rolling down a hill in a barrel with the inside covered in razor-wire |
so what's been happening? keeping you filled in on little things or big ones...or sometimes the processed ones that take you a while to digest, and when they come out it's extremely painful and you have to wipe your ass several times over... anywho. so Austin and I have both seen the naked man that likes to pose in his window across from Justin's house. Disturbing. I quit smoking for long in the front now, cause i didnt want him to come out and think i was enjoying the view, being voyeur'esque and all... I found a woman. She's my little messiah. Wonderful, Sweet, Charming, Intellegent, Beautiful...and she has a FUCKING CHINCHILLA!!!!!! that my friends, is completely amazing. did you notice when you entered my journal, the comment, about the chinchillas, that eat eggrolls...dipped in peanut butter...yeah! SHES GOT ONE! im going to go touch myself now, im so enthralled. *runs away* *touches...touches naughty* *comes back* i've been selling everything on ebay that i could possibly find that has value, yet means nothing to me. should i put a reserve price on one of my kidneys? i want a 'redmeat' coffee cup that has on it 'nether nougat'...and its got the creepy guy on it too (he reminds me of Steve Buschemi, don't you just love him?) RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY FROM THE PAAAAAAAAAAIN!! YEAH NO WAYEE YAEE YAEE YAEE YAEE...yeah...Austin's got a Gun...*disco organ sound*...Austin's got a Gun...everybody should run, fucking run...what did the crystal meth do?...his logic turned into pooh!!... i'll leave it at that. |