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My life Friends Loves and Experiences |
Sorry about the abrubt departure in my last entry. It just got the better of me momentarily. Yeah, I'll admit it. I broke down and cried. Too much s**t at once. Anyways, I did eat. A lot of good that was, I immediately got sick afterwards. I should have known I would with my stomach being in knots. So I laid down and took a nap. Albeit, a short one, but a nap nonetheless. God, don't I feel like s**t now. I was chatting with JPS awhile ago (his grandmother pased away two days ago) and what the hell do I do? I start unloading about my worries about BOH. What a f***ing idiot, I am. He doesn't need to hear about my worries, right now, especially. My heart and deepest apologies go out to him. And then I gave him the link to my journal. Now, he's really gonna think that I'm a nutcase. LOL. Hell, maybe I am. Okay, an hour and a half and counting. Will I see BOH today? God I hope so. (laughs at self) jeez, now I'm sounding like an addict. LOL. I need my *fix* man, I need it. Okay, now I'm getting a bit crazy. Maybe it's the lack of sleep the last couple of days. Maybe it's all the damn coffee I've been drinking. Or maybe, just maybe I really am going crazy. LOL LOL LOL Nah, I always get a bit goofy when I haven't had much sleep. Well, goofy or b***hy. I've been told that people prefer the goofy though, so I'll try to stick with that one, for now, anyways. Anyways, guess I'll go ahead and close this one for, now. I should check and see how many entries I'm allowed a day, LOL. If anything new happens or developes, I might have to *edit* this entry. If I do have to that, or on any future entry I will also add, "Edited on such and such date" i sure hope anybody reading this isn't getting too confused. I know I am. LOL Oh that's nothing new. LOL Anyways, I hope you all have great day/evening. |