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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/203697-Interrogation
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #559708
Einah's wants to get a mysterious dagger. Magnus is a soldier with an unsettled past..
#203697 added November 3, 2002 at 11:54pm
Restrictions: None
"Come on vixen, let's go." He grabbed my arm and lead me back to the camp. I felt as if I was walking to my own execution with each step. I looked around, trying to see if I could make a break for it, even with his fingers wrapped tightly around my arm with an iron grip. There was no hope that I could see, so I resolutely walked, my head held high. I did notice that he didn't treat me like a spy he had just caught, he didn't drag me behind him or anything else that I had expected. He just took me straight to the general's quarters. On the way other soldiers would clap him on his back, congratulating him on his find. I looked around, unsure if they knew that I was the thief or if they thought I was just another prostitute.
"General, here's the spy. She claims not to work for General Malkanen, only on a mercenarily basis." Magnus said officially.
The general turned his dark beady eyes on me. He was rather fat and looked as if he had been drinking too much, as his nose was still red. He seemed to be in a bad mood about having been woken up for any reason. "Oh, she does, does she? Well, we'll see if we can't get a more truthful answer out of her. Magnus, take her to the tent and have Brutus here show her what happens when spies are caught and won't talk." He motioned to a burly man with an evil smile. Now I was beginning to feel a bit nervous. It was fine when it was just Magnus, but he had just turned me over to his superior, and who knows what they'd do to me. I don't do well when cornered and held against my will. This was my first time being caught and I looked at Magnus with alarm in my eyes.
He seemed to take this as a signal, and looked at the general. "Sir, if I may, I'd like to take her with me. I have some questions for her, as well as a way to get information out of women, even if they're spies." He said it so suggestively that I felt a slight blush creeping up my throat, and I tried to squelch it back down.
The general looked from me to him, and got a lewd smile on his face. "I'm sure you'll be able to get something out of this encounter, that's for sure. You have my permission to take the prisoner with you." And with that, he waved us off. As we were walking out, I snuck a glance at Brutus, who looked truly disappointed at not being able to torture me or do whatever he had been planning.
I walked only as fast as Magnus, and I was completely torn. I felt like I should thank him for not letting me go to Brutus's tent, but at the same time all the pride in me opposed that thought, because of all the trouble he had already caused me, not to mention the embarrassment. We got into his tent, and I whirled on him, getting right in his face.
"Just what the hell was that? 'I have a way of getting information out of women.' Like I'm going to just blurt out all of my secrets while we..." I just couldn't say it.
"Would you rather have had me let Brutus have you? Full grown veterans have buckled under the torture he practices in that tent." He looked over at me, irritated that I hadn't fallen to my knees in thanks, I'm sure. He eyed me once again, this time with curiosity filling his eyes. "And when would you go blurting all of your secrets? When we were what?"
I looked at him square in the eyes, and to my horror I started to blush. Yes, I was a virgin, but I had never blushed in front of any man when he made advances toward me. Hell, it had been happening since I was fifteen, why should this man be an exception?
My actions must have given him enough of an answer, because he suddenly looked at me a little bit softer, and said, "Well I guess that explains it. You seemed so worldly and sassy, and it turns out it was all a face, underneath it you're just a scared little virgin."
"You say that as if it's a bad thing. I'm so sorry to have disappointed you." I said sarcastically.
"You had better watch that mouth of yours, it's going to get you in trouble someday. I could always just take you back to Brutus."
"Wouldn't that mean you were less of a man because of it? Couldn't get the spy to talk, even with your amazing charms and virility." I taunted.
That finally seemed to stump him, or else he had just began to ignore me. My hands were getting rather uncomfortable being tied behind my back, so I started to mess with the ties. He saw me struggling, but I suppose he just figured that I deserved whatever I got, so he made no move to help me. He began to get ready for bed, pulling his shirt over his head. My mouth dropped open as I stared at the most beautiful male body I had ever seen. Soldierly life really suited this guy, and he had the scars to prove it. But since it seemed that I had basically fallen off the face of the planet, I decided to try and sneak out. He had his back to me as I made my way to the slit in the tent.
"I wouldn't try that if I were you, you wouldn't want to be found by anyone out there, and they're all still pretty worked up, so they'll be on alert." He said with his back still turned to me, pulling off his shoes as he climbed into bed. I looked around for a comfortable place to lay down, and when I realized that there wasn't one, I got upset. That bed looked so much more comfortable than sleeping on the cold floor, but I refused to give in to any of this demands which I knew were lying just underneath his actions.
"Will you untie my arms at least?" I asked a irritably. When he looked over at me I turned around and held up my wrists as much as I could.
"No, not tonight." He said and turned his back to me. I just stood there staring at him for awhile, shocked that he had dismissed me so completely. When I heard his slight snoring, I was so disgusted I was about to try and kill him in his sleep or at least maim him in some way. If nothing else, it would make me feel better. But instead I just laid down on the floor and, with my arms still behind my back, fell asleep on the cold hard ground.

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