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Well, about time I update, don't you think? I've oftentimes seen public journals including "dreamlists," basically, wish lists destined for an invisible but omnipotent Santa Claus (God?) So, while waiting for the Christmastimes of MY life to come around (am I not terribly poetic?) this is what I'll be looking for while unwrapping my presents. 1) A safari in deep Africa, possibly the Serengeti. I've always enjoyed Lion King as a kid... Besides, throw in some adventure and I'm in anytime. 2) A nice little knight on his valorous steed. Okay, so these aren't in order of priority. I really, really want a husband. The more he looks like anyone I ever dreamed about, the better, too. 3) A rodeo. In which, by the way, I'd be participating, NOT just watching. 4) An evening of deejaying in a club. Preferrably a large one. Just one evening! Hey, I'm allowed to dream, right? 5) A million dollars... Which I'd probably waste all on farfetched clothes, before the end of a month. Oh well. 6} A tattoo. Probably a cross. If I had any sort of training, I'd do it myself. My parents won't let me. Gee, I wonder why??? 7) A car. Even an old Chevrolet would do the trick. I'd smash it within a month, anyway. 8} Poetic talent. Dream on... 9) Artistic talent. (i} See above. 10) Writing talent. Ibid. 11) A bottle of wine. Or, better yet, a whole cave of 'em. I love my bottle... 12) Nice dreams every night. I'm beginning to see the boogeyman through the crack of my closet... 13) An old gothic castle or mansion. So that kids will think our house is haunted, and not come play on our lawn like those #$@! neighbours. 14) A Playstation Two. COME ON, ridge racer, odd world... We get a living, that came in our possession... (That's Eiffel 65, by the way). 15) A finished novel. Not necessarily a good one, but a finished one. Written by yours truly, of course. (At the rythm at which I'm going, it won't be before a while.) 16) A kid. Just ONE. So that I get to, um... Change diapers? 17) Sanity. Guess why??? 18) A nice little church. So that I can go there, and get converted back to Christianity. Being an agnostic heretic gets boring after a little while. 19) A high school diploma. My my, am I not ambitious? 20) Whoever said there had to be a number twenty anyway. Well, there you go. My little (yeah right) wish list. And what about you, my dear? What will YOU ask Santa Claus this year? :) Peace N Luv, Aum ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** Some beautiful, clever, or simply brilliant forums and groups. Please visit and encourage. Publius' forum for no-strings-attached religious discussion.
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