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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/199156-Fun-Week
by Nani
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #446215
The experiences of all my relationships.
#199156 added June 28, 2006 at 2:58am
Restrictions: None
Fun Week
In the evening of Sunday, September 22,2002, the day before David arrives here, we had one of those conversation that we were so excited that we are going to finally see each other, after being apart for too long. Later on that night, i finished up my packing while he is sleeping. It was very cold that night, but I was sweating like crazy. WHY? because I'm seeing my baby the next day, I was so nervouse and anxious. I was pacing around the house, and since the house is small, if you was to put my pacing in a straight line, I think I would of walked like 20 miles. Reasons for my pacing, Okay here goes.....I was scared that David might not want me. I don't know why I felt that way, maybe 'cause I never thought that anyone could love me or even just like me. As I grew up, I was never put in a spotlight. I never felt pretty or attractive, no one in my life complimented me, well...except for my family, but that does not count. Anyways, David told me that he will not reject me. I really don't understand why I felt that way, we were already together. All this stress and anxiety, I had the hardest time sleeping. I keep tossing and turning. About 3 am, I was still awake, my phone rang and it was David, I told him that I didn't get any sleep yet. I remember we were talking for a few minutes, then we hung up. A couple of hours later, he called again, but this time from the airport, it was a short conversation, I fell asleep there after.

I got up at 9 in the morning, and I was tired as hell, but I couldn't sleep. I was too anxious. He should be arriving at 145 pm and since it was still early, I just cleaned the house. By the time is was 1100 am, I started to get ready, you know....shave my legs, take a bath. I was about ready by 1230 pm, so my brother dropped me off at the airport, we arrived there about 140 pm, I smoked a cigarette right before I went in because I was so nervous. I went down to baggage claim and waited for him there. I sat down on the chair where he could find me, well....actually, few minutes later, I moved the chair into the corner; why? I was scared that's why. Next thing you know, here he comes, he said something about me hiding in the corner. I remember looking up at him and thought, "who is this angel standing right befor me?" I got up and gave him this big hug, then we kissed, I fell more in love with him..I looked into his gorgeous brown eyes, he is so gorgeous, and got them luscious lips, damn, he looked good. He and I left, we took a cab to our hotel. Unfortunately, we didn't know the address of the hotel and the cab driver didn't know either. So we stopped at this place. We walked to a pay phone to call the hotel for the address. David called another cab. While we was waiting, he was kissing me. David is very affectionate and that's what I love about him. Taxi came, so we were headed to the hotel. When we got to our room, we got comfortable, you know, unpack our bags and stuffs like that. I looked at him and I could feel the vibes that he was nervous. I could tell because he was hiding in the corner. I guess because it's been a long time. I thought that was so cute, my sexy papi bear. I took his hand and made him feel comfortable. You know what happened next, but I feel this not the place or time for me to write about David and I, about our intimacy. It is kept between us and we both know what happened that night, the only thing I'll say is that it was beautiful. That day we went to look for a place to eat. Well...not much choices, there was a lot of mexican restaurant, but we didn't feel like eating mexican food. The whole time we were walking, I remember David would walk curb side. All the time, he is so sweet. Anyways, we walked forever, but I didn't care, I was with my baby. We must've stopped a hundred times just to hold and kiss each other, never stopped to eat yet, maybe because there was no place to eat, so we turned around and started walking back. We stopped at a restaurant and ate dinner there.

We headed back to the hotel where we spent the rest of the night together. I'll leave it like that. We woke up next to another, it was beautiful. That morning we just stayed in bed talking, laughing, and more, enough said. We got ready to go out. We took the bus and we ended up somewhere in downtown portland. We walked around a bit, it was nice. Everywhere we go we would just stop, look at each other, kiss and hold one another. Well, we got hungry, so we came across this beautiful restaurant, a Japanese restaurant, we had one of them rooms where it's real Japanese, it was really nice. After we ate lunch, we walked around a little more, then stopped by a store to buy some beer to drink later. David and I was a little tired so we headed back to the hotel room and stayed indoors for the rest of the night. For dinner, we just ordered pizza. So far, just the 2nd day, I'm more in love with him than I did 3 months ago. He is such a sweetheart. For the rest of the night, let me just say, it was amazing.

On the next day, David and I got ready and headed out the door to get lost again. Before I get to that, my baby looked gorgeous that morning, I mean he always looks gorgeous, but he looked really good that day. We went to the front desk to ask which bus to take to get to Lloyd center. Dude told us that it's better if we took the train, the max, and instead of going to the mall, go to the zoo. We was listening to hims rambling on, and after how many decades later, we went to the train/bus station and got tickets and gave it a try to take the max. It was nice. We got to Lloyd center, but we stopped at this park first, right across of the mall. We got hungry, so we went to the mall and look around a place to eat. There were so much choices. We stopped at the movie theater to see if there was anything good to watch. We decided to watch "Barbershop", but the movie wouldn't start for another hour. So, we ate at this malt shop, it was cool. We went to buy the movie tickets, and since we had more time to kill, we went to tilt. I had a blast kicking my baby's ass in air hockey, I love you baby. We went to watch the movie, and during the movie, David would find the time to kiss me. He is so sweet.

After the movie, we walked around the mall for a couple more hours. Oh yeah, David wanted a rematch in air hockey, but I still whooped his ass. He made me laugh so hard, I almost peed on myself, my baby was trying to cheat. I love him so much, he is so cute. Well, we practically walked around the whole mall, so it was time to go. We stopped at Arby's to grab a couple of sandwiches to take back to the hotel, then headed to Starbuck's to get them Caramel Frappachino. We were walking to the train stop, but the park looked beautiful at night, so we hung out there. It was really romantic. We were hugging and kissing. My baby is so affecitonate, I love it. It was really nice, in fact, we weren't the only couples there, it was like lover's lane. It was getting late, so we headed to the train stop. That night, we had dinner in our room with sandwiches and coronas. And as usual, for the rest of the night, Baby, if you're reading this, It was Wonderful.

Fourth day, I wasn't feeling good. I was coming down with the flu, but that didn't stop me from having fun with my baby. Our plans for that day, Oregon Zoo, David suggested it. It was fun and interesting. We would've had more fun if half of the animals were at least awake and if I was feeling better. By the way, we ate chinese food at downtown Portland before we went to the zoo. David had given me the best time of my life. When we were at the zoo, there's this one point where it hit me that he's leaving the next day. He was at the restroom at that time. I was sitting on a bench looking at our picture, the ones we took in the photo booth. One pictures background is a tiger, the other is polar bears. All my emotions went crazy. Right then and there, I wanted to breakdown and cry, but I caught David watching me. We continued our walk throughout the zoo. Even though I wasn't feeling good, I tried to make the best of it. That night, he went to the gas station mart to get me medicine because I was really sick. We spent that night loving each other.

Next morning, I got up and he was already up. I took a shower, then I started packing my things. We ate breakfast together. We had a few more hours, so we spent it together, I'll leave it like that. We checked out and we went to the airport. At the airport, David did something so sweet, he brought me flowers. They were beautiful. Well, it was time for him to go, so we headed to the security check point. I held him and kissed him. I didn't want him to go, I was crying so much, I told him that why we always have to be apart all the time. Then, he got emotional. He left, I watched him go, he kept looking back. It was the worst time of my life. So, I can't really say that it was the best week of my life if it ended so bad. I miss him so much. It's been couple of weeks now. We talk every single day on the phone. Being 3000 miles apart is not funny, but everytime we see each other, our love grows stronger. David will be back at the end of the month, but this time, he is only getting a one way ticket. We will finally be together all the time. David means everything to me. He is my life, my world, the whole universe. I love you baby.

© Copyright 2006 Nani (UN: ntorres at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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