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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/193382-Season-7-part-2
by Dru
Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #523871
Season 7 of Buffy the way I know it's not going to happen
#193382 added November 20, 2002 at 10:49pm
Restrictions: None
Season 7 (part 2/?)
"Boyfriend? Did I just hear you right?!? Hello Buffy he's the Evil Not so Undead! He tried to rape you!" Xander hissed at her.

"Why would that matter? Spike's human now! I mean like I completely forgave Angel for killing miss Calender and all the other people while he was soulless. So why should I care if he killed a few people or tried to rape me?" Buffy stated.

"Ok first off if Spike is with Drusilla then big Duh he's not human anymore and second How the Hell can you say that it doesn't matter what Spike did?!?" Xander yelled.

"Oh Xander don't be silly! I mean did you care about Anya spending a thousand years cursing and doing horrible things to men? No you didn't. So we'll just find a way to fix them! Yea that's what we'll do! We'll curse Spike, Willow, and Dawn! Then everything will be perfect!" Buffy said sounding proud of her great planing skills.

Xander rolled his eyes wondering when Buffy got this stupid. "Buffy Willow was the only one who had the power to do the curse and I really don't think she's going to curse herself."

"Oh...Oh god I forgot! What are we going to do?! We can't stake them! We just can't!"

"We'll think of something...maybe we could find Anya and have her use her powers to make Willow and Dawn human."

"What about Spike? She has to make Spike human too!"

"Err sure. Yeah right. Ok Buffy Spike too." Xander muttered.

Willow's eyes widened as she looked over at the door where Buffy and Xander were standing.

"Spike! Look! It's Buffy and Xander! Their here! We have to get out of here!" Willow hissed hitting Spike in the arm pointing.

"Slayer." Spike growled. "Willow. Go over to the dance floor and get Drusilla and Dawn. All of you get out of here. I'll take care of the two of them."

"Spike we can't leave you alone with her! She'll kill you! And please Spike don't start in with the I'm The Big Bad act. She's kicked you ass to many times in the past for that to work. We all need to get out of here at lest until Dawn and I are more used to being vampires and can help you and Drusilla more."

Spike sighed and looked at the puppy eyes Willow was giving him. "What happened to your being the one wanting to to out and have fun and me being the one talking safety?"

"Well I am a former nerd. I didn't get to be smart with out learning to listen to my teachers."

Spike smiled and was just getting up to leave when Drusilla and Dawn were standing next to him.

"The nasty Slayer has come to ruin our fun. She's being bad and will have to tea or cakes!"

"Yea Dru. She wants to trash our fun. Well we'd better get out of here if we want to keep our girls healthy."

Drusilla growled and her eyes flashed. "No one hurts my baby's! I'll make her bleed and cry and beg. Her blood will stain the floor and fill the air like perfume. It'll make the pixies laugh and laugh!" Drusilla smiled in a way that would make any mortal run in terror.

Spike wrapped his arms around Drusilla kissing her. "I just love it when you talk like that, My Dark Goddess."

Drusilla pulled back smiling and grabbed Dawn's arm. "Come on Dear. We don't want your sister hurting you."

Spike grabbed Willow and walked after Drusilla and Dawn.

"Hey! Wait! Where'd they go?! Their gone!" Buffy yelped hitting Xander in the arm.

"Ow! Watch the Slayer strength will ya? And how'd they get away? We're right next to the door?"

"Xander theres a back door! How could we be so stupid!?"

"Well theres nothing we can do right now anyway. We need to go home and get some sleep and pick this back up in the morning when we're not falling over asleep."

"Xander. I think we're forgetting something. We both have work! And I haven't patrolled in almost a week! How are we going to do this? Dawn's school is going to notice that she haven't been there in days. And we can't keep ditching out jobs or we're going to get fired then we'll be really screwed. I mean I'm already way low on cash. I have bills and I have to buy food. And I haven't bought a new pair of shoes in a week!" Buffy wailed.

"Yeah you right...We both need to work and you need to patrol. Maybe we can get Anya to work on finding Dawn and Willow." Xander said more then a little just talking to him self.

"Yeah that might work. Well I'm going to head home you should too. I'll call Anya and talk to her."

Buffy headed out the door with Xander behind her. They both split up to go to their homes.

Drusilla's family's home

Willow was once again changing her cloths at a rapid pace enjoying using magic and getting cloths at the same time. "Hey Dru? Does this make me look fat?" She asked turning to Drusilla wearing a dark purple mini skirt and a black baby doll t-shirt.

Slowly looks at Willow up and down. "Oh you look so pretty! And sweetie you could _never_ be fat. In fact your a bit under weight. Have you been eating enough?"

Willow smiles and ran her hands over her skirt as if smoothing wrinkles. "Thanks Dru. And Yes I'm eating fine. I've just always been thin. Well that and the whole guilt and depression thing before I was turned so I wasn't eating much back then and it's not like Buffy is the bast at paying attention and stuff."

Drusilla looked at her again. "You should try to eat more, Luv. You need to get strong and ready in case we need you in the fight with the Slayer."

"Yes mom." Willow said rolling her eyes at the mothering Drusilla tended to do.

"Good girl." Drusilla cooed happily then went back to brushing Miss. Edith's hair.

Dawn flew across the room and hit the floor with a loud "OW! Dawn it Spike do you have to throw me that hard?!?"

"Dawn you're going to have one hell of a hard time if you can't handle just falling down."

Dawn sighed and stood up cracking her joints and walked back over to Spike. "Ok ok. Lets try this again. I'm I big bad nasty vampire I can do this."

Spike grinned. "Thats my girl. Ok now come at me."

Dawn threw a punch at Spike and found her self on her back again. "Oh gods! I'm never going to learn to fight!"

"Relax, Nibblet. No one learns this over night. It takes time. Even the Slayer spent years before she was able to fight like she does now."

Dawn pouted. "Not true! Buffy was killing vampires five minutes after she found out she was a slayer! And she was at the skill level she's at now in like a week of training! If she wasn't she would have been dead in the permanent sense before she ever even got kicked out of school."

Spike blinked. "How do you know that?"

"I read her diary."

Spike burst into laughter. "Sneaky little thing aren't you?"

Dawn nodded then got to her feet again. "Ok lets try this again before I just give up and stake my self."

Spike slapped her up side the head. "No talking about staking you self young lady! Now attack me."

Dawn rubbed her head and kicked out at Spikes legs and shocked herself and him when she knocked him over.

Spike gaped up at her from the floor then grinned. "Way to go Bit! I knew you'd get it!" He jumped easily to his feet. "Ok now lets try that again!"

© Copyright 2002 Dru (UN: drusilla18 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Dru has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/193382-Season-7-part-2