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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/203706-Dreams-of-the-Past
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #559708
Einah's wants to get a mysterious dagger. Magnus is a soldier with an unsettled past..
#203706 added November 4, 2002 at 12:04am
Restrictions: None
Dreams of the Past
Hand in hand, they traveled the well-worn path. He heard a gasp at his side, and looked over to see Desdemona’s delicate face light up in a smile, her eyes full of awe as she watched the sunset in front of us. The intense red where the sun was gently faded into magenta, orange, yellow and finally into a darkening blue while we watched. Her full lips caught Magnus’s attention as she turned to look at him.
Glad to just be with her, Magnus laughed out loud and took her in his arms, twirling her in the air. Long blond hair trailing behind her and creating a cocoon for them both, she smiled down at him, hands resting on his shoulders for balance. When he did finally let her down, he did it slowly, holding her close to him. She watched, as his eyes grew darker as her body slid down his. When her feet touched the ground, she didn’t notice. Her full attention was on Magnus.
“Desi, do you know how much I love you?” She could feel Magnus’s deep voice vibrating in his chest, and placed her hand on his chest to feel it, as she looked at him, tears filling her eyes.
Instead of answering, Desi offered her lips up to Magnus’s. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he twined his fingers through her silky hair. Their kiss was soul bearing and completely open, a testament of their love for each other. Magnus never wanted to stop, but too soon he felt her pull away from him, blushing slightly.
“Magnus, I do love you, but you know how my father would feel if he saw us.” She said, taking his hand and starting down to the village.
Magnus pictured Desi’s father, the huge bear like man that intimidated everyone he came across. “Yes I know. That’s why tonight I’m going to ask for his permission to take your hand in marriage.” He watched as she looked up at him, surprise and pleasure mixing in her expression. The smile on her face was all the courage he needed. He noticed how she clung to him arm happily as they walked back to her house, and put his arm around her protectively.
They were almost at her driveway when Magnus spotted her father making his way down the street, heading towards them. Even from far away Magnus knew that this confrontation was not going to be a happy one. Her father had an aura about him like a storm getting ready to burst. Subtly, Magnus put respectable distance between Desi and him.
Desi’s father, Brian, came upon them like the first roll of thunder. “What are you two doing going off into the fields without a chaperone?”
“Father, I was just out to pick the azaleas that are in bloom, and I met Magnus while there.” Desi said, showing him the bouquet she had brought as cover. Brian eyed them skeptically, and then turned his eyes to Magnus.
“Desdemona, I want you in the house. There are a few things that Magnus and I must discuss.” He commanded. With an encouraging look at Magnus and a compliant look towards her father, Desi made her way toward the house. Magnus’s eyes followed her receding form as Brian looked at him dubiously.
“Magnus.” He bellowed, bringing Magnus’s attention immediately to him. “You know that you and I have never gotten along and that I’m not very fond of you. However, I am not blind. I am very aware that my daughter does not have the same feelings for you that I do. I’m sure you know who was the one that tipped me off to you two being in the field?”
He nodded his head. “Of course. Demetrius, who else?”
“Exactly. So you well now that he is presently trying to court Desdemona. This is becoming exceedingly difficult, considering how often you two are seen together.”
Magnus braced himself against the worst that Brian would tell him to stay away from his daughter. But fortunately that didn’t happen.
“What you didn’t know is that I don’t particularly care for Demetrius. I care for my daughter’s happiness, and if that’s with you, then I am resigned to that fate. So you have my permission to take her hand in marriage. But if you ever hurt her, I will use all of my power to destroy you.” He said menacingly, then turned around and walked back up to the mansion.
Magnus stood in the darkness for a long time, reveling in this new information. The strongest man in the village had just threatened him. But also, he had given him permission to wed Desi. Magnus felt like yelling out in triumph to the quiet darkness, but instead ran home on winged feet, the happiest he had ever been in his life.
The next day, Desi and Magnus were walking through the street hand in hand, since the news of their engagement was public knowledge. As they were nearing the fountain, they caught sight of a group of men heading purposefully their way. It was Demetrius and his followers. They came right up to Magnus, who had stopped in front of the fountain to meet them.
“Magnus, I accuse you of foul play. I believe you bribed or blackmailed Desdemona’s father to get him to agree to your scheme. Because of that, I challenge you to a duel.” With a flourish, Demetrius whipped off his glove and threw it at Magnus’s feet. He looked at it blankly for a moment, and then picked it up and said calmly, “I accept, since your accusations are not based on fact. The arrangement was completely innocent and I feel the need to protect the reputation of myself and Desdemona.”
Desi cried out, “No, Magnus don’t do it. You don’t need to hold up anyone’s honor to this unscrupulous man.” She said, looking at Demetrius with derision. But unfortunately no one listened to her. The duel was set for that dusk, in front of the water fountain.
Just as the sun was setting, Magnus made his way to the center of town and the fountain. He had left Desi in the care of her maids, her father in the fields working. Waiting for him was Demetrius, alone as well, for once. They looked at each other with disdain, each one sizing the other one up as the lesser man. Without a word exchanged, they took their swords out of their scabbards, and began the duel.
It was an uneven battle. Magnus had many years of practice and more talent than Demetrius did. He could correctly anticipate what move he would make and easily parried and dodged, waiting until he tired out to make his move. It happened quickly, for Demetrius was rather out of shape. With one quick thrust, Magnus effortlessly knocked Demetrius’s rapier out of his hand. He looked up at Magnus in shock, and felt the cool blade settle against his throat. The rage built up in him, especially as Magnus said arrogantly, “I have won this duel. The honor of Desi has been upheld. I will show you mercy and not kill you where you stand if you agree to forget about her, and let us live our life together.”
Demetrius’s narrowed, and reluctantly he acquiesced. Magnus let the sword drop down, and sheathed it again before backing away, content in his victory. He turned his back and was heading towards his house when he heard a knife come out of its case, and heard the footsteps running towards him. He turned around, hand on his sword handle, ready to draw again. That’s when he saw something flash at the corner of his eye. He realized too late that he wouldn’t be able to stop Demetrius’s blade, and prepared himself for the bite of cold hard steel in his side.
He never felt the pain. A dead weight fell into his arms instead. Opening his eyes, he looked down at his hands. Desi’s body lay in his hands, her blonde hair falling down her back. He saw the handle of the blade sticking out grotesquely from her body. Magnus felt the cold rage filling his body, taking control. He was blind to everything as he looked away from Desi, and saw only the shocked unbelieving look on Demetrius’s face.
Slowly, coldly, Magnus drew his sword from his side. Taking it in both hands, he looked straight into Demetrius’s face, and let the rage take control. Shutting his eyes, he felt his energy move from his body into the sword as he gracefully pulled it above his head, the sword luminescent. He didn’t know what he was doing; it was as if his body was acting of its own free will. He spun around in a complete circle, and at the precise moment, the shining sword unleashed a powerful slash of energy at Demetrius, knocking him to the ground, dead instantly.
Magnus’s arms fell to his sides. He felt as if his energy was completely drained away, and the sword weighed hundreds of pounds. He let it drop useless to the ground. Blackness swam before his eyes as he dropped to his knees. The world was spinning, and he felt as if he was going to die. Falling down on his side, he saw Desi laying next to him, her face beautiful even in death. He thought it ironic that he would die next to her, true love forever.
Suddenly, Desi’s face morphed. Her eyes opened, blue sapphires shining brilliantly, and framed by russet hair plaited hurriedly. Then she morphed yet again, her eyes and hair staying the same, but let down from the plait, as she smiled down at him as she was being raised above him. And then blackness surrounded him.

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