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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/203695-Capture
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #559708
Einah's wants to get a mysterious dagger. Magnus is a soldier with an unsettled past..
#203695 added November 3, 2002 at 11:53pm
Restrictions: None
"Now, what do you say? If I loosen my grip, will you try and run away?" he whispered in my ear, his mouth close enough to my head that I could feel his warm breath, and the deep rumble of his voice inside his chest, reverberating throughout my body made me shiver.
"Probably. You want to chance it?" I said, refusing to be intimidated by this man.
To my utter surprise, he let me go. I immediately sprung away from him and darted toward the exit. Just as I was opening the door, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. Now we were face to face, and I looked up at him defiantly. What I saw shocked me. It was the same soldier that had almost caught me the first time I was here. And he was just as handsome close up, although I could see that his skin wasn’t as smooth as it had appeared to be, and his hair was longer than I had noticed. I had an urge to touch it with my fingers, but I resisted, and instead hardened my gaze as I stared back into his eyes.
My voice raising hardly above a whisper, I said, "So, you’re the only smart one in this place. I’m sure luck had much to do with it though, judging by the look of you....What’s your name? I would like to tell my superior who I had to kill tonight, that way it can go down on the report."
"Really? I was about to say the same thing." His voice not above a whisper either. "I’ll tell you what? Give me what you took and come along willingly, and I promise no harm will come to your pretty face." Mockingly he dragged his finger across my cheek, and I recoiled insolently. "Otherwise it will be a shame when I smash it." His voice regained that cold edge to it that sent shivers down my spine and secretly made me quiver.
"You would hit a girl- not very chivalrous, I must say. Bad form, soldier." I quickly moved my position from a fight to flight and made a mad dash for the door, throwing it open, and running amidst the chaos that was created as the noise of the door smashing against the wall woke the soldiers. I knew that I was fast enough to outrun these still sleeping men, but that one soldier still had me on my toes, pushing me to run faster. I easily vaulted the nearest fence that separated the compound from the rest of the surroundings, and fled into the shadows of the town. As I was rounding one corner, a huge weight hit my back, and sent me sprawling to the ground. I rolled over a few times, and landed on my back, the breath knocked out of me, something heavy lying on my chest. When I could finally look up, I saw that the object laying on me was in fact the soldier I had been running from.
"Thought you could get away from me, eh?" He said, teasingly, his eyes sparkling with ridicule.
"Did it once before, and it wasn’t that difficult." I said, wheezing slightly, because his entire weight was centered on me.
"That’s because I wasn’t on watch."
"Great, I’ll remember to check your schedule next time I make a visit. Would you get off me now? You’re going to kill me."
"And where’s the downside? First you have to tell me what I wanted in the first place."
"That being?"
"Your name. I won’t get off you until I get it, so if you want to be able to have full use of your lungs again, I suggest you cooperate."
Being as I saw little choice, and the lack of oxygen was getting to my brain, I gave him my real name. "Einah." I wheezed out.
Surprisingly, the man actually got off of me, letting me roll over to my side and regain my breath. When I finally did, I looked up at him with glaring eyes. "I’m sure that classifies as cruel and unusual punishment."
He merely shrugged, which made me seethe with anger even more. "So, are you going to tell me your name?" To which he shrugged again. We had a few moments of silence, in which I just watched him watching me. Just as I thought there was no way he would tell me his name, he says "It’s Magnus." Almost as an afterthought, he adds, "That’s a very peculiar name, Einah."
"Thanks." I said sarcastically. I moved to get up, and I saw him tense, watching my moves to see if I would run again. I laughed slightly, touching my sides gingerly. "I wouldn't get very far if I tried to run."
"From what I've seen so far, I take it that that probably wouldn't stop you." Magnus said, watching me warily.
Despite myself I actually laughed. "Very good observation." I said. Then we just looked at each other. "So now what? Do you take me back to be tortured for information, which I don't have anyway? Or will you just kill me now and say that the problem was taken care of?"
"Neither actually." he said. "Why don't you have you have any information about Malkanen?"
"I don't know who or what you're talking about." I said simply, though inside I was a little nervous. I stared at him warily. How did he know about Malkanen, and did he know what I had to do with him?
"Am I supposed to believe that?" He asked mockingly. "You really shouldn't make a habit of running through camps filled with men and stealing their property."
I glared at him and sent him all the fire I could muster from my eyes and my voice. "Why not? It worked once, when I duped your sleeping army already, stealing their precious documents." I hoped that would take him off the subject of Malkanen and my relationship. Unfortunately it was of no use.
"Which brings me back to my question, but if you don't know who he is, then why did you try to change the subject? A thief has no use for military papers for her own use. So why are you doing this for him? Oh wait, don't tell me, sexual favors? You get the pleasure of his body, while he makes you steal things for him."
My eyebrows raised in disbelief. How dare he make accusations like that? I didn't even want to get into the fact of how correct he was about everything so far, which really unnerved me. "I doubt you could even be more wrong. For one thing, if anyone was enjoying sexual favors, it would be him, and for another, I'm being well rewarded for this." I silently kicked myself after this admission. When he looked at me like that I couldn't help but tell the truth.
"Although I'm sure that's true," he looked me up and down again then, "I'm gonna have to take you with me for further questioning." His eyes burned strangely at me, and that gave me an idea.
With a small smile, I started to walk around him, trailing my fingers around his shoulders. "You know, I may not do sexual favors for Malkanen, but I'm not totally against the idea, for some people that is." I whispered in his ear, licking the earlobe slightly. I put just enough emotion in my voice to seem convincing, and I was a little frightened to realize that it wasn't all phony.
Magnus looked at me, his eyes darkening, and I thought I was going to succeed in getting myself out of this situation. He grabbed my wrists, pulling me to the front of him, our bodies pressing together. I could feel my blood chasing itself through my veins, and thought to myself, now who was supposed to be doing the seducing here. But before I got the chance to really explore that thought, my wrists were tied behind my body. When I looked up at him incredulously, he just smiled smugly back at me. He trailed his finger down my cheek, and I pulled away immediately, irritated that he could have such an effect on me.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/203695-Capture