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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/193384-Season-7-part-3
by Dru
Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #523871
Season 7 of Buffy the way I know it's not going to happen
#193384 added November 20, 2002 at 11:13pm
Restrictions: None
Season 7 (part 3/?)
The Graveyard

Buffy walked along not really paying any attention to anything around her she was so deep in thought thinking about Spike, Dawn, and Willow.

Buffy doesn't even break her stride as she just stakes a vampire passing by.

"Ugh Why don't I have a cell phone then I could just call Anya right now and not have to wait till I get home! It's not right! It's the 21st Century! Everyone has cell phones but me!"

Buffy kept talking to her self as she walked along.

Xander's Apartment

Xander walked into his apartment locking the door after him.

"I can't believe Buffy still loves that Evil Undead Bastard! He's kill only god knows how many people, he's tried to kill us more times then I can count, he tryed to rape her, and yet she loves him! What the hell is wrong with her?!" Xander growled to him self as he stalked to the bedroom.

Xander yanked his shirt off and tossed in on the floor. "Ugh I need to clean this place. I don't think I've ever been quite this bad a slob." He muttered kicking off his pants and tossing them on the growing pile of junk. (A/N yes Xander is losing cloths but I believe in Mussely Xander instead of Fat Xander. Think Speed-o scene in Go Fish)

Xander climbed into bed still muttering about Buffy's stupidity.

Drusilla's Family's Home

Spike and Dawn had finished sparing and were flopped down on the couch fighting over what to watch.

"Oh com on Spike! It's N'Sync! I've never seen this episode of Driven!" Dawn begged.

"I'm not watching a bunch of bloody poufters dancing around! I'm watching Sports!" Spike said ignoring the pout.

"But Spiiike! N'Sync is so hot!" Dawn pulled out the Big Puppy Eyes. "Don't you love me? Don't you want me to be happy?" Dawn made her eyes as Anime big as possible and made her bottem lip quiver.

Spike groaned and tossed the clicker as her. "Oh bloody hell! Fine! Watch the damn show just stop looking like that!"

Dawn shrieked happily and hugged spike while flipping to VH1. "You're the bestest Daddy in the whole world!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fine. Whatever." Spike muttered trying to pretend he didn't love Dawn looking so happy.

"Hey Spike could you get me some Hot Chocolate? Please?" Dawn once more pulls out the 'I'm Really, Really Cute And You Will Give Me Whatever I Want' look.

Spike narrowed his eyes. "I already gave you the tv. I'm not your minon, Bit. If you want hot chocolate you can get your skinny butt off the couch and get it your self!"

Dawn whimpered and turned on the water works "You don't love me any more! I thought you loved me but it was all a lie! A lie!"

Willow came walking into the room and frowned at the sight of Spike having a panic attack and Dawn wailing. "Dawn! Stop trying to guilt Spike into giving you stuff! And Spike! You baby sat her for months and your not used to her trying to get stuff by now?"

"She's never down this before! She's pouted and all but never wailing that I don't love her and freaking out like this!" Spike yelled.

Dawn stopped sobbing and grinned evilly. "Well I've never been evil before. Duh."

"You?! You! You lied to me?!?" Spike yelled.

"Like duh. I am evil now. You know soulless, no guilt, bloody sucking feind." Dawn said happily.

Spike stood there his mouth hanging open unable to believe that Dawn had scammed him.

"Ooh! Our little girl's growing up! I'm just so proud! The stars say we must celebrate! We'll have cake and candles, and flowers and balloons! Oooh yes!" Drusilla cooed happily as she danced into the room.

Spike snapped his mouth closed and glared at Drusilla and Dawn. "Yeah. Great. Dawn's a little monster. Whoo."

Dawn giggled at Spike. "Oh stop sulking Spike! I was nearly as bad as this as a human! Remember 'Dawn's in trouble. Must be Tuesday.' The stealing the screaming 'Get out! Get Out! GET OUT!! GET OUT!!!' Now I just don't feel bad about it."

Spike hmpfed and walked out of the room leaving Drusilla and Dawn giggling at him.

"Spike! Did you take my Midnight Death nail polish again?!" Willow yelled as she dug through a pile of make up and nail polishes.

"Who me? Would I do that?" Spike yelled back to her from where he was flipping though a book.

"Yes you would! Now give it back! My nails look horrible!" Willow stomped her foot and looked annoyed.

"Red, You have five thousand nail polishes and you're a witch who can make anything you want. Stop whining. And are you forgetting there are two people other then me who where black nail polish? Yell at one of them!"

"I want that nail polish! I don't want one of my others and I don't want to make one! And Dru and Dawn ask if they want to use my polish. You just steal!"

Spike rolled his eyes as he stuck a book mark into his book and walked over to Willow. He bent over and picked up a bottle of nail polish and held it out to her. "Is this what you were looking for?"

"Umm I knew it was there. I was just testing you. Stop laughing!" Willow growled and turned her back on him to flop on her bed and paint her nails.

Spike chuckled and walked back to his book.

Dawn held a dress up to her chest and looked down at her self. "What about this one? Ugh! this is one thing that sucks about being a vampire! I can't see what I look like!"

Drusilla studied Dawn and walked around her frowning. "Hmm The Moon does not like it. Miss Edith is right. My dresses are too big and too Victorian for you." Drusilla tilted her head as if listening to something. "Ooh! Yes! What a good idea! We should go shopping! Get pretty dresses and pretty jewels and all sorts of fun things!"

Dawn dropped Drusilla's dress back onto the bed and looked excited. "Shopping? I love shopping! Oh. But I'm not allowed into like any of the stores in Sunnydale. I steal."

Drusilla giggled. "Dear, you're forgetting. We're evil. We get to go where ever we want and do whatever we want. Mmm have I ever told you about the time I went shopping with Grandmummy in LA?"

"No. What happened?"

"Oooh it was wonderful! We painted the town red. Red in blood. There was this lovely store but the mean lady wouldn't help us." Drusilla pouted forgetting to say the woman didn't help because she was dead.

Dawn smiled at the mental image of LA soaked in blood.

"Grandmummy and I got the most lovely dresses and hats and we looked so pretty! We had such fun. Feeding, playing, being a family." Drusilla smiled dreamily.

"Sounds fun. Now we can do that! You, me, maybe Willow might want to go too."

"Oh yes! We're going to have such fun! And we'll be happy forever. The four of us." Drusilla said.

"Willow! Hey Will! Want to go shopping with me and Dru?" Dawn called over to Willow who was shaking and blowing on her nails.

"Shopping? Sounds cool. I could use some new clothes." Willow said bouncing off the bed.

"You do? Since when? Don't you do that 'Snap my fingers I'm in brand new shiny clothes' Thing?" Dawn asked flipping a lock of hair out of her eyes.

"Well yeah. But shopping is fun! So what if I can make my own clothes. I still want more."

"Let's go! We all need new clothes. We're going to me so pretty! The stars will scream!" Drusilla said bouncing excitedly.

Drusilla, Willow, and Dawn headed out to the mall.

The Magic Box

Buffy almost ran into The Magic Box.

"Xander! Anya! Have you found anything on Spike, Dawn, or Willow yet?!" Buffy yelled.

"Sorry. I'm not quite sure how to tell you this Buffy. But I've checked and there's no way to turn Spike, Dawn or Willow back into humans. At least no way that my vengeance powers can do it." Anya told Buffy while she dusted the counter top.

"No way?!?! But that demon made Spike human! Way can't you?!" Buffy yelled as she paced.

"I'm just a vengeance demon. If someone who Spike, Willow, Dawn had wronged wished that they were turned human I _Might_ be able to make it happen but I don't see that happening. And it takes powerful magics to do something like that. And it's just not power I have right now." Anya told her.

"Damn it! Ugh! Ok.. Umm How about the curse? You can do the curse right? I mean you used to be a witch or something before you gave your boyfriend boils or something right?" Buffy almost begged.

Anya sighed. "Buffy. I spent over a thousand years as a demon. I barely remember anything from my human life back then. I wish there was a way for me to help you but I don't do witchcraft."

Buffy fell into a chair banging her head on the table. "Oh God! This isn't happening! This is not happening! My boyfriend, my sister and my best friend are not vampires!"

Anya patted Buffy on the head. "You keep saying that. Maybe it'll come true."

Buffy stood up and started pacing again. "Ok Um... maybe I can do the spell! I'm the Slayer. I'm all magical and junk. I can do one little curse!"

"Uhh Buffy? Are you forgetting about the 'No Getting Any Happy's' Thing?" Xander questioned slightly afraid she'd hit him.

Buffy shot him the 'Cranky Slayer Will Rip Out Your Lungs' Look.

Xander held up his hands and backed away. "But hey! Not that Willow, Dawn, or Deadboy jr. is going to be getting any Happy's!"

© Copyright 2002 Dru (UN: drusilla18 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/193384-Season-7-part-3