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rolling down a hill in a barrel with the inside covered in razor-wire |
I've recently started chain smoking, finding that my lungs will collapse a lot quicker this way than before. I wish cigarette companies would just go ahead and go the extra mile and print some kind of graph or chart that actually tells you how many minutes or hours of your life you've managed to forfiet with each blissful puff. If they went ahead and did that, I'd be aiming for my miserable life to end around...i dunno 57? 2 to 3 years before I need a cathadar or colostomy bag sounds decent. Well, as for how things are really going...well seems like a suited word. Veronica is enchanting my life. She's an incredible woman whom I completely adore and plan on stalking after we eventually break up due to my compulsive, irritating habbits that manage to scare all the friendly ones off. Cock love, and work is fuck. As of this morning I've come to realize that morning wood is now an uncontrollable thing. I feared venturing downstairs thinking that I might possibly scare my grandmother...or entise her slightly. And another thing about the elder battleaxe, she only manages to smell the smoke from the cigarettes I've had about an hour after I've put them out...or sometimes right before I even have the chance to light up. Yet, she's never once complained of my mother's. I don't get it. Ah yes, measure my chest recently to see how large it was getting since I've been working out. A whopping 46 inches...at least I think that's big. Me and Justin came up with the bright idea of grinding or doing the 'Macarena' while in the middle of hardcore pit...should throw those skank dancers for a loop. How I have such angst for them. I had the idea that the band that was playing at the moment would probably stop in the middle of the song, watch me while I performed my ebony dance groove, and then have their groopies incur their moshing/skank dancing wrath upon me. Balls to them! BALLS TO THEM ALL! ah yes, Hardcore bands I now reccommend...The Beautiful Mistake, Open Hand, A Static Lullaby, From Autumn to Ashes, Beloved, Eso-Charis and of course, Hopesfall. One day, L7 is going to beat the living shit out of Ani De'Franco. And I'll be there, with a camcorder...laughing...laughing hard...till it bleeds...till I bleed on Ani. |