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A chronicle of my life starting from June 21,
2002. |
November 7, 2002 I find myself becoming more and more sparse in my updating of this journal. Probably because nothing new happens too often. Well, I'm back, with a few things to say. First and foremost: The Ring is a friggin' scary movie! And I love scary movies! I went out with some of my friends and watched it. You can tell when I'm scared to death when I start laughing my head off. I really like horror movies. What else? Ah yes. It's a school night, and I'm still up (2:30am). Guess why? I was printing out my poetry book, a huge project due tomorrow (technically today) in English. I don't mind the project, it was actually fun. Not just writing, but designing every page for each poem. The printer is the bad part. I'd just gotten done printing some stuff off the other day without a hitch. My black ink's been low, but that's no problem. In fact, so low that it's unusable. I get around it because black can be made by the printer combining all the color cartridges. Anyway, suddenly the printer decides that the black really is depleted, and decides not to print anything at all. There are hacks to make it think the thing is full, but none that I can access. So I've got this huge project, and the only problem is getting it from the screen to the paper. Talk about frustrating. It's right there in front of me, all that hard work, and yet useless. So I wake up the maternal unit and tell her my woes. My hopes are that I can skip school tomorrow to buy time and get a new ink cartridge. Instead, she decides to run it down to Kinko's. So I convert all the pages and such to PDF, making sure all the fonts are good, and burn them to disc. Unfortunatly, it's really really really late. Even if I do get the assignment, I don't know if I'll be able to live through the day tomorrow to turn it in. Well, such is life. On the bright side, at least it's gonna get done. Oh, and about the title of this entry. For Halloween, I dressed up as Neo Anderson, Keanu Reeves's character in The Matrix. I must say, it was really cool. Black army pants with a black shirt, long black trenchcoat, slicked-back hair, and the coolest shades you can get for three bucks at Ace Hardware. It's a costume I'd actually consider wearing any day of the year (except hot summer days, for obvious reasons). I scared some people at school, one who told her friend not to look directly into my eyes, or I'd shoot them. Of course, I'd do no such thing, but it's good to feel intimidating. Well, that's about all I can remember worth noting since the last entry. Besides the Banquet of the Gods tonight. The freshmen AP English class does it every year. Each student is assigned a god, and they write a monologue and perform it. It's followed by a feast of genuine Greek food. I know a lot of freshmen, including the Corvette, so I went. It was fun. It brought back memories from last year, when I was Hercules. Running, putting my toga together at the last second, resorting to staples in all my despair...Okay, maybe that memory isn't so great. Oh well. I think I'm done. Yes. I'm done. Recommended listening: Imperial March by Metallica. Not much, but it's awesome. Well, time for bed. ~ Dris ~ |