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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/223238-OPERATION-PG-The-aftermath
Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #571489
reflections and thoughts about my life as I know it
#223238 added January 26, 2003 at 1:10am
Restrictions: None
OPERATION PG: The aftermath
Okay, here it is: A blow-by-blow account of my first ever scheme to actually be fully realized and followed through.

My Dad was a little taken aback by the question of me going down to visit Stephan for his birthday. At first, I thought that he was gonna shut the whole operation down and say no. But he told me to ask my mother. When I asked her, she didn’t have a problem with it at all. But she said that she would have to talk to Stephan’s mom and find out where I would be sleeping and all that. So she wanted to talk to Stephan’s mom personally.

Well, when I told Stephan what my mother said, he said that he would ask his mom about it as soon as they came back from North Carolina. Of course, it took them forever to get back, but he asked her and she agreed.

The mothers talked and we got the final OK from both of them. I figured that I would buy a roundtrip bus ticket to DC; spend the night at the house and head back by bus Sunday night. But Stephan was taking driving classes and was positive that he would take his driving test, pass it, get his license, get his car, and be able to drive me home on Sunday night. And he was really trying to convince me to take the chance and buy a one-way ticket so he could rive me back home. Against my better judgment, I bought the one-way ticket to DC 2 days before Saturday. And I was all packed and ready by Friday night.

I was wondering why my dad was giving me the silent treatment for the couple of days leading up to my trip. My mom said that she thinks that he really doesn’t want me to go. And that he thought that my mom would somehow read his mind and tell me that I couldn’t go. Her saying yes kinda complicated his little scheme. So that’s why he wasn’t talking to my mom either. I was a little angry at that, cause if he didn’t want me to go, he should have just said no in the first place. And said something to me instead of taking the punk way out. Well, my mom says that I should be a little more patient with my dad and he’s not expressive with his feelings. Then she dropped me off at the bus station and I waited for my bus. And waited. And waited. The bus was about 30 minutes late. I called Stephan and I told him and he said to call him when I was on the road cause he was on his way to take his driver’s test. I got on the bus and told him that I was on my way.

I fell asleep and when I woke up, I was in downtown Baltimore. And my cell phone started vibrating. I picked it up and it was Stephan. He told me that he couldn’t take his driver’s test and that he wouldn’t be able to drive me back home on Sunday. I was so angry. Granted, his not taking the test was not his fault. Damn DMV. But what got on my nerves is that he damn near threatened me and told me that the trip was cancelled when I said that I was gonna buy the round trip bus ticket. All this shit about how I didn’t have any faith in him. Well, I put my faith in him and it left me with no way to get back home! I tell him this in the calmest voice I can muster. And he tries to pull the guilt trip thing on me like: “Don’t be mean to me. It’s not my fault. Why are you acting like this? I’m tryin to have the best birthday. Why don’t you try to make sure I have a nice birthday? It’s already off to a really bad start. And you yelling at me is only making it worse for me.” NO HE DIDN’T!! LIKE HE WAS THE ONE WHO HAD NO CLUE HOW HE WAS GONNA GET HOME THE NEXT DAY. I had to stop the conversation before shit got really ugly for him. He told me that he was on his way to the Greyhound Station and I told him that I would call him when I got there.

I calmed down and thought things through. I would just buy a ticket home when I got to the station and call my brother and ask him if he could pick me up from the station near home Sunday night. I got to the station and called him. He was just getting off the subway. I got in line to buy my ticket and he found me. We walked out and took a cab to Union Station. We stopped at the food court and I got the grossest fettuccine alfredo. I felt bad about throwing it away though, so I made him do it. Then we walked around for a little bit. Stephan called his mother and let her know that we were on the way back. We got to his house and did some quick freakin before his mom got home. Then later that night, we went to see a one woman play. Then me and Stephan went to see National Security. And for the first time, we didn’t do anything freaky in the movie theater. Just sat down and watched the movie. He pulled into a KFC Drive Thru and asked for Taco Bell Food. We came back, ate some cake, watched Saturday Night Live and he walked me to his room and then went back downstairs. I kinda had this wild fantasy that he would steal his way back up to the room and make love to me so passionately. But alas. It didn’t happen.

I woke up and took a shower the next morning. We ate breakfast and me and Stephan chilled and goofed off in the kitchen. Then he carried me downstairs and we did some fooling around. But this time was different . It was so incredibly sweet. Kinda like he knew what my body was craving and he gave me just enough so that I could cope. He gave me the greatest head after I had done likewise. It was like we had finally connected and it was like WE MADE LOVE. That was the closest Stephan had ever reached to penetrating me. After it was over, Stephan just laid in my arms and cried. Once he calmed down, we looked at old pictures and walked Buddy. Then Miss Cheryl drove us down to the station. We ate at Hardee’s and after a little confusion involving my bag tags, I got on the bus. And got home. Safely.

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