the most unexpected places in her work).  She's a wonderful addition to Writing.com!


*Star* A fabulous portfolio by a newbie who is already "addicted" to Writing.Com, eionva’s work is full of variety, commitment, and risk. As a poet, she is "the real thing.


*Star* If you like poetry with romance/love emaphsis, then I would recommend stopping by the port of inspireme384. His poetry is filled with beautiful wording and are very heartfelt. Two poems I would strongly suggest you check out are "Invalid Item and "Invalid Item !


*Star* adalbert has some really good poetry. Although, I'm not a big reader of it, or a good judge, I liked his style and imagery.


*Star* After perusing NeoGypsy ’s port, I am convinced he has the ability to take words or phrases and spontaneously create exceptional pieces. I especially enjoyed "Invalid Item and "The Raven's Eye [18+]. Don't be surprised to see this talented newbie published!


*Star* mabon’s portfolio is filled with excellent pieces, most historical fiction. I've spent my time with pleasure in his port, while he has a way of writing, that takes you with him in the story. You - as a reader - see right in front of you, what happens, that is something not every author can do.


*Star* bbdoty has items from a variety genres in his port. In addition, he's really nice. Everytime I teach him to do something (like posting a bitem link), he says he's going to turn around and teach other newbies.
~{cuser:outlaw poet}


*Star* jesikur has some beautiful writing in her port... She's really got some talent! *Smile* In addition, onyx has high quality writing, 4's and better.  Even has a bioblock!  A newbie with a lot of potential!

Editor's Picks

*Bullet*~~*Bullet*~~*Bullet*Highlighting Newbie Items

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#616342 by Not Available.

”This is a riveting tale, in the most powerful of ways. As a reader, it took me to a place that I not only feared but felt sorrow for. A wonderful genre mix, to say the least. What lengths will religion take a person? What betrayal would a family create to soothe their own bitter souls? This tale will take you there and provide the answers.”


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#619237 by Not Available.

"Even though it’s a long short story (almost 90k), it was very good and I would recommend it. It's fantasy, which I usually don't read, but yeah, like I said before, I enjoyed it!"


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#612874 by Not Available.

"I thought this was very artfully stated and thoughtfully composed. Thoughts and feelings that are more than likely familiar to us all... Well done!"

"What a brilliant observation of how we all feel at some point in our life! Your use of imagery is simply wonderful. Your words painted such a vivid picture that I felt I was experiencing this once again."


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#617152 by Not Available.

”Just one poem but what a poem it is! and not what you will be expecting.”


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#612838 by Not Available.

"I believe I was one of the first to review this stunningly visual piece of work. The mental images that this writer creates are superb. This is what I look for in what I'm reading. I want to be taken into the world of the writer. His images left me with lasting impressions of an excellent poem. It's hard to make a poem rhyme and at the same time, sound good. This does both, and very well. I was very pleased with the writer's vast imagination. An excellent job!"

"This poem is a child’s dream, but the nightmare of every dentist I’m afraid, if there was a land like this. The author has a great imagination; my children told me that they would like to visit this land… They would have a great time there…"


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#620577 by Not Available.

”I felt that this was one of the most unique and emotionally felt poems I have read in a long time.  It allowed me to feel indepth what the artist was portraying.  Very well done.”

”It's refreshing to read a love poem like this... just because of the different approach. I liked it so much I had to give it an awardicon...”


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#613025 by Not Available.

"A short but very telling poem that deals with placing walls between oneself and others. A nice example of self protection and mature insight. By not saying anything while saying so much, the author tells more than readers realize; or should I say, than readers sometime bother to hear. Very nice work."


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#613003 by Not Available.

"I really like the way you parallel our emotions with books. It is a very surprising, yet interesting, approach."

"Touches the heart of the true romantic. I think this will hit home with many readers as it treats life's unexpected twists with a sincere gentleness."


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#616525 by Not Available.

“This writer brought history to life with each word that he wrote. I felt the sadness and the death. It is not easy to bring history alive with words, but this author has managed to do that.”

"This author is truly amazing. He has a remarkable way to place himself in the character and write, (in this case a letter), about what has happened. The descriptions are so strong; you can almost visualize what Jerome of Rochester saw. I hope to see more works of this author…"


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#617101 by Not Available.

”This story had really touched my heart. Sometimes, memories are so happily remembered that it is what we rely on for our future happiness.  Growning old is looked upon in so may ways, by so many people. This wonderful story takes us to a yet another look at life, from a unique character.”


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#619388 by Not Available.

”I was touched by the simplicity of this poem. The symbolic progression from ring to ring is a perfect metaphor for a history of lifetime commitment in a relationship, and even though it doesn’t end on a happy note, I found myself smiling as I read the last verse. Excellent work!”

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Ask & Answer

Since this is our first Noticing Newbies newsletter and I have no questions to answer, let's use this space for something special. *Smile*

*Bullet*~~*Bullet*~~*Bullet*Spotlight on Newbie BioBlocks

BioBlocks are an important feature of your portfolio. They not only tell a little bit about you, the author, but serve as a “welcome mat” for visitors as well. If you haven’t posted yours, go to your “My Account” page and click on “Change Account Text and Special Items." Type your bio in the first section (remembering to keep it G-rated) and click “Submit Changes” at the bottom of the page. There you have it... a personalized welcome mat for your portfolio! *Smile*

BioBlocks can be much more than a place to say, “Please read and rate my work!” Get creative with your requests as tone2099 has done. Your bioblock is also the perfect place to share a little bit about yourself as joanofark has shown us. hbynoe chose to use BioBlock space for an insightful and profound view on the life of a writer.

Here are a few more newbie BioBlocks I found interesting and/or entertaining. Please give them a read and consider posting your own "welcome mat." *Smile*


Funnyface is happy to be back






*Bullet*~~*Bullet*~~*Bullet*Attention All Newbies! Contest Alert!
The Noticing Newbies Commitee is proud to announce our first contest for newbies. It's simple, fun and could bring lots of visitors to your port. C'mon! We'd love to have you enter and who knows, you just might win! *Smile*

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#622871 by Not Available.

Do you have a question or comment for the editor? You may fill out the feedback link below or email me or any of my fellow newsletter editors. We'd love to hear from you!




Thanks for reading the first Writing.com Noticing Newbies Newsletter. See you next week and keep writing! *Bigsmile*

Have a question or comment for the Editor?

Removal Instructions

To stop receiving this newsletter, go into your account and remove the check from the box beside the specific topic. Be sure to click "Complete Edit" or it will not save your changes.

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Maintained by The StoryWitchress   
Created: 03-12-03 @ 7:00pm | Modified: 03-12-03 @ 7:00pm      

Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/231973-February-12-2003-tidbit