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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/223025-Season7-part-6
by Dru
Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #523871
Season 7 of Buffy the way I know it's not going to happen
#223025 added January 25, 2003 at 12:10am
Restrictions: None
Season7 (part 6/?)
In side Spike was in the cellar grabbing a bite to eat from one of the humans they were keeping alive as a food source. He finished wiping blood off his lip with a finger as he gave the chained up human a energy bar a bottle of water to keep him alive.

He walked back up stairs and to the yard to see Drusilla still talking to faeries. "Dru! Luv time to come in! it's almost sunrise!" He called to her.

Drusilla looked at him then talked to the flowers for another minute before walking to Spike.

"Have fun Pet?" Spike asked wrapping his arms around her thin body.

"Ohh lots, and lots of fun. The moon sang and the faeries danced and spoke to me."

Spike raised an eyebrow. "Did they tell you anything important? Like about the Slayer? How to kill her?" Spike asked tightening his arms a hair.

Drusilla shook her head. "No. But Isabel told me I'm special. I'm gifted. I see into worlds other's can't." Drusilla leaned into Spike's arms. "You could see them too if you just believed you know. Remember when I met you? I told you you walked in worlds other's couldn't imagine. I told the truth. I see it in you. If you'd just believe you could meet them and play and dance with us."

Spike sighed into her hair. She'd said this to him a million times in the last hundred years. In the beginning he'd tried. He really had. But he'd never seen any faeries, or any of the things she kept telling him about. The Angelus had laughed at him when he caught them in the garden trying to talk to faeries and ever since then he'd stopped trying.

"Dru. Luv. You know I've tried. I've tried many, many times but I've never been about to see them. I know you do. But Sweet heart first off I don't get visions like you do, and second Well dear your...well you know what Angelus did too you...and well your not quite like everyone else."

Drusilla smiled at him. "I know. But you still could see them...if you really wanted too."

Spike groaned. She'd never this give up. "Alright I'll bite. how could i see them if I really wanted too?"

She grinned at him. "We'll do it tomorrow. It's so wonderful! I need to go get what we'll need then we'll sleep and tomorrow night you'll we'll have ever so much fun! Oh the girls can do it with us! Then all of us will be able to see them! It's be wonderful!" Drusilla ran into the house leaving Spike to close the door and bang his head on it.

The sun was just beginning to set as Drusilla awoke. She excitedly jump out of bed leaving Spike still sleeping as she quickly showered, pulled on a lose fitting black dress then pulled out a trunk full of herbs and books and candles and other things used in magic.

She picked the trunk up and carried it out to the kitchen and left it on the floor as she went to wake up Willow and Dawn.

Willow glared sleepily at Drusilla. "Why in Hades are you waking me up when the sun is barely down?! I need my beauty sleep!"

Drusilla grinned at her "My sweet little witch. Don't you want to come play? We're going to do spells and make wonderful magic happen!"

Willow was awake and out of bed in a mortal heartbeat. "Magic? Spells? What kind? What for? When? Where? Why aren't we leaving?" She fired out rapidly as she cleaned her self and changed with a flick of her wrist.

Drusilla smiled. When the sun sets all the way in the back yard under the moon and stars We will perform a spell to allow you, Dawn and and Spike to see the world of magic."

"World of magic? what do you mean? Were all vampires and I'm a witch. Don't we already see all that?"

Drusilla laughed lightly. "Oh no my sweet. Not yet. But after this spell you all will. Then we'll dance under the moon and feed and play and bring home more treats."

Willow looked confused but shrugged it off and went to the kitchen look over Drusilla's stuff.

"Dawny? My sweet bright glowy princess. Time to awake and play!" Drusilla called as she pushed open Dawn's door.


"Dawn? No time to sleep dear. It's time to awake and see into new worlds!"



"Up. I'm up." Dawn mumbled from under her blankets.

Drusilla frowned at the pile of blankets on the bed. "Dawn! Wake up! Time for fun and games and things you'll love!"

"Five more minutes Dru."


Dawn poked a very messed up head out from under her blankets. "Where's the fire?" She glanced at the black blinds and curtain covered windows. "Dru! The suns barely down!"

Drusilla sighed trying to remember her self why she'd wanted childeren. "Dawn We're going to be doing a spell. We're going to make you all see something very special that not every one can see. Only very special person like us."

"You mean vampires?"

"No gifted ones. I have visions. Willow is gifted in magic. Your a magical creature your self. Spike is gifted him self. Thats why the spell we will do will work you you. Now come! After the magic we will go out and feed and play and be a family!"

Dawn yawned and climbed out of bed and went into her bath room to shower.

Drusilla found Willow reading one of her magic books. "Having fun my little witch?"

Willow nodded not looking up from the book. "Yeah. So what spell are we doing? There's got to be hundreds in all these books."

drusilla pulled and book out from the trunk and flipped to a page. "This one. 'To see the Unseen'. It's going to be wonderful!" She looked out the door and saw that the Sun was low enough to go out side. "Come dear. We need to set up."

Drusilla grabbed the trunk and set it down in the middle of the yard. Willow started to help her set up the incense, candles, herbs, stones, and everything needed for the spell.

Drusilla stood back and studied the circle of candles, herbs, and flowers she and Willow and set up. Everything looked the way it should but to be sure she read over the spell in the book again. "Ok Everything is right. Now we just need Dawn and Spike then we can begin."
(A/N ok before I go any further with this I have to warn you I know very little about magic so if anyone who reads this is a real Witch or Pagan I mean no offence if I screwed something up ok did something from real magic.)

Dawn rubbed her eyes as she pulled her still damp hair into a pony tail and walked out of her bed room.

She promptly bumped into Spike who was coming out of his room. "Hey Nibblet. You off to the spell casting too?"

Dawn nodded. "Yep. So what is this for? Dru explained it but well you know how she is..."

Spike sighed. "Well last night Drusilla was talking o her 'friends' and she decided that we all need to be able to see her 'friends' too. So she talked me into doing this and some how you and red got roped into it too."

Dawn glared at Spike. "This is all your fault! We all could still be asleep right now if you hadn't told Dru we'd to some dumb spell!" She ranted at him as they walked though the house and out the back door.

They both stopped and stared at the circle Willow and Drusilla were sitting in.

"Spike! Dawn! Get over here so we can start!" Willow yelled to them.

They walked over and sat down so that all four of them were facing each out in a circle.

"Ok dearies. Here's what we have to say." Drusilla told them as she handed each of them a sheet of paper with a chat written on it.

"Ready?" Drusilla asked as she looked at each of them. They all nodded then as one began to speak.

In this tween time this darkest hour.
Well call upon the the darkest power.
Four together stand alone.
Command the Unseen to be shone.
In innocents we search the sky's.
Enchanted are out new found eyes.

(A/N yes that spell was taken from a Ep of Charmed. I couldn't think of anything better! So shoot me!)

As they said the last line there was a bright flash and they all binked and looked around.

"Do you see anything?" Drusilla asked.

Willow, Dawn, and Spike stared around them. Every wear they could see were faeries. They were dancing and playing in the flowers and herbs they could hear the laughs and singing. It was imposable!


Willow slowly stood up and walked towards a group of flowers her mouth hanging open as she stared at a group of pixies laughing and giggling and dancing around the flowers.

Dawn slowly stood up and walked over to where a few faeries were playing and slowly knelt down staring intently.

Drusilla stood up smiling. "Everyone! This is Willow, Dawn, and My sweet Spike. My family."

The faeries grinned and laughed smiling at Drusilla and her family.

© Copyright 2003 Dru (UN: drusilla18 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Dru has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/223025-Season7-part-6