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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/225084-Oh-the-irony
by a_g_
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #181604
just your average... er... correction: just your normal... correction: me.
#225084 added February 2, 2003 at 11:21pm
Restrictions: None
Oh, the irony!
Technology is so good to me. I was just typing an instant message to a friend about the horrors of AOL. The text of it went something like:
"One of these days AOL is just going to pop up with a message saying: 'Your AOL service is indefinitely unavailable. If we ever need any more users, we'll be sure to call you. But, seeing as many promotions as we put out, and how many idiots are blindly following our cult... er... programming, that's not very likely. Have a nice--' And it crashes before I have time to read the end of the message."

Of course, the end of that was only in my head. My computer crashed right after I typed the dash. I lost the entire thing, but that was an interesting little irony there, don't you think?...

Discovered that my carpet is worn between my bed and the door.

Today was an interesting day. I studied, did most of my homework, looked through an extremely outdated Poet's Market, went through college stuff for over two hours, heard some very intriguing things, edited, read, heard other intriguing things, read again, argued about a very trivial grammatical point, read yet again... (Not necessarily in that order. At all.)

The volume jumps up to almost full when a new song starts on this CD. It's really annoying.

We have to do some sort of not-quite-standardized-test standardized test tomorrow in English class. That should be fun.

I want a week off. I'm in the swing of having little work now and want to continue with my research and reading and general enjoying myself.

All day today I've had songs in my head I haven't heard in months at least. "Black," by Sarah McLaughlin was one. um...some No Doubt one was another. I can't remember any of the others, but I know I haven't heard them in a while.

I think I'm going to get a shower and either read or go to bed. Not sure yet.

I think I need to unify these entries more.

Oh! Wrote over a page on a story the other day! Better than nothing at least! I'd write during study tomorrow, but I have history homework to finish.

I've found that I'm doing better this year, partially because I'm pacing my homework. Instead of getting it all done the night before, if I get some done the night before and some done the next day, it's less stressful somehow. I get to relax at home. Not that I usually put that time to good use, but it clears my head a little bit I think. Or it just clouds it so I don't have to think about some things during the day.

I will put that time to good use from now on. By summer, I want to have at least the first part of a trilogy-like single book done. I have the ideas, just have to put it all together and make sentences out of it. It would also help to smooth out some rough parts, but I'll just have to see what happens.

Doing internet searches is so easy for me. I can find virtually (no pun intended) anything. (Okay, I could not find substantial information on Gouveneur Morris, but even in physical paper-and-ink references I could find as much about his peg leg as his contributions to the US Constitution. I can't imagine who would wish to go down in history known as much for his peg leg as for his part in the writing of one of the most important documents in the history of democratic republics.) I'm a good guesser of where something might be, even under obscure titles. Call it some sort of research intuition.

I didn't realize I'd written so much in this entry. I must be loquacious tonight. (How often do you get to say that word? Other than in reference to a certain nun. Some people will know what I'm talking about.)

My eyes are blurring. I think that means it's time for me to get some rest. Good night.

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