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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/200650-Peters-Last-Day
Rated: 18+ · Book · None · #488496
Only rule you must follow if you know me: You can't get mad at me for what I write.
#200650 added October 22, 2002 at 1:03am
Restrictions: None
Peter's Last Day
Peter's last day at our Stop and Shop 28, but first lets start from the begining. Woke up really late today, around 7:50. So first period already started. Got to school around 8:55 after stopping at Stop and Shop for an amp and a short talk with Danielle who was wearing tight jeans. I didn't even know it was her. She was bending over looking into the cash office. I said "hey you" and then saw it was her. So got to school, played some Neopets in hyperstudio.
Then at lunch everyone seemed to be against Sarah. She's a good friend of mine so I lent her my shoulder to cry on. The rest of the day was alright. Got AJ (the forever freshman) a job at Stop and Shop, that's two people.
Went bowling and did alright. 78, 73, 76, avg 75. Still lost, but hey, we did alright. Then had my dad drop me off at Stop and Shop because Stacey said she was going to visit. That's where the fun happened.
I totally forgot it was Peter's last day. Mishelle reminded me. Then Stacey C., Stacey M., and Danielle came in with cake and balloons for Peter. Stacey C. was just being ditzy and making everyone laugh with calling Peter a "Manajew" and going on about Cumkins or white pumpkins.
After Stacey left, me and Danielle went at it. Hurt my foot a bit, felt like I pulled a muscle. Then me and Danielle ganged up on Dean and tried to take him down. We ended up losing. I'll choke him out next time. Anyways, hurt my leg even more. So limping over to the podeum, Danielle connects with my balls like no other kick I've gotten. That one fucking HURT. So I knocked her down and was going to give her a tittie twister, but there were customers walking by and Dean told us to stop. Then came the fun outside.
We were just talking about fights outside when Danielle was abusing the alcohol (spilling Peter and Dean's beer) So we got her head first into the trashcan. We started talking again and randomly Danielle flicks her mountain dew on me, getting my face and shirt. The chase began. I threw the dedicated apple juice at her but missed. She fell on the grass and I grabbed the mountain dew and poured it all over her. Victory was mine.
So we started talking again and then Danielle was trying to fight Peter. She was dangerously close to causing some more alcohol abuse so I tackled her. We wrestled around a bit and then the PAIN BEGAN.
First she connected with my balls again with a punch. Then a very violent grab. Then she started biting my chest and she eventually found my nipple which was beyond pain. Then she pulled away and just had the tip. Fucking AHHHHHHHH! Then there was some hair grabbing and more biting. Now that called for some tittie twisters. She got a few of them and then we called it a fight.
But none the less, there was more alcohol abuse. Me, Dean, and Peter tried to get her in the trash. A little difficult. So then we just took her shoes and almost got her pants off, hehe. She screamed at that. Then she started fighting with Peter and it was just so choice that I had her shoes and her back was wide open. Just had to swing. Made a loud thwack sound. Oh so good.
Then the night pretty much ended. Got a hug from Danielle and went on my way home. Told Stacey C. all she missed and I think I'll call it a night now. This will be one memorable night.

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